I am now a centurian

Feb 06, 2010

I can't believe I've finally made the century club. It happened on Jan. 17th. Wow what a way to start a new year and a new decade. I am so excited at what my new life is offering me. It's so awesome to be able to walk, talk and breath all at the same time. Who would of thunk it could feel so good. Then to top it all off my Saints are in the super bowl woop woop!!!! What an amazing start to my year.

10 weeks Post-Op

Oct 07, 2009

Well here I am on week 10 and I'm down 70 lbs. Not bad if I say so myself. Hoping to be down at least 30 more by thanksgiving. Would be nice to join the centurian club. I know it's wishful thinking but anything is possible if you just BELIEVE!!!!!! I go on a "REGULAR" diet in 2 more weeks no more pureed or semi-soft foods, just 4-6 very,very small meals a day.Still no steak but I really haven't missed it as of yet. Still trying to get use to drinking a ton of water but all in all I feel accomplished. Everyone says I have a "glow" about myself. Well hell have 70lbs melt off your ass and see if you don't feel happy and have a "glow". Plus I have sooooo much energy for once in 12 years. Who would of thunk it.
The other day Dan gets in my car and asked me if I moved the rear view mirror and I said of course. My ass is 70 lbs smaller so I don't sit as high as I once did. My sister-in-law (who will remain nameless) said I needed help in the clothes dept. Well until I get to where what I have in my closet and dressers don't fit & are gone, no new clothes for me. Too damn expensive to buy just to keep my butt covered (don't worry I have clothes that will fit for at least another month). I'll wait until they do hand me downs. Thank You very much.Underwear on the other hand are different. I can't have my drawers falling down around my ankles now can I hahaha.So hears to feeling good and looking good.


I DID IT!!!!! I HIT 299!!!!!!

Aug 18, 2009

I DID IT!!!!! I HIT 299 for the first time in 11 yrs. I'm sooooooo estastic. I was boohooing to my husband on the phone this morning. I'm down 45 lbs in 2 1/2 months and down 19 since surgery on the 29th of July. I hope to be at 20 by this weds. which is the 3 week mark. Here's to going downhill in a good way.

Home from the Hospital

Aug 01, 2009

Hi ya'll,

         Doing good. Got home yesterday from the hosp. long trip. Everything went well. I left after only being there for 2 days. There was a woman there since monday & she didn't go home until Thursday. Nope was ready to go home. Started walking as soon as I could and the worse pain was the gas pains. UGH!!! Still r.

Can anything taste any nastier UGH!!!!!

Jul 28, 2009

Ok day before surgery and I'm drinking the nastiest concoction on the face of this earth. The dreaded BOWEL PREP. UGH!!!!! Please couldn't they have at least in these few years or so made it taste better than, Gosh I can't even come up with something that taste as bad or worse. And what's worse I have to drink 8 ozs. every 15 mins.

My Kids left Bacon on the stove

Jul 22, 2009

Ok so I'm on day 8 of this liquid diet.Not easy doing this with a killer migraine and it doesn't help that my kids left bacon on the stove for me to come home to last night after fasting for all the pre-op testing either and boy did it smell good. Believe me it wasn't easy putting those 3 little pieces of bacon away without eating them. They were calling my name I could them saying " Lizette eat me".  HAHAHA but I was stronger than that damn old bacon. So take that. ( I did lick my fingers though)

About Me
Tucson, AZ
Surgery Date
May 25, 2009
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