I feel good...da da da da da da da...da...like I knew that I wo

Jun 13, 2011

 I see my PCP this week to go over my medications.  My BP has been running in the high 80s and you know, that kind of makes you feel a little tired, funky.  I'm tempted to stop it myself but they always say not to.  So maybe my BP will be in the toilet by the time I see him, LOL!

I've lost about 17# since surgery.  I've dropped almost 2 sizes.  I'm using our guest room to pull all my clothes out and sort them, the ones that aren't fitting.  I've been going to thrift stores to buy clothes.  That's been fun!  Working on my tan while I'm off work.  I am soooo enjoying being off work.  I have hoarded my time for 3 years in order to have it to have surgery.  I also need to get my knee replaced but I wanted to do this first.  I thought my recovery would go smoother than if I were 200+ lbs.

I am so glad I went this route.  I am not regretting it at all!  I never thought I would though.

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May 06, 2011
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