Guess Who's Back!!

May 02, 2024

17 Years Later... the weight came back ( but not all of it). But the journey continues. 


It's Been 25 Months Since My Least Blog Entry.. LONG TIME...

Apr 12, 2011

Hello everyone out there in LOSERville.  Well, I am still treking along in my journey, still haven't reached my goal wegith, but that was indeed my fault.  For those who are reading this and are considering having WLS, PLEASE know that WLS is NOT the MAGIC BULLET.   If you do NOT follow the rules you WILL REGAIN WEIGHT!!!!!!
 The smallest that I've gotten since having my surgery was 217.  To date I am 247.  (That's a 30 pound weight gain ).  So I decided to ONCE AGAIN to go B2B. I am just thankful for having to mindset to BEGIN AGAIN.  I've joined Planet Fitness and will be going for the first time tonight.  I am looking forward to it.   I am going to go back and retrace my steps to I find my "weigh" back again. 

Did She Do What She Said....

Mar 16, 2009

Have She Been Doing What She Said..     Good Morning OH.. How is everyone?? I know it’s been a while and I know that a lot of people have been wondering as to wheterh or not I have been doing what I stated. Well, YES Of course. I’ve been in the gym faithfull, (of just about) Since the end of January. I first started with the Discovery Channel National Body Challenge, and you know what I am sure glad that I did. By signing of with the Challenge it allowed me to jump start my fitnest regimen again, and it allowed me to get over my biggest fear of working out after work; I can now proudly say that I can go to the gym after work with no problem and without thinking twice about it. It also allowed me to jump start my weight loss again. You see I am over 2 years out so the weight loss has definitely slowed down, therefore I had to get my arse in gear… I don NOT want to be that BIG Ever again. Therefore, momma (moi’) had to do what I had to do so I had to make it do what it does. My biggest obstacle is trying to learn how to work the body harder and smarter and so far I believe that I am on the right track. When I first started I was between 235 and 237, now I can say that I fluctuate between 221-225 lb that’s good progress, but I am not satisfied. I have increased my water intake and I document everything that I do in the gym       In my last blog I was undecided as to what gym I was going to end up joining after this NBC ended. Well I decided to join the: (Drumroll please……..)

 YMCA..   Why did I choose the Y?? Well because it was the best choice for me and my son so that we are able to work out together. Now going to the Y is much different from going to Bally’s; I mean they don’t have as much equipment as the Y but I try to make do with what they do have. On last Tuesday I had the opportunity to join this “fun” class (sidebar.. notice the word fun is in quotes..) The class is a CardioFit BootCamp. It incorporates the following:   Jump Rope Weighted Bar Hand Weights Floor Exercises.   This class truly gave my body a complete workout. I’ll admit that I was mad with the instructor at first, but that’s over with.. I look forward to the class. I have a goal that I must meet by summer, and I AM/WILL Meet that goal.. I will not stop until I achieve it.. (Ok.. I know right then and there, I sounded a little deranged and crazy but I am serious.. LOL) I mean what is the use to having the surgery only to get small enough to still be eligible for surgery. To me personally, that doesn’t make any sense. Although I did well with my weight loss, you know going from a BBFW (Big Beautiful Fluffy Woman) to a SLLD (Smaller Little Lamb Dumpling).. I know that I can do better when it comes to getting my water/vites/fitness/protein/rest in. My goal is to take this thing to another level, and stop talking about it and just simply be about it therefore for the first time I am going to work out in the gym for 90 mins.. (Please pray that I don’t pass out .. LOL)   I have a goal to reach darn it and I have PS to get; (Because this stomach has G.O.T. 2 G.O. It sags.. L So it has to go. Well, that’s all I have to say.. until next time.. 


My WOW Moment

Feb 18, 2009

I recently shared my OH page with a friend of mine who have known me prior to surgery.  And I showed him this picture below:

He then asked me who was that "Fat" Chick..  I just turned to him and said..

That's WAS me..   He had to take a double take and said that it doesn't even look like me.

All I can do was laugh while he was looking at the picture trying to remember that I once looked like that.

<---------Feb 2009


Working Out Is Really Paying Off.. Look At The Neckline

Feb 15, 2009

<---December 2008.---------------------

Daises2009 by you.<---------February  14th 2009---------------


Did I Or Didn't I Stop Being A Punk About The Gym???

