home from hospital

Aug 29, 2009

well i'm relesed from the hospital and oh so tired going to get something to eat then go back to sleep
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My husband is leaving again...

Aug 19, 2009

so we found out that my husbands new unit is getting ready to deploy in Jan.. HE JUST GOT BACK... I know he is military its going to happen suck it up and keep truckin.... he starts his NTC next month and will prob miss our sons first birthday... And its going to be my first month after the surgery I'm going to be coming home to an empty house and its kind of upsetting.... Here we go Afghanistan... 

i weighed today

Aug 11, 2009

yesterday i weighed in and it said i gained 10pds sence the last time i thought i might be retaining water becouse my clothes still fit the same well i jumped on the scale and started to cry it said i gained  17pds then my son reached over and gave me kisses at witch point i relized i was holding the baby.... its going to be a long day.... 

I start my pre op liquid diet today

Aug 10, 2009

I started this morn my mom got me a cabinet full of different stuff so i wouldn't get board with something and give up I am so ready for the surgery just 11 days till my pre op apt and 15 till my surgery. as soon as i un pack the box with my scales in it i will up date my weight good or bad.. sorry i haven't been keeping up sence i started moving all will try to be better about it. 

Surgery Aug 25th

Jul 17, 2009

 I got my surgery date its Aug 25th I'm so excited now I'm off to Ft. Sill support group see you there if your there!!!

Surgery 1on1 with Dr.

Jun 26, 2009

I got a nother call from surgery i have my one on one with Dr. Reyes on July 17th 2009 at 2:45pm i'm really excited it looks like i might be staying here a lil after PCS date to do my follow up tho or i guess we will just see what is said on the 17th..

I'm Back!!!

Jun 25, 2009

So the past few months have been crazy.. My husband is back from Iraq finally... Him and the boys haven't been separated for a min. I still haven't been scheduled for my one on one. (manily becouse of my last 2 PCP) I've went to toes with my husbands ex wife. (over my weight loss of all things and her making rules in my house) I switched pcps twice. I lost my job and i'm a stay at home mom for now. And finally we are PCSing when I finally get cleared for surgery.  So if you read my last blog you will see that i kep getting UTI and my doc wouldn't clear me for surgery well not only that she wouldn't even treat me for it she couldn't see me for 2 months becouse how booked she was and then she wouldn't even write a perscription.  I called Tricare and got a new care provider i had to wait a month then they reschduled for 2 weeks then again for another month then surgery called and asked me why i hadn't done that last step then put infor the consult and tricare called me and adviced me to switch and the doc i got is awsome.  He isn't just worried about why i was in that day he wanted to know everything from begining to end asked me questions and has set me up for several test to make sure that my diagnosis was correct.  His ex wife says i'm looking for the easy way out if i consider the surgery but i've tried to lose weight on my own several times and it hasn't worked for me i can maintain but not lose so that is why i fill this will benifit me come to find out she is taking diet pills and she got off them and gained weight back and is mad at me becouse i'm getting the surgery. I fill its none of her bussiness and she should but out but i have to be nice for their son sake. But I've been put down by her for the longest and I'm tired of getting the beat down from someone like her of all people. So now i'm cleared I'm PCSing and they said it would all transfer so I'm really excited!!!


Got to love Dr's

Mar 30, 2009

 So my Doc told me I was cleared for surgery the day before she went on leave for 2 wks so i scheduled my apt with surgery and when i was there guess what they told me.... She didn't put it in the computer then she extended her leave she won't be back till the 6th of April so the hopes of me getting everything set before I started school kinda went down the drain.... So my surgery apt has been pushed back untill two weeks after she clears me again and this time puts it in the computers.... 


Mar 02, 2009

 Ok so my nutritionest has FINALLY cleared me and my one on one has been set for March 20th at 10:45am i'm really excited now just a few more days and my hubby is home... I've been really sick the past few days and i hope i can get over it before he gets here

A Change

Feb 23, 2009

 Ok so i wanted to lose alot of weight before my husband got home but that didn't happen so i have been filling down and out lately... I just wanted to look really good when he comes home.... He says he don't care how i look and just wants me when he gets home but I fill he needs more something better  so i know i'm getting the surgery and he wants me to wait on the one on one till he gets home so he can get all his questions out of the way.....i just didn't know what to do... So i went to the salon yeah i got my hair cut off and put red and blond highlights in i didn't know doing something so small could give me this much confidence.. becouse its so short i have to get up and fix it well with that fixed and i wash my face well should put on make up then find close that look good and thats when i get down again i just hate the way i look in everything.... Its what my family calls the front butt and my front butt is bigger then my real butt.... so now my delema is to try and tone as i lose the weight with the lap-band so that i don't have that much sagging skin... anyone have any ideas on what i can do at home with a 4yr old and a 5 month old?
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About Me
Killeen, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2009
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 12
