New Year...New Beginning

Jan 02, 2012

Day 3 of the New Year.  Today is the day!  Today I will start my new plan.  Today I will succeed!  Yesterday is gone, but Today lives on.

After having in-laws here for over a week during the Holidays and indulging in more than my share of sweets, I weighed in on Dec. 31st at 213# which showed another weight gain.  Ugh!  But it's time to move forward....Yesterday's weigh-in was 208.4#.  Finally moving in the right direction! 

I'm ready.  I have all my exercise videos out, cords, balance ball, ab lounge, etc.  I've pulled out my weight loss books, my WLS info, my checklists, journals and anything else I could find that I think might help.  I've got the tools, now I just have to focus and put them to use. 

It's now after midnight, which is a weight-loss no-no that I need to work on.  Time for sleep.  Then up to exercise (my muscles will rebel I"m sure!), have a healthy breakfast, and then off to take my daughter-in-law to work and babysit my 7 month of granddaughter, Liliana.  Today is a New Day!  This is a Day the Lord has made! I Will Rejoice and be Glad in it! 


Weigh In Reality

Dec 01, 2011

I set a goal to find the courage to weigh myself and found myself meeting that goal inadvertently by having to go for a follow-up with my PCP.  Of course they "must" weigh you in.  So ready or not, the reality stared me in the face.  209#!  A regain of 60# and almost putting me back at my start weight.  

I could say "How did this happen?" but I know.  Emotional Eating.  Comfort Foods that only pretend to comfort you while sabotaging all the hard work you've done and bringing you anything but comfort in the end.  

It's scarey. Can I do it?  Can I find the motivation and inner drive I need to move forward?  Can I give up the comfort foods?  Can I rise above my self-sabotaging selfish desires for sugar?  Can I give up chocolate??  :(


Struggling in Year 4 - continued

Nov 30, 2011

Guess I should have included the things in my journey that has lead me to where I am today.  I did pretty well losing weight from the time of my RNY in August of 2007 until August of 2009.  That's when my 11 month old grandson, Chasellor Jr., was killed in a horrific accident.  Him and his parents lived with us at the time, so he was like my own child.  After the shock...Emotional eating took over.  Fast forward 10 months to June 2010, when we experienced a House Fire and had to live outside our home for 6 months while it was gutted and repaired.  More Emotional Eating.....Fast forward another 8 months to February 2011 when I was a passenger in an auto accident and ended up with severe whiplash, spent 6 months in physical therapy and still have issues with my neck even now.  The Emotional Eating Continues....And why not throw menopause into the mix with hormonal ups & downs.  LOL!! 

End result is another tradgedy....Weight Regain, Lowered Self-Esteem, Depression

So here I the Brink of ?   I once had optimisim, drive, determination.  I desperately need to find it again before it's too late.  Any suggestions??


Struggling in Year 4

Nov 30, 2011

It's just before midnight...December 1st looms in wait.  Another month has gone by and I'm still gaining weight instead of losing it.  My fault.  Wrong Foods, No Exercise, Emotional Eating... Seems hopeless again.  I got control of my eating, but the weight didn't budge, just like pre-RNY GBP.  Dr. said No to revision surgery and that weight gained after GBP usually doesn't come off.  Depression hit and here I am.  

I've gained over half of my lost weight back.  It's horrible.  I had to buy all new clothes recently because I couldn't breathe in the sizes I had.  I guess I should have kept my fat clothes because I could use them agai

I'm hoping to find some encouragement, ideas and direction here at the OH site.  Wish me Luck and Please Say A Prayer.  


Almost 2 yrs Post-Op!

Jul 09, 2009

It's been almost 2 years since my GBP.  Time has flown by!   Currently I am at a 88# wt loss out of the 120# goal I had set.  While 120# wt loss goal may have been overkill, I'd still like to break the 100# loss mark. 

