Well....I've gotten the approval letter just this morning from my Secondary Ins (United Healthcare-Railway)!!! I'm so excited!! I just need to get the same thing from my Primary Ins (Regence BC/BS) and then I will be on my way to becoming a new person!! I've wanted this for awhile but I've been so scared...and once I found out about it being done Laproscopically, I decided that it was time to go and see a doc!

One down...one to go!! Keeping my fingers crossed!

1-9-06 (0530am):
Hopefully I will find out about my Primary Ins...I'm so nervous!! Over the weekend we had our Session End party for Pool and I always volunteer to help set up trophies, boy does my butt hurt today...LOL BUT it's a good hurt because I forgot those muscles were there...hehe!! Anyway, gotta get ready for work!

1-9-06 (1115am):
Just got off the phone with Ann (nurse for Dr Cagle) and we found out that my paperwork is with the Medical Group @ Anthem. It could take up to a month before if I get approved or not. I hate waiting!!

On a good note...I have been drinking more water and juices. I've gotten to where I can cut my food intake down to. It's hard but I know that I need to do it for the future!! One day at a time!!

1-18-06 (230pm):
Just got off the phone with Ann, my primary Ins has denied me BUT I can have an approval hopefully in another month. I need to go to the dietician, start back up on my Zoloft and go on a diet for the next 2 weeks. I have another appt on Feb 2nd to have my paperwork resubmitted. Keep your fingers crossed!! Talk to you again soon!!

1-22-06 (1115am):
Well, this weekend wasn't as bad as I thought it would be for my diet. We had pool tournaments (Tri-Cups) out in a bar in Beaverton, OR. Played Fri nite, Sat all day/nite. The place didn't have much on the menu for dieters so I had salads for lunch and dinner...always with dressing on the side too!! lol Anyway, I just stepped on the scale and have lost another pound!! WOO HOO!! I'm at 250.2 now. Haven't been sleeping well but I think that that has to do with the fact that the bar is very smokey and I'm not a smoker so my sinus' are acting up. Will need to get on some Psuedafed (sp?) to prevent any further infection. I have my follow up with Dr Cagle on the 2nd and am not feeling nervous yet...LOL! I think this next week will be the hardest. I sit at a desk all day in front of a computer and enter data all day!! BORING!! BUT I have lot's of Extra chewing gum handy for when the urge to eat occurs!! Will be back in a few for more updates....

2-6-06 (958am):
Sorry that it's been awhile! Well, I have been back to Dr Cagle (2-2) and my paperwork has been resubmitted! Waiting nervously!! Not much else to update though. When I started the diet I was at 252lbs, I only lost 1lb. I did the diet for 2 weeks and I followed the WW program. I never had any luck with it before either! So, we are going to a Superbowl Party today and there is going to be alot of great food...I'm not on the diet now but I will be good and stay away! I will be carrying my bottle of Crystal Light everywhere..LOL! Hope all is well with everyone. Back soon (hopefully with an approval in hand..hehe!)

3-1-06 (312pm):
It has been awhile, sorry! I have checked with my appeal group through Anthem BC/BS. They still have the paperwork and it is still in process. They say they finally received the paperwork on 2-13-06!! UGH...the paperwork was faxed to them on 2-2-06! I cannot believe how long it takes BUT they have up to 30 days to approve/disapprove! I'm getting tired of waiting but I know that I have to! Not much is changing in my life except hubby and I are looking into possibly adopting from China. It can take up to a year before we know if we are approved but it will be worth it. My daughter will have a sibling and I can finally be a stay at home MOM!! More later when I know more...

3-9-06 (230pm):
WOO HOO!!! I got the magic call just a few minutes ago!! I have a date!!!! I'm so excited! I will have my surgery on 4-25-06. I have to check in at 5am and I am the first surgery that day, so I should be in by 7am!!! I wish I could celebrate more but I'm having another pressure headache and have to go in for Same Day Surgery on 3-14 for a spinal tap. This is what happens when you have Psuedo Tumor Cerebri. This "thing" acts like you have a tumor on your brain BUT it is truly only pressure built up from excess fluid on your spine. This will be my 6th tap since May '05. I pray that this WLS will help alleviate this "disease". I haven't had a pressure headache like this since Nov '05. This particular one has been going on for just about 1 week and I finally had to break down and call my Neurologist. Either way....I'M SO EXCITED!!!! I will check back soon and hopeful have a better update without a pressure headache!!!

