Da Shrinking Dawg Ramon

The day before plastics..

Jan 23, 2007

Well I am down in Houston preparing to have a lower body lift tomorrow.. I am worried but know that everything will be okay. I have all the confidence in my doctor. Plus Yvonne and Debra are here to take care of me.. My family had to go back home due to some unseen circumstances so I am lucky have great friends here to take care of me.. Joni has also agreed to help out.. I am so blessed.. I had my last visit with Dr. LoMonaco today and he said that they won’t be able to do the arms and chest due to the time constraints and the fact that I hadn’t completely stopped smoking like I should have in November when I first visited him.. But that is my fault and I accept full blame for that..

I have to say that leaving home was tough.. I said my goodbyes and left my final words on my computer for my nephew Homey to use at the funeral if something happens.. But I have my angels above, Grandma Grandpa and of course my brother Danny, watching over me.. Besides I have this saying “I’ll Still Be Here” that I believe.. That no matter what you put me through I will still be here..

If you would like more information on Dr. LoMonaco and his office just click http://www.drlomonaco.com/home.html here..


The start of another year..

Jan 15, 2007

Wow.. What a year this is starting out to be..

First of all I am VERY proud to say that I just started my 12th year of being alcohol free. I would say sober but I have not been completely sober because I did have a problem with pain pills during that time. This is very hard for me to write because I know so many people consider me an inspiration but although I may be an inspiration I am human too.. I have to say that I am rather proud of myself because since I got rid of an “enabler” I have done a very good job on that aspect of my life..

I spent some time with a filming crew from The Learning Channel last weekend. They are going to be featuring me, and several others, in a series over plastic surgery starting this summer.. I can not believe that they wanted to feature me, a poor country boy, for their series.. The focus of the story will be the unique friendship between OH member Yvonne McCarthy and me. Yvonne was so kind to answer an email for me that saved my life.. I love you, Yvonne. Our friendship could basically be called “The Odd Couple II” due to her being a Plano TX housewife and me being a county bumpkin thug all bald headed and tattooed 464 pounds of me.. But since I was lucky to have her email me I am down to 190 pounds and have will be featured in OH magazine and on TLC.. What a difference two and a half years can make..

During the filming I got to do something I have always wanted to do. I went rock climbing.. I know I can’t believe it but I have video.. LOL To View my video of my first rock climb Thanks for the video Yvonne.

I actually climbed a vertical wall too.. I have proof.. To View my video of my vertical rock climb
Thanks for the video Yvonne. 

I know that I would have never had the courage to do this at 464 pounds..

My nephews and niece also came up to be part of the video shoot.. I love you little fools..

Maybe someone will view this and be inspired.. If I help just one person it will be so worth it.. Remember to pay it forward..


Another update.. My Bad

Dec 26, 2006

Wow! ! That is all that can be said. For one, it has taken me over a year to update my profile. And what a crazy year it has been too.

In the past year I have done a lot of things, learned some hard lessons and maintained the weight loss. As for the things I have done.. Some have been bad, but some good. I have hurt some people and been hurt by others but in the long run the good has outweighed the bad. But I guess that would depend on what side you were on. I have been able to help a lot of people by being allowed by OH to speak at the convention in San Antonio. I had an amazing time and have even put my speech here on my profile so please take a minute to check it out.

As for the hurting people I apologize to everyone that I have hurt in the past year. I know that sometimes we hurt others and that is never good but it happens and I call a “my bad.” As for being hurt that also happens but I have to say that I am better person by having gone through what I did. I have been blessed with some true friends that have stuck with me through it all and I thank you for that. I know that I have not been the best friend to have at some times and that has been proven to me by the people that were in my life for a short time and no longer are due to some reason or another. But I can say that I have some true friends and I love them for it. I know that no one is without fault and I sure as hell am not without it but I stood up and took my lumps.

But now that I have stepped off my soap box let’s talk about the weight loss.. I have lost 264 pounds since the beginning of my journey. I had lost a total of 270 but I felt that I looked too skinny. My face was sunk in and I didn’t like the look.. I am still wearing a size 38 jean. And that is where I was last year at this time. As for the shirts I can get into a large but with my MOOBS (man boobs) I prefer to wear an XL. Not bad considering I came from a size 68 pant and 8XL shirt. 

