It's never a good time ...

Jul 16, 2010

... I have an updated personal (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE WORK) to-do list of easily 100 things. I'm going through both a State and Federal Tax audit. I just told the mortgage company to go to hell. They can take this fucking $800K mortgage if they aren't willing to renegotiate this damn thing down. The friggin house is worth half that now! The folks at work "love" me and they continue to give me more responsibility and what I like to call "opportunities for success."

I could easily NOT have surgery and blame it on timing. The reality, though, is that there is never a good time to stop and take care of yourself. If I dropped dead right now folks would think about me as long as a hand leaves a print in water. I tolkd my SVP a week ago that I was going to be out for a week. I know he was thinking ". . . damn, this couldn't be worse timing." To hell with it -- I've got to get this taken care of so that I can be here for my family and be an even more productive member of my firm.

My philosophy -- relish and absorb all the business.

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