kylakae 22 years, 6 months ago

Danielle, congratulations on breaking 200! You go, girl!

Lory A. 22 years, 8 months ago

Danielle, you look great! I am so happy to hear that you are doing so well with your weight loss! My surgery is scheduled for 10/25/01 and I'm very excited and anxious to have the same results. I wish you the best of luck with your continued journey to weight loss! Best wishes!

Cindy E. 23 years, 2 months ago

DANI: We made it girfriend, it is just the greatest going on this journey together, I feel I have made a truly wonderful friend to go on this journey with. Was so great seeing you yesterday in St. Louis, can't wait to see you again on our ride back to St. Louis on the 4th, We have so much to talk about. I'll call you soon. Lv CINDY

Danielle F. 23 years, 2 months ago

well this is not dani and not her angel (tonia)but this is her hubby.well everything went well as you have seen by the updates from tonia.i think she was motivated to stay ahead of a special friend (cindy)who had there surgery the same day.for all the husbands out there i won't lie to ya and say it's easy because it's not but i'm sure all the stress and everything will be worth it.dani had a SUGAR FREE popsicle today even if it was only maybe 1 bite,then our 6 year old polished it off.tonight was the first night we actually sat down to eat supper together since her surgery.the boys felt really awkward when they were having bbq chicken from the grill and fries plus salads and i made dani pudding,jello,and broth.i did most of the shopping before but i can tell ya it's definitely different when buying things and i have to look for sugar free things and 1 less person to fix dinner for.well the last thing is for all the special people who have been there for my wife during the stressful time she was going through.there are just to many people out there to list everyone but you know who you are.i would like to thank everyone for the support that you have given my wife and my family through this experience.some of you just from the few kind words and msg's,to her coworkers,and to my coworkers(you know who you are also)i told dani that now is when the true friends show up.well folks i have to do the chores since the woman of the house is under the weather.thnx to everyone tim!!!!!!!!!!!one other thing is that i would like to tell my wife i'm proud of her for having the courage to go through this to better herself and spend many more years with your family.143

Tonia E. 23 years, 2 months ago

Well I am back...I talked to Danielle yesterday. She is at home. She is sore from the ride, but she is doing pretty good. She was having some broth as I was talking to her. She said the first person that tells her that this was an "easy way out", she would beat them down right where they are standing. "This is definetely not easy". Well hopefully you will be hearing from her shortly. She goes back to the Dr.'s on friday.

Tonia E. 23 years, 2 months ago

"Angel Tonia" here again... I just got off the phone w/Danielle and she sounded great. She is feeling even better than yesterday. She did say (just like her hubby did yesterday), that it is not easy and the pain is bad. But she said that you just keep thinking of what's ahead and what you want to look like and it seems to make it a little easier. She expects them to let her go home around 3 tomorrow. She still does not have much of an appetite. She got to have a bath today and she said it helped alot. I also forgot to mention that she got to meet her Illinois friend (Cindy Elder) who had the surgery the same day. She said she is doing fine. Danielle actually had started surgery around 2...not the 11:45 like I thought. But like I said...she sounds great! If she is not up to getting on here and in a few days or so, I will see if she wants me to update for her. Talk at ya later.

Tonia E. 23 years, 2 months ago

Well it is late, but I finally got ahold of Tim (her hubby). Danielle was asleep, he said she has been doing that pretty much all day. She has barely used her morphin drip. She has been walking the hall ways and she even had one bite of jello and she was full. She was running a 102 fever and she was spitting up a little. Tim thinks that it is because she went into the surgery w/a little sinus head cold. She has not complained too much about the pain, but Tim said she has had C-sections and kidney stones...and this is way worse (in the pain category). They are still talking about letting her come home tomorrow evening. I will call her again tomorrow and see how she is feeling. Talk to ya then. Tonia

Johanna N. 23 years, 2 months ago

Hi Danielle :) I am happy to hear you made it safely to the " other side " :) Good luck and God bless :) ( Johanna - vbg/gastric bypass 3/13/01 )

Tonia E. 23 years, 2 months ago

hello..I am Danielle's Angel (Tonia), I received a call tonight from her husband. He said that "she made it" whew!!!! Her surgery was at 11:45 and he said she was done about 6:00. They said she should be released by Sat. or Sun. morning at the latest. I tried to reach them when I got home, but I was unable to. I will call her tomorrow when I am at work, and I will let you all know how she is doing.

rose N. 23 years, 2 months ago

danielle, good luck to you. i will say a special prayer for you and all who are about to have their surgery as well. a new you is just a few days away! god bless.
About Me
Decatur, IL
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
this is a 2 weeks before surgery