I am looking into plastics to have the MOOBS taken away and of course a full body lift. In fact, I have been contacted by TLC (the Learning Channel) about possibly having them shoot part of my story to be included on a show about plastic surgery. I can’t believe that I may be finishing my journey soon. But if it doesn’t come to pass, I have learned to live with the skin as long as no one sees me naked. LOL Which for me shouldn’t be much of a problem. And for those considering plastics, I do believe that there is no more humbling experience then having nude pictures taken of you. LOL I wasn’t Ramon then I was naked Ramon and that isn’t a pretty sight. The dimple can only help so much. LOL I seemed to get A LOT less cockier standing there. But in due time things will be okay. 




By the way, if anyone would like to have some questions answered about this surgery feel free to email me. I will do my best to answer within a week. But I will answer. I love talking about this surgery. I can’t wait to help the next person. It is so fulfilling to pay it forward and I challenge each of you to do the same. Bless each and everyone of you..



Speech from OH convention in San Antonio 7/8/06

Jul 14, 2006

I know it has been forever since I have actually updated my profile so once again I call a MY BAD.. I am posting the speech that I gave at San Antonio this past July and I will actually be updating my profile as time allows. I am going to try and put the video on here in the next week or so. Please bear with me because the new job doesn’t allow time for me to do anything.

As always email me if you have any questions but please allow a few days for an answer. I love you and may God Bless You.


 First of all I would like to thank OH for allowing me to share my story with everyone here..

This is the second time that I have had the great pleasure of sharing my story..


In fact I feel extremely blessed to have some of my best friends here in the audience and I hope to make them proud of me but honestly it's not about making anyone proud but instead it’s about me hoping to relate with someone and make a difference in their lives if I do that then I have done my job.


I started writing this speech several times but like last year I realized that this has to come from the heart because you all deserve that much.

well a little bit about myself. my name is Ramon aka Da Shrinking Dawg Ramón.


My journey began at almost 500 pounds. I was 36 pounds short of 1/4 of a ton.. I was 37 when I made the decision to change my life for the better.. in fact it was two years ago yesterday that my life changed for the better..

But believe me it has been one hell of a trip. a lot good some bad but over all I would do over again tomorrow if I had to.. I just pray that I don't have to.

I talked about doing my job earlier and that is one of my four rules that I try to live by.

1. Do your job. that is self explanatory, no one likes to see an unfinished job. even if the job is something as simple as getting your water in or posting on the OH board then that is your job and do it.. I know that I am grateful that one OH member did her job.

I was in my third month of my six month diet period and ready to give up.. Well the kids, at the school I taught at, wanted to get on the computers but I told them the only way they could get on would be to look for profiles of people that had lost at least 150 pounds.. Well one of them happened to find Yvonne’s profile where she said she would answer questions about WLS. Well, unbeknownst to Ms. McCarthy I sent her an email with the stipulation that if she answered my email within 24 hours I would have the surgery and if not I was going to back out.. I informed the kids of this and as a group they told me I was out of my mind allowing a stranger to decide one of the most important decisions of my life but I had faith in her to look after me.. But in all honesty I was looking for an easy out.. Well as fate would have it she was at her computer that afternoon and I got a reply in less than 10 minutes.. That was truly an email that changed my life. So now I tell her on the good days that I thank her for the surgery but on the bad ones I blame her for it.. Yvonne, if I ever have a baby girl you can bet she will be named after an angel on Earth..

If any of you know me you know that I love tattoos and have several of them.. One cardinal rule of tattooed people is to never tattoo a person’s name on your body but she is the closest that I have ever come to doing that because I have her initials on my body.


2. Failure is not an option. If I don't do my job then failure is very possible. I know very few people that enjoy failure.. I have a bracelet that was given to me by my nephews girlfriend that says this and I have yet to take it off since she gave it to me. because I know deep down I can't fail..

3. Failure sucks.. I feel so strongly about this that I have an F and S tattooed on my leg.. I have a daily reminder to not allow myself to fail..

4. The one that keeps me motivated the most is NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM.. as a pre-op I hated pictures but that is one of the best motivators you can have. Because I look back at some of the before pictures that I have and I never want to go back there so I try not to fail.. If you are starting on this journey please take pictures so you can look back on those days you feel like doing nothing.

When I show people my before pictures they are amazed and ask me how I was even living at that size I tell them that I wasn't living.. Just surviving and not even a good life. As an obese person most of us are known as the jolly fat person but that is just our way of covering up how I really felt alone lonesome and left out..

