Where Am I today?

Aug 08, 2008

It has been 20 months since I had RNY. My life has taken many curves, hills, and a huge mountain. I am so lucky to be here and healthier then I have ever been.  A year ago I decided to challenge myself and signed up for the Avon Breast Cancer Walk in SF. I knew I had to walk a marathon and a half (39.5 miles). As time passed and I started training, I never realized how my health was going to get me through the struggles I was about to face. 5 months prior to the walk, I lost my lovely brother. I was left devastated and empty. I can not put into words the huge hole that was left in my spirit and lack of luster for life I felt. I stopped training and taking care of myself. 

It took 3 months for me to come to the realization that I needed to keep walking...walking in life, not just for me but also for him to keep his memory alive. I slowly got back into the swing of things. Walking a few miles here and there. When the day finally came, I asked him to give me the strength and motivation to finish what I was about to start. This was the largest mountain I was about to climb in my life.

Slowly the miles passed....1, 3, 5,10, 15...I felt great and I kept moving. I couldn't believe myself. Not before long I was in front of my pack. Trying to keep moving up and down the hills....16, 18, 20 miles.. Just a little bit more. The first day I accomplished 23 miles!!! A few blisters but I was amazed.. My body  did it!!!  Of course returning the next morning and starting off on the next leg was not easy. UP and Down the steep hills of SF was grueling. GRUELING!!! It was the longest struggle of my life...the miles never ended..but I never stopped. The whole time I kept asking my brother to keep my feet moving..Take the pain away. My teammates where there to support me and I was there for them. I never stopped, I never wanted to quit........the last 3 miles were the worse. I pulled my hamstring, strained arches, blisters on both feet...I just kept going, going, going...Walking thru the finish line was extremely emotional.

I walked for everyone who has been affected with Breast Cancer and I walked for myself. I walked because I could. If I had not had the RNY I would have never been able to help make a difference in the lives of others.

On my way

Mar 26, 2008

It has been 15 months since my surgery. I feel like a completely different person. I started as a size 18-20 and now I am wearing a size 10. I do not remember ever being this size let alone 175lbs!!! I still don't believe it . The last 6 months have been extremely challenging for me. LOTS OF STRESS from life in general. I find myself reverting back to old bad habits. I have to catch myself quick and remind myself what is best to eat and best to do for my new body. I am not at my goal yet, but in time. I love getting up every day and look forward to staying healthy and happy. One day at a time!!

6 months Post OP

Jun 21, 2007

I can not believe it has been 6 months. The time has gone by so fast. I look in the mirror and I see myself with a new body, slimmer face and the same big smile.  It is really funny when I run into people that have not seen me in months and they are blown away. They are in complete shock. I started at 263lbs and today I weighed myself and I am at 189. I have not seen 189 since I was 15 yrs old and even then I believe I flew by it……… WOW......WOW is all I can say. I have finally found a more comfortable routine with my food and I can jog 30 mins non stop!!!!! That is huge for me. I feel much more comfortable with eating out and eating in front of people. I still struggle with being frustrated because some restaurants just do not have the best choices.  This is the best decision I could have ever made!!!

What a Journey this has been

Mar 27, 2007

Today it has been 15 weeks since I was given the chance at a new life. I am 54 lbs lighter!!! I am in shock when I look at myself in the mirror.  I  had a minor set back. I had to have surgery 2 weeks ago today to repair a hernia.  It was not so much a set back emotionally but physically. I was just getting into the swing of things and starting to physically become more active. That could be the reason I ended up with the hernia in the first place. I did catch myself feeling sad while I have been recovering and slipping back into a bad habit of mindless eating. Thank GOD he was watching over me and helped me stop and recognize that I was not hungry and even though physically I could not move much do to my recovery, I had to force myself to follow the DR's orders and rest my body and mind.!!!


Jan 08, 2007


About Me
gilroy , CA
Surgery Date
Dec 05, 2006
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 5
Where Am I today?
On my way
6 months Post OP
What a Journey this has been
