Its a better day today

Feb 10, 2009

It is a better day today, 198 lbs and holding and coming to the realization that there are so many things out of my control that I just need to ride the wave, good or bad, or just completely succumb, as I am not a quitter the latter is not an option for me.

So tired lately, I took 2 days off over the weekend to get some things accomplished and some much needed rest, I made it to the drug store and was able to get my St John's Wort, I needed it so much, just a few days back with this supplement and I can feel a lifting in my over all mood and outlook.

I have 40 lbs to goal, I need to rededicate and get serious about taking care of myself.  In the past year, I have slipped back so much with negative mind set, thankfully, my band has been here to keep me from regaining what I have lost, I just been on the longest plateau of all time HEE HEE.

Need to break the soda habit again, I know, my bad, so easy for me to use the excuse of stress for this, simply, I love it, but it is not good for me at all.  My Mom's doc said that diet soda is even worse, because most of it contains aspertame, looking it up, it is poison! It is manufactured in the same way fingernail polish remover is, unbelieveable, and most diet things including Jello brands all contain aspertame, I am shunning all of these products, some of the symptoms include fatigue, unable to concentrate, forgetfulness, sounds so familiar.

Getting back on the wagon has taken me awhile, I fell completely off-I mean really off, not logging anything I ate, drank what I wanted and snacked when I wanted--no way I am going to make goal this way, so water, water, water, log what I have eaten and walking--I am going to run--the last time I tried, all the jarring from my big belly made my port site hurt, I am about 25 lbs slimmer, going to give it another go.

Until next time blessings to all, keep your chins up, our journeys are different but our goals are the same.


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Surgery Date
Aug 03, 2006
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