Saying Hello & some affirmations

Jun 24, 2015

Hi folks, I haven't been on site/blogging/posting because I've pretty much stopped using all social media, we had to cancel my daughter's social media sites due to some language and bad folks she was getting in touch with and that were trying to get in touch with her; she's only 14 so I've been living by example and not getting on the computer this summer much either.  I just wanted to say Hi to everyone & to tell those that I've lost touch with to hang in there and keep on fighting.  You/Obesity help are my brothers & sisters in my battle of the buldge war. 

Another reason that I haven't blogged in a while is becaue as I mentioned in my May blog post at the beginning of Spring my Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer & I've been visiting with them a lot and trying to do some things around their house.  I would like to praise God and thankfully report that the chemo is shrinking his cancer, it's not gone and he's still fighting and still has to do 6 weeks of radiation 5 days a week after chemo is completed but at least the cancer is shrinking.  Now folks, that's a fight that puts a lot into perspective when my only current heath issue is how I haven't reached my goal yet,  I'm thankfully healthy right now and am always amazed at how hard my Dad is fighting and how faithful in his walk with Christ he continues to be even through the hard times.  My goal now is 175, I'm 5'9 so when I get there I'll be pleased as punch, or should I say pleased as an ice cold grape flavored crystal light water.  

As I type this, I'm not where I want to be with my weight in the 191-196 range...goes up and down depending on if I've ate too many peanuts...I'm not at goal but I'm sure as heck not where I was when I started, 282 was my start weight.  I can do so many things now that I couldn't before surgery.  When the question of how I've lost weight comes up from strangers in the gym usually after a hello I'm so & so nice to meet you, you too, you look great my reply is "thanks this time last year I almost weighed 300 pounds" how did you lose all that weight they ask...I am not one bit ashamed to tell them, be it people from church or strangers in the gym that I've had weight loss surgery, that my health was so bad prior to having it & that I had medical conditions that were so severe that my Doctors got me insurance approved to have the surgery.  WLS is not an end all cure all, it is a life long journey into exercise and healthy eating habits just like they are doing but with my initial start into surgery to get me on my way.  Is it anybody's business how I've lost weight? No, but I'm sure not ashamed to freely tell them about my surgery and answer questions if they have any...that's just how I've personally been handling that question. 

At this point in my journey I've increased my exercise routine and go to the gym more and spend about an hour & a half there each time & have come to get a great stress relief from sweating hard, sounds strange maybe but I don't feel that I've got a good work out in if I don't sweat much.  I don't look at my exercise routines now as just something that I have to do to lose weight but something that I want to do because I feel better after doing it.  For that brief amount of time each day what ever problems or worries I have are completely ereased from my mind as all I concentrate on is what I'm doing and what music I'm listening to. 

Another point that I would like to make to remind myself if I later read back on these postings is to continue to journal what you eat, exercise and how you're feeling on any given day.  It helps me stay on track and also helps me remember not to get discouraged because I've come a long way and it also gives me a reality check to not night-time snack if the weight is up.  I still only weigh once a week so I journal that too.  I also want to lastly add that you and only you are accountalbe for what you/I put in our mouth...if my husband buys snack food because he can because he's tall and in shape I just ignore it as if it weren't even there.  Only you can hold yourself accountable if you exercise or not.  When my hard working husband is off work from his long hour shifts for a few days and all he wants to do is veg out in front of the tv I just leave him there and go on to the gym, it's easy to sometimes just loaf around with him for a few days on end, and I've done that once but now I just leave him be and go get my work out in because it makes me feel better.  Do it for yourself not for anybody else.  Stay strong and keep fighting.  Belssings to all if anybody takes or has the time to read this long post.  Love yourself no matter where you're at in this jourey. 


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Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2014
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