My problems started when I became pregnant. I was 103 when I got pregnant at the tender young age of 19, got up to 160 before delivery. Lord, would I love to be that weight again!!! After my son was born I lost a little, then got married (yeah, I did things backwards back then)  had a thyroid problem. Weight went up and down. Had my thyroid out, was around 130. Then I expierenced the ever popular "DIVORCE DIET"! I was one of those people that don't feel like eating when going through a crisis so I ended up weighing 115. And I certainly showed off my figure whenever the ex came around...revenge is always sweet when you're the one revenging. So life was good for a while, had a live in boyfriend for about 3 years, after I dumped his sorry ass out the door I preferred the solitary lifestyle and devoted more time to my son and myself. Needless to say I didn't devote time to my weight which proceed to increase daily, weekly, monthly,yearly.  Became fatter , was embarrassed, figured I wouldn't be able to find anyone who would want to date me, so continued not caring how I looked. So.....after 17 years of datelessness....(yes 17 frickin years of no nothing if you catch my drift), I resigned myself to the fact that I'm never going to find anyone who wants to date a fluffy,fatty Terri. I even thought of checking out those men who are called "chubby chasers". You know, men who like fat women? But after checking out those freaky sites I realized that I wasn't even fat enough for them!  Of course I know I never would have gone that far, I wasn't that deparate...yet. But fate intervened and I found the best guy right where I work!!!!! We have been married for 4 years now, together for 6. But...unfortunately  he loves food just as much as I do and has zero will power when it comes to saying no to the wrong foods. Fast food became our worst enemy. Since I met the love of my life I have gaind over 80 lbs. On one hand I was happy that someone loved me for me, fat folds and all...but now I am up to 266!!!!!!!!!!! I was at 283 (my heaviest) 3 months ago. But since I started  the bariatric program I have lost about 17 pounds. So here I am...doing the program and hoping for the best. I'm anxious about the surgery, excited to losing weight and hoping that this will encourage my husband to change his life's habits along with me.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 18, 2007
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