Feb 01, 2009

Well, It's been just about 1 week if not over a week since I decided to make a decision in regards to me not bneing a punk and go to the gym.. First off, let me just say that I have never been a fan of going to the gym after work or in the evening.  I guess it would have something to do with  (the gym) being crowded during those times of day and not getting to the maching that you would like to get to.  But I am happy to say that I got over the "refusing to attend the gym in the evening" syndrome, and I STILL do not like it, however it is the only time that I have that will allow me to get the time that I need and required.  So on Monday evening (((ugggh)) January 26th 2009 I entered Bally's  And almost walked out.. LOL..  Yes.. It was crowded... I just figuered that since it was the end of January the gym would've decline in membership from those who vowed to wanted to lose weight, but boy was I wrong.  I'm telling you, I wanted to walk out right then and there.  But I figured that I didn't come all this way STRAIGHT FROM WORK to come to the gym just to walk right out.. LOL  (Sidebar, I have done that before, I'll tell you that story at a later date.)  Ok.. So I informed the person at the front desk that I was using my free membership from the National Body Challenge Program, and that's when I was given the proper paperwork to complete and was introduce to Tariq.  I changed my clothes and  with my training diary in hand 3 quart bottle of water, cd player cd's and energy proceeded to meet with a Bally's who talked to me about the several ways as to how I can get started. So we started with cardio.. My choices, the ever popular treadmill and the elliptical machine ( one with  "ski-like" handles and one without..)  Well since all of the treadmills were completely occupied we opted for the elliptical machine.  No to be honest with you, I was kind of hesitant but I didn't want this muscular manly man to see how much of a punk I really am.. , so I did the elliptical.. I got on the machine the Bally's employee entered my weight and age and entered the time  (30 mins) At first I was like.. Ummm... But... I managed to get it down...  LOL And I can honestly say that I really enjoyed it. After doing the 30 minutes I begin to do weight/resistance training.  Burn and Fatigue was my mantra for the day and I am glad to report my training diary for Monday:
Mantra Of The Day:  Burn Fatigue.. REPEAT..Burn Fatigue... REPEAT...

Cardio Activity:

Crosstrain Elliptical Machine     30minutes (First Time On The Machine)

Resistance Training:      Hips/Thighs/Legs/Glutes 
                                   Hip Adduction      3 Sets of 25 @ 80lbs Each  ( I use to do 3 sets of 20 @ 60lbs each)

                                   Hip Abduction      3 Sets of 20 @ 80lbs Each  ( "                                                    ")

                                   Leg Extention      3 Sets Of 20 @ 60lbs Each  (I use to do 3 sets of 10 at 50lbs each ).

So I can honestly say that on Monday I had a good Tuesday was a great day as well.

Mantra Of The Day: SWEAT BURN FATIGUE..That's It.

Cardio Activity:

Treadmill                        30min at 3.0

Resistance Training:  Torso/Leg Quadriceps/Abd/Glutes

                                   Rotary Torso                  3 Sets of 20 @ 48lbs Each
I was only ble to do one side because I didn't know how to adjust the machine so that I could do the other side.. 

                                   Seated Leg Press           3 Sets of 25 @ 95lbs Each

                                   Glute Isolator                  1 set of 20 @ 30lbs (Per Leg) 2 sets of 20 at 40lbs Each (Per Leg)

Mission was accomplished... I figured that since I trained and worked out really hard on the past 2 days I would rest on Wednesday Now on Thursday it was a different story. I went down into the changing area and I had a "I Look/Feel Fat" moment when I walked past the mirror.  I believe that it had to do with what I was eating on this past week.  It was those darn String Cheese Sticks.. LOL  I LOVE those things, and I couln't eat just one.. and there were other things that I ate. So on Thursday I only did the following:

Cardio Activity:

Cardio  30 mins at  with 10 mins 3.2 and a 1.5 incline. 

So as you can see boys and girls,I don't quite do my best.    It was on that day I decided to start chalk the rest of the week as a lost, and just try it again on this coming week.  I really felt like a failure because I didn't overall accomplished what I set out to do.  I was determined to give it 500% and was only able to accomplish 265%.  I know that there is nothing that I could do about it now but let it go.. I also know that eack new day/week/month is a chance for a new beginning.  My new beginning will start on Monday Feb 2nd 2009.  With doing the proper things that I need to do so that I can accomplish what I need to accomplish.  Well that's my report for now... So Hopefully I will have a better report to post next time.




Ok.. I Need To Stop Being A Punk And Get My Arse Into The Gym..