There were times that I was invited to go places by my family and I would make up excuses not to go so I wouldn't embarrass them or cause them problems. I remember crying sometimes out of embarrassment..

Speaking of crying that is one of the things that I think you should do everyday. I will never forget the day that my grandfather died.. I took my grandmother in to see him and she told him that it was me and he said that he knew it was me and He looks good doesn't he.. Here is a man that with literally one of his last breaths on this earth took the time to mention me and how good I looked so when I think of that moment I stop and cry. Now don't get me wrong they don't have to be tears of sadness they can be tears of joy..

I cry them too..

When I do something that I haven't done in forever or when something special happens like my nephews telling me that they like their new uncle Jr. because he does fun things with us. BTW only they are allowed to call me that so just forget I mentioned that..

Another thing I believe you should do everyday is laugh.. being the grandson of Frank and Mary Galindo allowed me many opportunities to spend time laughing.. Family and friends are so important in this journey be sure to surround yourself with positive influences for your trip. A great place to find people that are willing to help you is your local support group. Studies have shown that people that get involved with a support group are far more successful in this journey. I am very thankful for the support I have gotten from my support group and the wonderful people on the Texas message board.

And also you should spend time in thought.. If you do that every day then you have a full day..

There are a few things that I spend a lot of time thinking about.. and they are..

Where have you been. I know where I have been and it hasn’t been pretty.. I know that pre-ops are thinking that he is talking about post ops but these can relate to you too.. Think about where you were last month were you this far in the process where you thinking about the surgery?? I know that I sure as hell didn’t like where I was at and I hope to never go back there again..

where are you right now I am in a good spot.. I am healthier than I have been in a long time, I can do things that I haven’t done in a long time. I am on stage talking to a bunch of people who are where I was just two years ago.. or maybe even a year ago.. so keep your heads up and know that things are going to be alright.. In all honesty, I am better than where I thought I would be. Going into the surgery I thought if I lose 100 pounds I would be okay that would put me at 350 and maybe even 150 pounds which would put me at 300 but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be down 270 pounds.. But hey look at me now.. LOL..

Where are you going.. To me that can mean a lot of things.. Do I want to go back to where I was two years ago? Am I going to keep on the right path? As a pre-op am I on my way to a healthier lifestyle? Am I taking the proper steps to assure my success.. Like preparing for a lifestyle change. Because you must remember that this is just a tool not a miracle cure.. If you aren’t careful in your choices you can return to where you were.. I have chosen not to test the waters to see if I can tolerate sugar. I have yet to try anything sweet since my surgery. Which can be tough because I make some great pecan pies.. But I would rather not try it at all instead of finding out I can tolerate a little bit of sugar and then trying to stretch it each time I had something else sweet.

These can work for either pre-ops or post ops.. I know I think about them all the time..

I have been through a lot with this surgery.. The one thing that probably stands out the most and isn't talked about much is the emotional effect that this surgery has on you.. My old support group leader Dr. Joel Marcus probably said it the best when he told me that they do surgery on your stomach not on your head. No one told me that I was going to have to be prepared to kill my best friend.. Not literally but as a obese person my best friend was food.. If I was happy I ate, sad I ate, angry I ate.. If I was awake I ate. Oh, I will tell you this I knew when the double stuffed Oreos were on sale..

Another thing that been strange is all the new found attention and learning to deal with it..

My niece and I were shopping for a book bag when this lady approached the salesman that was helping me and asked him where the laminators were, well he sent her down the aisle but she was unable to find what she needed.. So she came back to the man, who was still helping me, and said “ sir, when you are through helping that sexy man there will you help me look for the plastic.. Well I looked at her and she smiled and winked at me.. I looked around and since there was no one there I just smiled and said who me?? Well she just smiled and winked and said yes you..

Well needless to say my niece loved it.. As we walked away and laughed saying uncle Ramon that lady called you a sexy man.. I bet you are happy.. Well she was right because I had a huge grin on my face..

Well I was pretty happy but when we went to J.C. Penney’s it only got better.. I went to get a backpack and as I was checking out the checker was smiling. She kept staring at me as she asked me for my phone number and address.. As we were leaving, my niece was like dude she is checking you out because I shop here all the time and they have never asked me for my name and phone number.. Now I know what it means to flirt and this lady was flirting.. It was so cool because my niece loved seeing her uncle as the different person that I am slowly becoming..


No matter how much attention I get I don't think that I will ever get out of for the lack of a better phrase "fat person" mode.. I hate using that word but that is how I feel when I still wonder if I will fit in the booth or turn sideways when I walk through a door.

