Day 55...

Mar 06, 2011

So not happy right now...I only lost 4 pounds since my last post.. I'm working out trying to eat right but everything I try taste aweful or the smell makes me nausous. I went and visited my trainer.. Didn't workout with him. I don't feel like I'm ready to tackle that obstacle yet. I do miss him though.. But 4 pounds.. SOOOOOO disappointed. I have a goal and I want to reach it. I know I will but right now its stressing me out.. So far so good on my hair.. I'm really scared about that too. My hair has grown out so nice and I would be freaking devastated if anything happens. Well I'm done venting, tomorrow I hope to get keep going strong enough to break through this and lose those three pound I have been working towards getting rid of. Gezzzzz... 50 lbs to lose is a job in itself.. I need to hire an assistant..lmao. The treadmill isn't being producing results fast enough. I'm lifting my weights too.. Don't want saggy skin..I need to look nice and tight for when I'm on the beach... Alrighty.. I'm done venting. I know what i have to do and it will get done..


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