Jan 21, 2009

Spring is right around the corner, and I know that I need to get my freaking arse into the gym.  I haven't returned into the gym as of yet.  Don't know why.. I look MUCH better now than I did when I first entered the gym during my preop days..  It seems that I am making up every kind of excuse for NOT going into the gym.. ...  The main excuse that I have been using lately is that "It's Ben Too Cold".  LOL I know, that was a punk move of an excuse... SMH...  All I know is that I need to get back in there.  Without.. I said WITHOUT FAIL, ASAP..

The way it looks I may have to join 2 gyms.. LOL.. I hear you laughing and I see you shaking your heads..and yes.. you have read right.. I will have to join 2 gyms.  The reason for this is because I want the benefit of working out in the morning and still be able to get to my job refreshed and on time, and I would like to work out at the Y at night during the times that my son is there. So I will have to join 2 gyms.  Believe you me, it's not easy for me to find a gym that will fit my needs as well as my time schedule..  When it comes to working out.. I am very much a morning person.. I'm the type that likes to get it in early in the morning.....(Sidebar for you dirty minded people.. GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER.. LOL.  Meaning that I am the type of morning person that I am able to get into the gym at 5:30 in the AM and think nothing of it while doing my cardio and weight training.  I could just join the Y alone, however... the timing would be off for me..  Wish me the best of luck.. I am already 2 weeks behind my "joining the gym schedule".  So until I decide on what gym will be my morning gym, I will be working out for FREE for 30 days at Bally's without signing or being obligated (pressured) to join .  Ohhh.. you didn't know about that??? Well let me hip you to it.. It seems that the The Discovery Channel is having it's National Body Challenge Promotion once again and I have signed up to receive some of the great benefits like:

National Body Challenge is a FREE, comprehensive fitness and weight-loss challenge that provides the tools and inspiration — online, on television and beyond — to get in shape, shed pounds and find the real, healthier you inside.

Join now and receive FREE:

  • 30 day pass to Bally Total Fitness®*
  • Custom meal plans with over 1,000 easy to prepare, nutritionist-approved recipes
  • Progressive fitness plans, tailored for you by experts
  • 24/7 support from successful Challengers
  • Support and community to help you achieve your goals
  • Individualized daily weight and fitness trackers
  • Video and interactive tools from fitness and weight-loss professionals
  • And much more!


Age: Parental consent is required for anyone under the age of 18. Certain terms and conditions apply. See for details.

*Ballysm Pass: No purchase necessary. Certain other restrictions may apply. To redeem 30-day Bally Total Fitness® membership, must be U.S. citizen, at least 18 and not a current member. 30-day pass is only available to download from 12/29/08 until 1/16/09 at 11:59pm and is effective from 1/3/09 through 3/8/09 only. See for full terms and conditions.


Well, since changing the way I eat I am happy to report that I am losing again.. YAAAAYY protein.. When I started, I weighed in on 12/29/2008 at 235lbs (3 weeks ago), and I am happy to report that as per date I am 229lbs. that's 6 pounds gone..  And I am where I am suppose to be in regards to the goal of how many pounds per week that I would like to lose..  I am happy to report that I am 69 pounds away from my FINAL goal weight of 160 YAAAYYY ME!!!..   I am drinking my water.. (no added Crystal Light for me)..

I Went From This

And Graduated To This...

Yes Boys and Girls.. That is a 3L Bottle..

I am drinking my protien shakes as well. 

In My Blender Cup.. Yes I said Blender Cup.. it actually blends my shakes

And YES it does work....

I usually drink 2 servings a day, and I have a small salad. 

My snacks normally consists of cheese 1 oz of cheese sticks  (They are 2 for $1.00 at Walgreens)

and a handful of crackers.. Deerfield Farms Oven Crisps Flavored Baked Crisp Snacks Cheese

(I try to limit to only a handful, but you know.. These are so good LOL)

I have to admit, I sometimes go overboard with the snack, but rest assure that I am keeping mindful of the Nutrition Label on the Side...  Here's a Crash Course, for those who didn't read my post in regards to this:

Well, that's all I have to report for you today.. Tune in next week; HOPEFULLY I should have an exercise report for everyone with a list of every exercise that I did.  So Until then.. Smooches

PS..I know I said that I would do a full body shot, but I didn't say anything about a partial body shot..  LOL Just to give everyone a sense of how far my progress has been from almost 2 years ago..  Stay Tuned For That Picture.



New Year.. New Me.. New Goal.. Son’s Challenge..