3-17-06: Well, I had my spinal tap on the 14th and here I am with a spinal headache!! Talked to the doc on call at my neurology clinic and she stated that I need to stay flat! All weekend will be laying on my back!! So, can't stay here long but will update later when my head isn't pounding...if this doesn't stop by Mon then I need to go in and have a blood patch done!! UGH....I really can't wait for my surgery!!

3-26-06: Started my skim milk diet today. Didn't do too bad either. I had my breakfast, lunch and dinner which consisted of a large glass of skim milk! I also had 48oz of Arizona Diet Green Tea and a 20oz bottle of Sobe Lean. I was very busy as well and it helped to keep my mind off of food!! Painted my daughter's room and it turned out well! More later...hang in there!!

3-28-06: Well, I'm feeling pretty good!! Down 6.3lbs already and I'm not too hungry! My family is so supportive!! I started to cook them dinner last night and my daughter & husband wanted to take over because they thought it would be difficult for me. I cannot eat anything until after my surgery and I'm ok with it!! I love them to death and I don't know where I would be without their support. My daughter has never seen me skinny!! She will be 14yrs old next month and she is the best daughter in the world!! She makes sure I'm doing ok each day and lately it seems that we have been getting along better. She has even told me that she loves me back, you know how teens are...don't want to say those little words that mean so much to the parents!! She is my God sent Angel!! Hubby and I watched a show last night and it was very eye opening!! Super-size me is about a man who eats nothing but McDonald's...breakfast, lunch and dinner!! for 30 days. It almost killed him! I can't believe it!! By day 21 his liver results were like an alcoholic's after a binge!! I know that I will not eat it again. Everything has so much sugar in it, except the yogurt parfait, sausage patty, french fries and 4 other items that I cannot remember. Even the salads are not healthy for you as they promote!! Go figure!! Anyway...I love my family and am so proud of them for all of the support they are offering me!! I feel so good today and will actually walk further during my break...LOL...Hope you all have a great day!!

3-29-06: So I have been thinking of things that I cannot wait to do after the surgery...

1. Get rid of the "Granny" panties!!! LOL
2. But a bra that is not a minimizer!!
3. Obviously get new clothes. All of mine will be brought to the consignment shop and hope to make money off of them for the new clothes!!
4. Paint my toenails without any pain!!
5. Take a bath and not stick to the sides of the tub!!
6. Play basketball with my daughter.
7. Enjoy doing my yard work again.
8. Have great sex with hubby again and again and again....hehe
9. Fit into a seat on an airplane.
10. Stop lifting my chin when photos are taken... LOL
11. Have more photos taken and not hide them!!
12. Go swimming in a nice swimsuit! Not one that tucks your tummy and the bottom is a skirt type to hide everything!!

I know there are more things that i have thought of in the past...just can't think of them now...UGH!! I will update more to this list later though!

4-3-06: WOW!! 1 week done and 3 to go before my surgery!!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time!! I have lost 11.5 lbs the first week on the skim milk diet. I feel really good. We traded in the Blazer for a new-used car last week and we took it on it's first road trip. We drove up to Chehalis. Nice drive and it rode nicely as well! Stopped at a restaurant for the family to eat. The family didn't want to stop because I cannot have any food but I made them. They needed to eat and it's not fair to them to avoid everything because of me. I appreciate that they were thinking of me though!! They are so great and so supportive! I don't know where I would be without them! The restaurant didn't have skim milk so I had a glass of 2% milk and a big glass of water...boy! big difference between the 2 milks! I was so sick to my stomach about 2hrs later. I had to run to the bathroom with diarrhea!! I won't do that again! I will just stick to the water and I can't even have lemon at this point as the diet says no friut juices!! I have found that I can have chicken broth without a problem! I buy it by the can and have 1/2 a can for a meal along with my milk. I get the 100% fat free and the can has only 600mg of sodium so I'm only getting 300mg of sodium per serving. Not too bad but I do need to double up on the water, which is ok with me! I'm so happy that I was able to put on a pair of my 22's this morning! Now it's time to rearrange the closet again. I have 3 baskets of clothes all by size. My 15/16's are hanging in the back of the closet as they are my goal clothes!! In about another week I think that I can get rid of my 24's and get into my 22's without an issue! We'll see. I will also stop weighing myself everyday!! That is too much stress and I don't want anymore stress right now. Ok, I need to get back to work and I will update again soon!!

