I've Just About Made It:-)

Sep 18, 2009

Hello OH fam,
     I know that it's been a minute since i've posted or uploaded any new pics, but I'm back!!!! and hopefully I'll be able to keep it up at least once a month. Let me start by thanking all those who dropped by my page and shared some love! Last time I posted I was about 186, but now I am 148...YAY. I wear a size 8....big step from a 20...lol. I am so happy and loving life, words can't describe. So take care of urselves and ill make sure to do the same. Much love, Kia

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Almost there...20lbs to go:-)

May 29, 2009

YAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!! I made it to my 6 month goal!!! I am currently 168.5

A Little Discouraged

Mar 18, 2009

Hello Everyone,
    Let me start by thanking all those who have visited my page and left either a beautiful comment or message. It means alot.

    Now down to business! Perhaps I am being too hard on myself, but I have seemed to slow down as far as losing weight. I have been about 187-186 for the past three weeks. Mind you that I haven't been anywhere in the 180's since middle school. I know that I should count my blessings, for the fact that I have not gained any, but I am a little discouraged. I workout 4 to 6 days a week, with 3 of those days being 2 x's a day. I wlk and jog a minimum of 1 and 1/2 miles each time and have started to increase the days when I incorporate weights. Don't get me wrong I feel 1000x's better than I have in years and wouldn't trade having had the surgery for the world, but I am still not where I was hoping to be. Its been 3 and 1/2 months since surgery and I have lost between 54-55 lbs; bringing me from my all time high of 241 lbs. I can see a big difference within my clothes and my energy level. However, I still feel like I look better with my cloths on! My skin isn't sagging and I don't have any strech marks (except for around my navel). Does anyone have any tips on how I can Jump start this weight lost process again or should I just be patient and It will work it self out on its own? I am greatful to God from where I have come, but when I look in the mirror I see so much more potential in myself. I'm not trying to disappear, just regain the self confidence I once had. I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder I just am not feeling ait as much as I should.

Also, since the surgery, my hair has been thinning. Not to the point where it is noticeable to others (at least no one has pointed it out), but enough for me to ask what should I do? I'm taking the Biotin that my surgeon recommended. My face is also breaking out with more pimples than usual...I wake up from a nap and there one is...LOL. It's not that big of a deal, but was wondering if any one has had the same experience and has any advice. I can't get my body back and then my hair and skin go straight to shit...LOL. I refuse to give up on this battle. Soon It will be a battle no more . Thanks for listening to what might seem minor. Much love and best wishes to you all. Stay strong! Stay Focused!

The hardest part is over...Realizing that you had a problem and now doing something to make it right!


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The New Me and Counting!!!

Feb 22, 2009

Hello Everyone,
     My name is Kia and I am 23 Years old. I recently had Gastric Bypass surgery on November 24, 2008; which I can proudly say was the best day of my life. After being heavy set all of my (short) life, I realized that I needed an intervention. I have never been small, and the smallest I have been was in the 8th grade...180lbs. But then in fell in the right places. Recently, My stomach had gotten out of control. Most people could not believe that I weighed 241lbs prior to surgery; thus, they didn't feel that I even needed surgery. But as many of you can relate...They just don't know how I felt on the inside . I was absolutely miserable!!!!! I was borderline High Blood pressure, Serious Migraines (that lasted 4 days at a time), depressed, and at risk for developing Diabetes...Something I  was not having!!!   I previously tried Jenny Craig (in which I lost 27 lbs about 2 years ago), WeightWatchers (in which I gained 6lbs in a month ---I went from 235 to 241), Atkins (In which I lost 30 lbs in high school), and the Cabbage Diet (in which I lost nothing, but my MIND!!)LOL. I said to myself that "I was too young and too blessed in so many others areas in my life to be so UNHAPPY AND UNHEALTHY! It wasn't that I didn't like to workout...I just hated to work out and change my entire lifestyle and see NO RESULTS!!!.
    Today I weigh 190.5 lbs, which is 50.5 lbs from where I started. I'm one day from my 3 months out mark and I feel great. I wont deceive anyone into thinking that I have lost weight soley due to the surgery, because I haven't. However, the surgery has aided me in making conscious decisions about what and how much I eat.  I work out between 5 and 6 days a week and sometimes twicce a day. I hate getting up in the mornings to do it, but that's just a sacrifice I have to make!!!! I'm not sure of the goal I wish to reach because I don't remember being smaller than 185lbs and I thought I looked GREAT THEN, but at 190.5lbs I know I can see myself smaller than 180lbs now. So maybe between 155 and 165.
     I'm not good with coming on here to update things, but I will definitely try to keep you all in the loop!!! I wish everyone the best in their weightloss and maintainance goals.

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2008
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 4