Jan 08, 2009

  Well.. I am here again.. Getting serious and refocused about obtaining my goal weight. At first I stated that I wanted my goal weight to be 180.. But I am rethinking about that and have decided that 160 is where I want to be. I know that it is going to take a lot of work and focus and determination in order to obtain this goal. I am sooooo serious about it now.. Sometime I wished that I put more into this in the beginning, or should I say that I wished that I had stayed focused an on point like I did in December of 2007. But… That was then this is now, and thank GOD for a second chance. Sometimes we as WLS graduates tend to lose our focus and think that once the weight is gone.. then it’s gone, however that is unlikely the case. Please trust and believe that the weight CAN AND WILL COME BACK IF.. you DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE OLD HABITS THAT TRY TO SNEAK THEIR WAY BACK INTO YOUR LIFE. I saw a few poundage come back on, but I am so glad that I was able to catch it before it takes over. I remember about a month ago I took a look at a picture of me at my heaviest and I said to the (big) woman (my former self) in the picture; “You Are Dead.. You Are Not Coming Back, I left you on the operating table in February 2007, and I am refuse to let you into my life again”    I have decided to revamp my diet and the way that I am eating. As you will notice from my previous blog, I am learning how to read and pay attention to food labels especially when it come to sugars and carbs. I am making small changes to make a big difference. For example, I LOVEEEEEE canned mandarin Oranges but I have learned that a fresh Clementine (Insert labels for Mandarin Oranges and Clementine For Comparison.) I am also going to make sure that the majority of the foods that I eat are “negative calories”. Negative Calories are defined as being foods that may be consumed within a weight-loss diet to potentially relieve the feeling of hunger without contributing to total caloric intake. The list of negative calorie foods includes:  

Fruits apple cranberries grapefruit lemon mango orange pineapple raspberries strawberries tangerine  

asparagus, beets, broccoli,  cabbage (green), carrot, cauliflower, celery ,Chile peppers (hot), cucumber, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onion, papaya, radishes, spinach, turnip.

My new diet will consist New Whey protein shakes. It’s very delicious. I also decided to incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetable into my diet and remember to drink plenty of water each and everyday. I have dramatically limit my unhealthy intake. I even vowed not to post any new pictures until I reach my goal weight. I am very fortunate to have my best friend train me in the gym and trust me, she knows her stuff. Since changing my eating habits I have lost 3 pounds and I have 72 more pounds to lose.. I know that I can do it..  

Since the surgery, I no longer get the snacks from the store that I once enjoyed. I would often remember going to the neighborhood fast food place to get my favorite cheese fries, or fried rice with gravy and mushrooms or cheeseburger,,,you get what I am saying. I somehow thought that my son would follow in my footsteps, however I have been noticing that he would often sneak and eat food that I don’t even each.. such as cookies, large bag of chips; and I noticed that he is gaining a lot of weight. So this year, I decided to present him with a 48lb weight loss challenge, the challenge is the following:  I told my son that I will pay him $1.50 for each pound that he lose and plus as an added bonus I will purchase a PSP (Playstation Portable) for him.. BUT the catch is, he has to lose 48lbs in order to get the cash and the game, if he lose 47lbs, he only get the cash. The reason that I presented this challenge to him is because I do not him to one day talk to me about him wanting to get Gastric Bypass Surgery. I signed him up for a gym membership at the Y,
and thank GOD hismembership was free. And I told him that his challenge will begin on January 19th and end on June 19th.   Well kiddies, that’s all I am going to post for the evening. Until next time..

I Can Admit To My Wrong Doing... But.. Thank God For A New Day

Dec 29, 2008


Well.. Here I am....   A year later... And I hate to admit it, but I haven't been doing what it was that I was suppose to have done. So I HAVE NOT reached my goal weight.  I guess I was calling myself.. taking a break.  Somethimes we as individuals especially since the weightloss, forget that when we signed up for this (gastric bypass) journey, we also said that we are willing to do what it takes (i.e. hard work) that comes with it. So in other words I have been a bad girl..   But I am here to say that the BREAK is over.  In recent weeks I have been re-educating myself in regards to reading labels, excercise and diet and suppliments.  I have been doing a lot of great research in regards to the plan that I intend on following.  I will be combining what I have benn reading with the info that I have benn gathering on here from various SERIOUS Veterans.   I also decided to gather information from   This far this is what I have discovered.. Please start with the food label above..

1 gram of fat contains about 9 calories.
1 gram of protein contains about 4 calories.
1 gram of carbohydrate contains about 4 calories.  
Healthy adults require only 1,500 to 2,400 milligrams (mg) of sodium a day.
The American Heart Association recommends that adults eat less than 2,300 milligrams (one teaspoon) of salt every day.  

