Hi my name is Crystal I am 29 yrs. old and I have struggled with my weight all of my life.I was a chubby baby a hefty kid and now apparently an obese adult. Funny I was just thinking about the time that my mom got me a nightgown that said "I'm not fat,I'm just fluffy".I was only 15 and I remember being so upset because it didn't fit. it was really hard to grow up with a slim mom and an even slimmer sister,hard because I was picked on at home and at school it felt alot like there was no escape and no one to turn to.I was only really successful at losing weight once when I was 19,I went from over 260 pounds to 193 in 6 mos. that was the smallest # I had ever remembered seeing and then within 2 yrs. of that I put back on all the weight and added another 40 pounds so right now I am the heaviest that I have ever been.So that's some of my story for now......

About Me
May 02, 2009
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