4-20-06: 830am
Well, 5 days until the start of the new and improved me!! I'm gettting more nervous but I'm so excited at the same time. This was a choice that I made about 1 yr ago and finally decided that I needed to be healthy. I'm tired of being sick!! I was just talking to a real good friend here at work and I'm really concerned about her health and she has realized that she is too! She may go to the next support meeting with me and I'm so proud of her for even considering this step. She is going to talk to her family about it and see how they feel about the surgery. Her main concern is the surgery! She hates having surgery! I can totally understand as I have had 4 major surgeries myself, not included all of the other procedures as well! Anyway, I have told her that I am here for her and if she had any questions, just ask. I will try to answer anything but she has to remember that the answers are all my opinion on how I view things. Her and I are alike in some instances so I think she understands this. Anyway, I will have something to distract me this weekend...I'm going to Lincoln City to play in a pool tournament! Playing on a 3 man team and hope to win some big bucks!! We will be home sometime on Sun so that will be a recoup day. Monday (day before surgery) will be an errand day!! LOL...need to take the dogs in for grooming and then I need to make sure the house is clean and laundry is done so I have nothing to worry about while I'm home after surgery! I'm picky about things and I love that my husband and daughter help with these things but I just need to occupy myself and cleaning is the best way! Stupid...I know but hey...LOL!!! Well I do have some work to do here today so I will try to update again before surgery, if not it will be after....till then!!

5-2-06: Well, I'm home and feeling good. Sorry that I haven't checked in in awhile but it was a journey. I had my surgery on 4-25-06 (checked in at 239 lbs) and should have been out of the hospital on 4-27-06 however that didn't happen!! Come to find out that my surgery (lap rny) actually took longer than normal as my intestine was twisted! When I heard that I was like...OH!! I've been living with a twisted intestine? I guess there isn't anything wrong with that but it makes me wonder. So Dr Cagle is the best in the world!! She was so patient with me and checked on me everyday! Anyway...I developed diarehha!! IN THE WORST WAY!!! Dr Cagle had me ready to go back into the OR to make sure that all was ok inside but then they got the lab results back and found that I had a bug in my colon (C-Dif is the short name for it!). I was put on a different IV that helped to flush it out and also a pill that had to be crushed and taken with baby applesauce! IT WAS NASTY!! Still is as I have to take it for another 10 days! It tastes like a really bad aspirin that got stuck in the back of your throat. Gives me the willies even writing about it...LOL! So during this whole time I am really missing out with my daughter. We just signed her up for a prep league for basketball and she has been practicing every night and the 29th was the first of 8 weekends that she will be playing! I really wanted out bad because I wanted to be there to support her. So after a day of no diarehha I was able to go home. Needless to say that my daughter played in her first 2 games great, even though she hasn't been playing as long as all of the other girls! Some of them have been playing since 2nd grade and are REALLY good! She is improving everyday and I'm so proud of her!!! Anyway...back and forth here...I finally came home on Sat the 29th and checked out at 236 lbs. I was actually amazed but then figured it was due to the issue!!! LOL!!! As the days here at home are going by, I'm finding that the weight is just dropping off. Got up this morning and found that I'm down to 231 lbs. WOW!! I have been walking, just a bit as I still tire easy. I am doing some laundry today and also am going to organize all of the paperwork that has piled up on my desk! I will check back in a few days to let you know how things are going but until then...Good luck in your adventures!!

