100 pounds gone forever

Dec 20, 2007

I did it.  Today I hit 100 pounds lost. I cant believe it. Never did I think I would have lost this much weight. I still have a long way to go but this is definatly a good start. My life has changed so much . I have more energy. I dont need to sit on the couch anymore. I just keep on going. Maybe it is the coffee, but I am so proud I can scream. 

I remember how scared I was to have the surgery. I did not know what to expect. But let  me tell you I am so glad that I did this for myself. I never do anything for myself. This was the best thing for me and my family. I am a better wife and a better mother. I gave my girls the best gift. They are going to have me around for a long time. 

If anyone out there is scared to have a RNY, take it from me go ahead. Do it you will not regret it. 


Reaching my mini goal

Dec 04, 2007

I am almost there. Today I got on the scale and I am down 93 pounds. I wanted to be down 100 by Dec 31st. I think I will be there before.  

On Sunday I tried on a braclet that my husband baught me for Christmas several years ago. It never fit . Finally it fits. I am really proud of myself. 


New Mini Goal

Nov 03, 2007

I am setting a new mini goal for myself. I want to hit 100 pounds by December 31st.  Right now I am at 77 pounds. I have 23 more to go.

WOW moment

Oct 27, 2007

I did it today.  I weigh 298.  I got under 300 pounds!!!!!!!!!! I could not believe the scale. Another wow moment for me. Now I have lost 74 pounds.  I love my RNY.

Back from Vacation

Oct 26, 2007

We are back from vacation. I had a nice time. I have not seen my dad for 1 1/2 years. The plane ride was great. I fit in the seats and was able to get my seat belt on. That was a great feeling.

We went to Disney World for the day. It was so hot. Even thow I was sweating I was fine. I kept up great. I don't know I could have done it 70 pounds heaver. The funny thing was is I made my husband go on the Aladin ride with our 4 year old, because I was afraid I would not fit in the ride. The funny part is he is bigger than me now. I realised I did that when I looked at the pictures. 

mini goal

Oct 04, 2007

Today I did it> I hit my mini goal. I lost 60 pounds. I wanted to be down 60 pounds by the time I went to Florida. I even have one week to go.  

Now I am 312

50 pounds

Sep 20, 2007

Today It hit 50 pounds!!!!  HA ME

RNY July 31, 2007   372

         Sept. 20, 2007  322

today was a good day

Sep 18, 2007

Today was a good day. Got on the scale and was just 1 pound sort of 50. I now only have 1 chin and you can see my neck. And I had to wear my husbands t-shirt because all my close are getting to big. This was a good day.

Finally the scale is moving after a 2 week stall.

I am starting to think I made the right chose by having my RNY.

My new mini goal is to be down 60 pounds by the time I go to Florida. October 13th. I have not seen my dad in 1 1/2 years.

Is this working

Sep 10, 2007

I had my RNY on July 31, 2007 and I wake up every morning and think is this working, am I going to actually lose anything. I go to bed at night thinking did I do the right thing. Some days I really want the food I use to eat and some day I am fine. Having the surgery was the easy part for me. Know I am left with a empty feeling. Food was comferting for me. It was social and a big part of my life. Know what the fuck do I do. 

I am losing weight so that does help. Finding the time to exercise has been a chalenge. 

Everyone says by next summer you will be looking great. I will beleave it when I see it!!!!!!!

About Me
sayreville, NJ
Aug 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 9
100 pounds gone forever
Reaching my mini goal
New Mini Goal
WOW moment
Back from Vacation
mini goal
50 pounds
today was a good day
Is this working