I actually relish in my imperfections. I think back to a song by Tupac Shakur that talks about a rose growing through the sidewalk.. Many people were talking about the rose being weakly and ugly and talked about it’s imperfections. I look at myself like that rose, I may not be a prize winning rose, because maybe my ears are too big and I have hanging skin. Like the rose with missing petals and a broken stem I am not perfect but I have survived and those are my battle scars that I wear proudly.. Well maybe not the ears but you know..

The further out we get the more we try to play the numbers game and try to reach perfection or what we think it is. By the way, I hate to burst your bubbles, but perfection is almost unobtainable, although my mom came close. If you are going to focus on numbers at least make them good numbers. I know the numbers that stood out in my mind were 13 and 10.36. That was the amount of pills that I was taking daily to control all my co-morbidities and the second was what my Hemoglobin A1C was before my operation. If you aren’t familiar with the number your A1C should be normal is between three and seven it sure isn’t a 10.36. That was actually one time in my life that I never wanted to be a 10. Last month when I had blood work done my A1C was just a 2.75 and a week after I left the hospital I was completely off all medications. So although I may not be at my surgeon’s goal I have come a long way. I have lost a total of 270 pounds and a 13 pill a day regiment. So I may not be perfect, who is really, No not even you D.

But I wear my imperfections proudly.

I know that 270 pounds is a great accomplishments but the one thing that I am very proud of is remaining alcohol free for the past 11 ½ years. I know that one of the toughest things not to do after the surgery is simply to switch addictions. I am by no means perfect and believe me when I am not preaching to anyone because we are all adults here. But if cross addictions do come into play we need to at least make them healthy cross addictions.

I would like to share a video with you that captures my progress from where I was to where I am now and only god knows what the future holds but I hope you enjoy. 

To View my video from San Antonio OH convention click here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mZ0F630Ipc

 The Ramon Lopez Story in Pictures..


In closing I want to touch on self esteem. Believe it or not I myself have suffered from low self esteem. If you go away from this conference remembering anything this is what I want it to be. 1. I read a saying one day and I keep it on me all the time. It goes “nobody holds a good opinion of a man who holds a low opinion of himself” And last but not least.. I want to share the famous words of a great friend of mine who reminds me when I am feeling down and low to get your shoulders back, chest out and keep your head held high. please keep this in mind as you continue on with your daily life. May God Bless you and PEACE

New Year's Update 2006

Jan 21, 2006

First of all, like always I have to call a my bad on the lack of updating.. I didn’t realize it had been so long between updates.. So many things have changed in my life since I last updated..

The one thing that stands out the most is that I have maintained my weight and added a little muscle.. And that I am not in onederland.. Those that know me well fully understand my fear of onederland.. LOL

Another amazing thing that happened to me was me getting to speak at the Houston Obesity Help convention in November. It was mind blowing to have complete strangers come up to me and tell me just how much of an inspiration I have been to them.. I have never seen myself as an inspiration but instead as a person merely trying to get healthy.. But if it helps others then they can call me what they want.. Well maybe not what they want because I am sure a some people have a few choice words for me.. LOL I was flabbergasted as the people stood and applauded my speech. I also noticed several people crying I mean I am used to making people cry by walking in a room but I was finished and was on my way off the stage as they were crying. LOL.. I was so blessed to have some of my best friends at my side during one of the greatest moments of my life, although many of me Central Texas buddies weren’t there, I was so happy to see “mi familia” cheering for me.. I know that I come off at cocky a lot of the time but I will forever be humbled by this experience.. Think about it how many people actually get to help a lot of people while doing some thing that they like to do and you all know that for me that is talking about the surgery..


I also started a new work out routine involving weight training.. I do one night of arms (mainly dumb bells) with a little bit of cardio and one night of legs which includes two miles on elliptical after the leg workout.. In my support group we learned that five pounds of muscle helps displace 26 pounds of fat over a years time.. So that is why it is very important to add some sort of weight bearing exercise, other than just walking or jogging, to your workout regiment.. Even if it is just lifting five pounds at a time you are still adding muscle.. Another fact is that you 30 % of the weight that you lose is muscle so we must put the muscle back on your body.. So remember that something is better than nothing.. 