I gained 13# between December and April....all my fault.   Not enough exercise and unfortunately I realized I could eat Toffee Fays and Peppermint Patties and went balistic
.  I was never a candy person before, so I'm not sure why I went crazy, but an amazing thing happened.  We are a family of faith and prayer.  After having a hard time avoiding the candy, my husband said a simple prayer.  The next thing I know, the candy started to make me sick!  Even after months of eating the stuff!!   Sad to see it go, but happy that God saved me from myself! And for having such a wonderful caring husband!  

Since then I've been working on sticking to the low fat, low sugar snacks.  But like everything else, these too have to be in moderation.   I've been maintaining but not losing the weight I had gained, so my husband joined me this week in doing a protein shake diet.  The plan for me was to do the 2 week pre-op diet to kick start the weight loss again.   Unfortunately ever since my surgery, I haven't had such a good time drinking these shakes, but I'm persevering.  After a day and a half of only clear liquids & protein shakes, I wasn't feeling right, and experiencing alot of dizziness.  So I've adjusted things and am now doing 2 shakes and a small meal of meat and veggies.  This seems to be helping.  I'm working on including some exercise too.  So of the 13# that I gained, I've lost 6# of it.  My goal is to lose the rest of what I gained and another 10# by the end of July.  Wish me luck! 



The Countdown has Begun

Jul 22, 2007

The countdown has begun.... I have my pre-op testing tomorrow (7/23) and pre-admission assesment on Friday (7/27).  All I have to do after that is pace the floors until the following Friday (8/3), SURGERY DAY!  

I seem to be doing okay with having nothing but protein shakes and clear fluids, although I've noticed that my patience is a bit shorter.  God will be my strength through this.  I know I can depend on him to help me find peace during this liquid diet phase. 

Trying to Patiently Wait

Jun 25, 2007

Okay, I'm trying to patiently wait for my final 4 appointments before my surgery, but patience has never been my strongest virtue.  

I think once I get to July 10th, when my first 2 appointments are, I'll feel better and like things are progressing.  

It's almost torturous to tell you that you've finally been approved and then have to wait another month and a half!  LOL   

But then again, I tell myself that it's best to wait for God's timing than to push things into my own timeframe and watch them get totally screwed up.  


June 19, 2007

Jun 22, 2007

Got a call from Lori this morning asking me if I still wanted to have the surgery.  Duh?!  Of course....she said well that's good because they recieved my APPROVAL this morning!!  I can't believe that I was approved in just one day from our new insurance company that we haven't even been a member for 30 days yet.  God is so good!   

I've been bouncing off the walls with excitement.  I emailed Dianne for an updated Support Group listing so that I can go back to the meetings.  I need to refresh myself of all the details too.   Good thing I have a jumbo notebook full of information and details and didn't get rid of it!  

Since I haven't seen a Nutritionist for months, Lori suggested a have a refresher appt.   I also need to see Nate (Personal Trainer) twice before surgery and have my final consultation with Dr. Trieu.  From there they will coordinate a surgery date and I will have to do the 2 week pre-op Protein Shake diet and go through the pre-admission testing.  

My Nutrition appt is with Christa and my first Personal Trainer appt. with Nate are both on 7/10.  My 2nd appt. with Nate and my final consultation with Dr. Trieu is on 7/17.  I'm hoping that my surgery will be the first week of August.  Sooner would be nice, but depends on how fast they can schedule the surgery and still give me 2 weeks for the Protein Shake diet.  

All in all....Thanks to my Heavenly Father...I'm on my way! 

June 18, 2007

Jun 22, 2007

Received an email from Lynn telling me that she submitted my complete application to Blue Choice this morning.  May take a week or so to hear from them.  Will let me know when she hears something. 

June 14, 2007

Jun 22, 2007

Finally received our new insurance cards.  Faxed a copy to Lynn (Insurance person at the Bariatric Center) and also emailed a copy to Lynn and Lori.   Received email replies from both saying that my evaluations were still good since they had been done within a year, so they could submit my application immediately.  Lynn said she would make sure my packet was organized before submitting it.  Both wished me luck. 

About Me
Anson, ME
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2006
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 29
The Countdown has Begun
Trying to Patiently Wait
June 19, 2007
June 18, 2007
June 14, 2007