5-18-06: Sorry for the delay in updating...Cheryl, I promise to be more prompt...LOL!! Anyway, It's now 22 days post op and I'm still at a total of 38lbs lose. Not bad and I feel wonderful. I have my first follow up today with Dr Cagle. I think everything will be fine as I have been feeling great. I have been back to work since the 15th and do find that I'm a little sleepy after an 8hr day in front of a computer but I'm doing better. I am down 1 whole size and have found that I do not have enough clothes to get me through a week, UGH!! Looks like I will be hitting all of the Goodwill's and Value Villages in our area...LOL! Why pay full price for something that I won't (hopefully) be wearing that long? I love that fact that we have a clothing exchange at our support group meetings! I found a cute top last night and went right home and washed it and am wearing it today! It's a cute top...Thanks Monica!! ;-) Anyway, I'm at work right now updating so I do need to close for now. I will have pics added soon for my 1 month update. Hope everyone is well!! Take care and take it one day at a time!!

5-22-06: Hello everybody!! Just a little update...I'm down 40lbs now and 3 days away from being 1 month post op! I feel great and my activity level is increasing daily. I'm going to go swimming with my daughter tonight!! I'm down 1 pants size and starting to get into the next size down...WOW!! I can't believe that I am almost at the 200 mark. I haven't weighed that little in a long time! I've been doing alot of yard work and it really needed it and I feel great out there! My husband asked me the other day how much I was down and I told him 40lbs and he said that he could really see it in my arms and chin!! HOW SWEET! He and my daughter have been such great support beams!! She is always making sure that I have my liquids and making sure that I can eat this or that...she's too cute! Anyway, closing for the day and I will update more soon!! One day at a time!!

6-2-06: Well...I've GRADUATED!! hehe...I'm able to eat solids now and am having a wonderful time!! Just found this wonderful spinach salad with raspberry vinegrette on the side. It has crumbled blue cheese and bacon (which I seem to have no issue with!!) and walnuts. I was able to eat about 1/4 of the salad at lunch and took the rest with me. Just had a bit more of it for a snack and now have about a 1/4 of it left for dinner...HAHA! I have been going to the gym and am trying to get a better schedule for it but with my daughter having b-ball practice just about everyday it's rough. BUT I will be dropping her off at practice on Mon, Tues and Fri and I will go to the gym on my own for an hour. I do alot of walking throughout the day as well. I am comfortably in my size 20 jeans and some XL/1X shirts. Everyone is amazed and so am I. I am a little over 1 month out and am down 44lbs now. I FEEL WONDERFUL!! I'm so thankful for my family and their support!! I am also so thankful for Dr Cagle and her office for their support and then I can't forget the wonderful support groups that I go to!! Thank you everyone for helping me get through all of this!! Sorry...sappy moment! Anyway...just noticed that when I requested an update on my photos, they deleted my original photo. I will have to submit a change to the web people and have them change it back. I want to keep a progress of photos but that's not what I have right now. Oh well...one day it will be correct! LOL....Ok, I have to sign off for now but I will be back soon!

6-19-06: Well, 55 days post op and still feeling good! I know that I haven't updated in awhile and I'm sorry! I will try to be better at keeping this updated! I have lost a total of 52 lbs so far and am starting to get into a size 18. My bottom and top of my thighs are still larger than the top area. My boobs are still the same size though!! WOO HOO!! lol... I'm able to get into alot of XL tops so I'm happy. I haven't been working out as much as I need to but I'm more active than I have ever been! I love to do yard work again and find that I'm excited about getting up in the am on the weekends and getting outside. My daughter's schedule is keeping me busier than ever also! She is in bball camp this week and then this weekend we are driving to Seattle for a bball tourney at the Key Arena! I'm probably more excited than she is about this trip...LOL Anyway, I'm going to next support group mtg on Wed and can't wait to see everyone! I'm hoping to see Karen as well...she was my surgery buddy as we had our surgery on the same day just a few hours apart. I haven't talked to her in quite awhile and I hope she is doing well. She left the last meeting early and I didn't get a chance to talk to her! Ok, I do have to close right now but will try to get back on this week for more...have so much work to do and am only on a break right now. Post Op 55 days/ 259/207