Here Is My List Of Red Flags:  

Sugar anywhere but the end. Middle is fine if there is also substantial fiber. Of course, these rules may change for a post-workout shake.  

Salt anywhere but the end of the list. Salt is not bad but should be used in moderation   Any ingredient that I can't pronounce or must understand Latin in order to decipher - again, these aren't necessarily bad I just ask myself do they do something good for me?    

Excess vitamins and minerals - I'd rather get these from whole foods and a well-designed multivitamin than as a spray or additive in my food   One gram of fat is 9 calories. Protein and carbohydrates each contain 4 calories per gram. If there are 14g of fat and 150 total calories, 126 of the 150 calories are from FAT! That s over 80% fats! Next, take a look at the saturated fat. Saturated fat is the artery clogging fat that increases cholesterol; its intake should always be kept at a bare minimum.  

The first ingredient on an ingredient list is the one which is most present in the food product; the last on the list is the one with the lowest percentage of all ingredients of the food products. This is the only way you can see exactly what is inside everything!    

Bad Fats

Saturated Fat:   This type of fat is most often found in animal products (meat, seafood, whole-milk dairy products -cheese, milk, and ice cream - poultry skin, and egg yolks) and is solid and waxy at room temperature. It is important to limit this type of fat as it has been shown to increase blood cholesterol by increasing both the good HDL (high density lipoprotein) and bad LDL (low density lipoprotein) types of cholesterol.   Over the last four decades I've maintained that a certain amount of saturated fat, especially saturated fat from red meat, is good for you.   This is a problem in that LDL has an artery clogging effect, which promotes heart disease (LDL and HDL cholesterol are two of the four components of cholesterol, the other two being triglycerides, a blood fat lipid, and total cholesterol).   Saturated fats also are more readily stored as body fat compared to the beneficial good fats, so it is best to avoid them when aiming to shed unwanted kilos, while maintaining good health.  

Trans Fats:   These fats result from the hydrogenation process, which occurs when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil. Trans fats are often used for commercial goods, as they are less likely to turn rancid — they therefore hold their shape longer.   Crackers, cookies and cakes are products typically high in trans fatty acids and, from a health standpoint they are a less desirable choice compared to saturated fats, as they actually lower the good HDL cholesterol while raising the bad LDL.   Trans fats have also been shown to cause an overactivity of the immune system that is associated with heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other chronic conditions. Such a negative impact they can have on ones health, all manufacturers must, by law, list on their product packaging the trans fat content alongside saturated fat percentage. Although one is encouraged to limit their saturated fat intake, it is important they try to totally eliminate trans fats from their diet.  

Cholesterol:   Although not technically classed as a fat, cholesterol, found in fatty animal meats, does, like the saturated and trans fats (both responsible for increasing blood cholesterol levels), pose a health risk if blood levels are too high.   Although viewed as problematic from a heart disease viewpoint, a certain amount of cholesterol is needed for the integrity of all the cells membranes. It is the circulating levels in the blood, which often are derived from dietary sources of cholesterol, which might prove dangerous (although certain people genetically have a greater propensity for developing increased blood cholesterol, while others experience no ill effects from significantly increased dietary cholesterol).   Therefore, although too much of it can cause serious health problems, a small amount of cholesterol is needed in the diet for health purposes. It is worth noting that the body naturally manufactures all the cholesterol it needs, so it is not necessary to acquire it through diet. Animal products such as dairy, lard, butter, meat, poultry, seafood and eggs are the main sources of dietary cholesterol.    

Good fats

The Unsaturated Fatty Acids

Monounsaturated & Polyunsaturated Fat:   Both these types of unsaturated fatty acids are known to be cardio protective as they work to lower LDL cholesterol levels in the blood. While monounsaturated fats remain liquid at room temperature they may start to solidify in the refrigerator, whereas polyunsaturated fats usually remain liquid under both conditions.  

Monounsaturated fats are mainly found in natural foods like nuts, avocados, olive oil, and grape-seed oil, corn oil and canola oil. Olive oil, a key component of the much-vaunted Mediterranean diet, known for its cardiovascular health promoting benefits, is the best source of monounsaturated fat at 75 percent.    

Olive Oil Is The Best Source Of Monosaturated Fat.   Oils high in monounsaturated fats are thought to be best for cooking with (olive oil being a prime example) as they have the highest oxidation threshold, meaning they remain stable at higher temperatures and do not easily become hydrogenated or saturated.  

