
Oct 18, 2009

I am still healing from my varicose vein surgery and wishing it was over with. I have to have another procedure done in December and then hopefully we will be done. I sure hope it will be worth it! On a plus note, I have to wear the support hose through February, which should hopefully keep my legs warmer over the winter. I have been freezing since my bypass and have been wondering how this winter would go. I am sure once the whole process of my veins is complete, I will look and feel 100% better in the leg department. I was measured for the stockings on Friday and was very surprised that the guy who did the measuring wanted to put me in a medium stocking! MEDIUM! I have NEVER worn anything medium in my life! In the end we went with the large since we were doing panty hose type stockings and my waist is a bit higher than the max on the medium size. I am extremely happy with a LARGE as well! Geez! I was thinking that I would need XLarge at least if not plus size still. That is the old brain in my thinking I am still the same size I was for so many years! It''s unbelieveable at times! My weight loss is sooo much slower now, but I can accept that since I do still lose a pound or two each month. I know I will get to my goal and when I do I will be able to maintain it! I really am so very glad I had gastric bypass!

Please help set me free!

Oct 07, 2009

SET ME FREE! …and help the March of Dimes arrest the rising rate of premature birth. 1 in 8 babies is born too soon. These tiniest babies struggle to survive, and too often they don’t.

I will soon be incarcerated in the March of Dimes Jail & Bail where I will be served only the finest bread and water (okay, maybe lunch!) You can help ensure my good behavior through your contribution. My hard-earned bail will aid and abet the March of Dimes in funding lifesaving programs of research, education and community services. Programs that will save babies’ lives.


The March of Dimes mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
Please give whatever you can to help!  Thanks!



Update on me!

Oct 01, 2009

This week on Monday, I had vericose vein closure with ligation.  The procedure went really well, but the doc had to make an incision that wasn't planned at the top of my thigh.  I have to wear compression hose and the hose are rubbing against the incision so it's still pretty painful.  On a really positive note, I have never been able to get the full benefit of compression hose as my thighs were always too big and the hose rolled down all the time.  I am in a pair of XL hose now and they go all the way to the top of my thighs and don't roll down at all.  That was a WOW moment!  So, my legs are pretty badly bruised right now and really achy, but I think it's going to be so much better for me when all the bruising and achiness goes away.  My legs have always bothered me and since I have lost weight, the veins were sticking out even further and getting hit more often, so the pain was worse for awhile.  I am so excited to have had the chance to fix my body that has been so badly damaged for all these years.  I plan to now maintain it in pristine condition for the 2nd half (best half) of my life!'
I have been stuck at 102 lbs weight loss for along time now and feel it's time to kick it in gear again!  I know I can do this!  I have come so far and don't plan on stopping now!

It's official!

Aug 25, 2009

Woohoo!  I thought I would never see this!  100 lbs gone forever!  Now 65lbs left! 


Jul 30, 2009


July 23, 2009

Jul 22, 2009

Things are still going really well. I am mentally trying to adjust to the size I am now. I still pretty much see the old me in the mirror and am very critical of myself. I am my own worst enemy. I have been at a stall off and on for almost a month and it gets sort of frustrating. I keep telling myself that I am 90 lbs down and I look a hell of a lot better than I did in January! I have had 2 episodes of getting meat stuck and both times it has been beef. I really don''t like it as much anymore, didn''t even before I started having problems with it. I continue to eat it to ensure getting protein in. I just have to remember to chew better so I don''t risk getting it stuck. It''s no fun seeing it the second time around. Other than that, everything has been fine. My exercise level is still going good and I would like to try to step it up more, but with school and life, it''s hard sometimes. School starts back full time at the end of August. I have only had 2 classes over the summer so that hasn''t been too bad. I am over half way to my bachelors and can''t wait to be done!

July update!

Jul 09, 2009

Well one more pound and I will have lost 90 lbs!  WOOHOO!!!  I can hardly believe it!  I am so very thankful I had this surgery.  I truly believe it saved my life!  I feel so good about myself now and my confidence is much improved.  I still have a hard time with the mirror, I still see what I have always seen, but once in a while now I can see big changes.  I guess it just depends on the day!  My hair is falling out quite a bit now and I decided to get it all cut off so it wasn't as noticeable.  I know it will still fall out for a while, but with it being short now, the pieces are littler and don't come out as much.  Plus the cut I got kinda gives the illusion that it is still as thick as ever!  I did have one episode where I got a piece of meat stuck and that was a bad deal.  The rest of the food just laid on top of it and made a ball and it was pretty painful.  It's really hard for me to throw up now since my stomach is smaller.  It took me about 2 1/2 hours to actually get it to move so I could throw up.  My finace wanted me to go the the ER, but I wouldn't do it.  I knew it was coming up, just couldn't do it on command!  LOL  Anyway, I don't plan on doing that again as it was NOT fun!  All in all, I am very pleased with my results and I saw Dr. O'Brien on the 29th of June and he was pleased as well.  I don't go to see him again until the end of the year.  I plan to get my legs fixed (veins) in September and I am looking forward to that as I do get pain in my legs alot.  I am going to be a totally different person when it's all said and done and that will be fine with me!

June 3rd, 2009

Jun 03, 2009

Tomorrow will be 4 months since my surgery and I am feeling awesome! I have lost 78 lbs now and feel so much better healthwise than I have for a long time. It''s still touch and go sometimes on the food I eat, I get pains and then feel sick (produce major saliva). I have never actually gotten sick though, just had the symptoms of dumping or whatever. That has happened about 5 times total and it''s the worst feeling in the world. I think sometimes I tend to eat to fast and that contributes to the problems. That is the only bad thing to report! I just realized yesterday that my drivers license weight is now actually more than what I weigh and that was a major WOW moment! I am weighing 247 this week and my license has said 250 for years. haha Life is really good these days! I am so thankful for my surgery! It was just the tool I needed to start my new life!
 This little guy looks like I do in the water when I do my jump rope routine!  LOL
1 comment


Jun 02, 2009

Example 1
1 comment

Random thoughts...

May 20, 2009

It's just amazing how much my life has changed in just 3 1/2 months! I can't imagine ever eating or living like I did before surgery. I feel soooo good now, it's awesome! I have learned how to eat to live, not live to eat and that is something I thought I would never be able to say! My emotional eating is history now and that is also something I never would have thought would happen! I love my new lifestyle, I am not feeling like I am waiting around for something to happen anymore, now I am MAKING it happen and it's wonderful!

About Me
Pierre, SD
Surgery Date
Nov 06, 2007
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