8-8-06: WOW!! It's been way too long since I've been back!! SO SORRY!! Well, I'm now at 188.6 and am feeling great! I noticed that my photos still have not posted on my profile AGAIN, so I will have to send an update request. Hopefully this time they won't remove the originals that way we can see the progress! July 1st, I had my gall bladder removed...had an attack and doc didn't want to mess around with it. I was happy, just a couple more little scars but I won't have the pain again!! hehe Anyway, I'm into an 18 very comfortably and slowly getting into a 16 in pants. My tops are an XL and my boobs are getting smaller also...BOO HOO!! It's ok, when I save enough money I will have the fat from my belly moved to my boobs so I can be all natural again! LMAO!! My life has gained such an awesome quality! My family is happy, I'm happy...whatelse can I ask for? I missed the last support group meeting because we were looking at a house that we were thinking about buying...ended up not doing it as they may be asking way too much. It's ok though, we are looking into a transfer for dh and Texas is sounding good right now. It may be a year or so but we will know something before too long. We have time though so no need in rushing things. I have found that the main issue I've been having lately is hot flashes but they say it's not them and it's just my body adjusting?? what's the dif? I have also gotten back onto my CPAP because my energy level has been drained to nothing!! I shall give it a week and see if there is a difference. If not then I'm going to look into another form of energy boost! My appetite is good and I'm trying to eat 5-6 small meals a day and always eat my protein first. Having some difficulty with food though, especially at work. I think that after I get laid off though it will change. I feel that when I'm at my desk I have to have food all around me but I know I don't need it. It's that head thing again working on me...LOL. I do have to say though anything that is at my desk is healthy and contains alot of protein! LOL Anyway, I'm closing down for the night and heading home from work. I will not let the gap happen again and will update more often!! Looking forward to more exciting things to come... LOVE YA!

Hope all is well with everyone. Haven't updated in awhile, sorry. Things are going ok here! I'm almost at 90lbs down and I'm 5 months out yesterday. Today is my 36th birthday and I'm so happy to be alive on this wonderful day! I feel like a new person! Can't write too much now but will update again soon...

Well, I'm back sooner than I thought I would be! LOL Anyway, had to get an EGD done yesterday. Been having pain whenever I ate or drank so they stuck the camera down my throat and found that I have a Hyatal(sp?) hernia and that the connection between stomach and intestine was shrinking. They opened that back up but there really isn't anything for the hernia yet. They have prescribed some acid stuff but I haven't had any issues with it so not sure if I will either. Guess it's better to be safe than sorry! I think that hubby is taking tonight off of work and we are going to go to the HS Homecoming game! It should be exciting. It's the kids first year in HS and she is really shining!! She has done a 180 from the attitude that she had just a few months ago! I'm really proud of her! She is doing very good in school as well! What a change... So I'm down officially 90lbs as of yesterday!! I was so shocked when I stepped on the scale! I normally weigh every Mon morning after going potty and before the shower. It's easier to see my progress or plateaus that way. Anyway, I checked in at 10am and was wearing light sweats and a T-shirt and still weighed 171.9!! I couldn't believe it! I'm just over 5 months out and can't believe that it's all gone! I am happy that I'm down to a size 14 in pants and L/XL in tops! My folks are not going to recognize me in November. I'm going to visit them for a week and can't wait!! They are divorced so I will be splitting my time with them but it doesn't matter as long as I get to see them! It's been about 3 yrs since the last time! Man oh Man!! I have been sending monthly updates but it's not the same type pic as when I have street clothes on. Funny...now that I think about it, I haven't taken ANY pics other than the update ones. The update ones only show me in the same clothes (baggier than ever now! lol). Take that back, I have taken a couple of head shots on my cell and sent to my folks and sis...not sure if I would count that though, LOL. Ok, so I'm all typed out for now but will be back soon! Hope everyone is doing well!!

About Me
Clinton, IA
Surgery Date
Dec 28, 2005
Member Since

Friends 5

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UGH...having the muchy blues!!!
New Town update
I'm back !! LOL