Polyunsaturated fats, on the other hand, are more vulnerable to rancidity and thus typically have a lower shelf life than the monounsaturated type. However, the polyunsaturated fats, which can be found in vegetable oils, sunflower and cottonseed oil, have been shown to be protective against insulin resistance (which can lead to diabetes) compared with monounsaturated fats, which are thought to promote this condition if taken in excessive amounts.   It must be remembered that, although the unsaturated fats are more beneficial in promoting good health, compared with saturated and trans fats, as well as dietary cholesterol, they will increase unwanted weight gain if taken in excess, given that fat, regardless of its source, contains nine calories per gram compared with four calories per gram for both protein and carbohydrates. However, one positive aspect concerning good fats is they are typically used as an accompaniment to other foods as opposed to a main source of nutrition, like, for example, animal products.  Essentially they can be viewed as a healthy way obtaining the energy promoting effects of fats, with the added benefit of improving health, if taken in moderation.  

Omega 3 Fatty Acids:   Chemically classed as a polyunsaturated fat, omega 3 fatty acids are thought to be the most beneficial type of fat available. Often categorized separately from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, as they are primarily found in fatty cold-water fish such as mackerel, salmon and herring, and have additional health promoting properties such as an ability to significantly reduce inflammation, help prevent cancer growth and improve brain function, omega 3 fats, like other fatty acids, also promote cell integrity and fluidity.

Omega 3 fats are also found, in significant quantities, in walnuts, flaxseeds and flax oil, and in smaller amounts in soybean and canola oils. Their most nutritionally beneficial forms are alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), all three classed as essential as the body cannot naturally manufacture them. We therefore need to obtain sufficient amounts through our diet.    

Additionally, those with the following conditions are thought to benefit from an increased intake of omega 3.  


Cardiovascular Disease

Type 2 Diabetes Fatigue Dry,

itchy skin

Brittle hair and nails

Inability to concentrate

Joint pain  

Snack on peanuts instead of potato chips or candy. Peanuts are high in monounsaturated fats and provide a good energy source without all the trans and saturated fats that are contained in typical snack foods. Again, don't overindulge in this good source of fats; but rather, limit their consumption to half a cup per serving.  

Use olive oil in salad dressings and in marinades. Olive oil, the most nutritionally beneficial of the monounsaturated fats, is the ideal replacement for the commonly used polyunsaturated vegetable oil.   Replace high calorie, saturated fat containing cheese and meats with avocado and a cold-water fish source such as salmon, when making sandwiches. In doing this you are exchanging bad fats for good fats, thus eliminating unwanted calories from the wrong sources. 




The Prodigal Daughter Has Returned

Jan 06, 2008

Hello.... And HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!

I know, it's been a while.  Well alot has happened since I last jotted my thoughts  and updates.  Well let me first say that I got sick with a very bad cold from the last time that I worked out.  I was running on the tradmill and afterwards instead of me properly cooling down and drying off all of the sweat I just left from the gym and went on to work.  Needless to say I ended up with a bad cold, which knocked me on my butt and out of the gym for a solid week.  Then the holidays came along and I celebrated.  (Darn Holidays)  Then I started dating a HS crush.  

I promised myself that I would get back into the gym ASAP, but I am ashame to say, that I haven't gone back. I know.. booooo me.  I know that I have to get back into the gym, and I know I will eventually get there.  Was planning on getting back into the gym on Monday January 7th, but stupid went to get my hair done and and this style is not a style that would work well in the gym.. LOL, I should have been thinking.

During the holidays I gained 4 pounds (((UUUGGGHHH))), but I managed to take them right back off.  My goal is to be under 200 pounds by the time 02/08/08 is here... Heck I will even settle for 199, I mean that is under 200, right??  LOL.  

I hate the fact that I've been slacking off, but I know that I will be able to get back on that horse again and get back into the gym...  I just need to find a hairstyle that is "Exercise Friendly"

Now in regards to my dating life.. yeah, momma is dating now.. LOL.  I am currently dating someone who I have had a crush on during hs, and I found out that he "says" that he had a crush on me as well.  On this coming Tueday 01/08/08, we have been talking for 4 weeks.  I really like him, and I am into him.. He's a sweetheart, but only time will tell where this is going to go.  We shall see.  We are total opposites.  I just trying to understand this whole relationshp/dating thing, so we shall see.  I know that no individual is perfect and no relationship is perfect.  Well that's all I am going to say in regards to that.