Another huge change in my life is that I started a new job. Thanks Kelley.. Many would say that I lost my mind because I moved from my quiet country home to the hustle and bustle of the city.. I started at Realpage on Jan. 9th and after a lot of fears and worries I am settling in to the new job.. In fact I scored the first perfect “WOW” score of the week not too bad for a country boy in the city, huh?? In fact, I am tied for the lead in our monthly contest.. One of the things that they did say that I needed to work on was that I said ma’am too much.. Who would have thought that I would get told that I was too polite??

I would like to thank TMB member Kelley Ogle for helping me find the job and reassuring me that everything is going to be alright.. This was a huge move for me and I need constant reassuring..

I know I have written about the convention already but my thoughts keep going back to that day.. I mean I was on the stage looking down at some of the most important people in my life there supporting me.. I know I talk about Yvonne in just about every post but I can not say enough about her.. Since I know that I can never look as good as her I have to settle for trying to be like her and being a champion for this cause like her.. If I ever get to be 1/3 of the champion she is I will consider myself a lucky man..

Yvonne, I love you and I hope you didn’t hurt yourself too bad when you fell from heaven because you are truly one of my angels here on Earth..

I can still picture the faces of all my friends sitting there listening to a story that they knew already but to see the look in their eyes, and the eyes of the friends I that I still needed to make was just amazing.. I can not tell you what a pleasure it was for me.. Thanks OH..

Okay I have carried this on long enough.. Maybe if I more often they won’t have to be this long next time.. But like I say all the time email if you have any questions.. I am also on Yahoo messenger as stonecold903 if you want to chat.. Remember protein first, at least 80 ounces of water, take your vitamins and calcium and EXERCISE…



Houston OH convention with Link to video

Nov 22, 2005

On November 18th I was lucky enough to be asked by OH to speak at a conference in Houston.. Well needless to say I love talking and to be able to talk about myself even made it better. LOL. Just kidding.. I was nervous as hell but judging by the crowds reaction I did okay for myself.. I was blessed to have several people that I knew there with me and even got the pleasure of meeting several others.. Please if you get a chance go to a convention make sure you go.. This was my second one and I can not begin to tell you just how much fun they are to attend.. Thank you Debra Flores for opening up your house to me and several OH members.. By the way, I missed my nephew’s playoff football game to attend the convention.. He ended up scoring two touchdowns on 86 yards rushing.. Homey, I am sorry but just remember that your uncle loves you..



To View my video from Houston click here The Ramon Lopez Story in Pictures..

Story from my hometown paper

Jul 28, 2005

This is a copy of a story that my hometown newspaper wrote about me.. It is a very good article and well written.. I would like to thank them for allowing me to take up space in thier paper to tell my story..

Ramon Lopez likes to tell people that he’s only half the man he used to be. People who have known Ramon for a while don’t need an explanation.

Lopez has dropped from 464 pounds to 220 pounds in the last year following gastric bypass surgery, a loss of 244 pounds. He celebrated the one-year anniversary of the operation on July 7.

Lopez credits the surgery and his deliberate change of life style with saving his life. Now 38 years old, Lopez says he does not believe he would have lived past 40 or 45 without the drastic change. Prior to the weight loss Lopez was taking 13 pills every day to try to control blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and joint problems.

Now days he takes vitamins and calcium supplements with a minimum of 80 ounces of water each day, but no drugs. He is probably in the best shape of his adult life.

“I probably weigh today what I weighed in the sixth grade,” said Lopez. “I never really was a small kid.”

Although Lopez will be among the first to recommend the surgery to anyone who is dangerously obese and has not been able to successfully loose weight by dieting, he will also warn that it is not easy.

“I’ve got to tell people it is not an easy way out – it’s just a tool. It’s not as easy as everyone thinks,” explained Lopez.

Most mornings, Lopez is now up at 6 a.m. to begin his exercise routine.

“Exercise is something I have to do everyday,” he continued.

Depending on the weather and also to break up the monotony of doing the same exercise over and over again, every day you can find Ramon either riding a bicycle, walking and running on the track at Kooken Field or working out on the equipment at Hamilton General Hospital’s Fitness in the Square workout center.

A normal bike ride for Lopez is between 10 to 15 miles, but he has ridden as much as 23 miles in a day. On the track he jogs the straight-a-ways and walks the corners for a total of three miles – a mile-and-a-half walking and the same jogging.

The surgery that reduced Lopez’s stomach from the size of two fists to about that of an egg was performed at Scott & White Hospital in Temple by Dr. Richard Symmonds.

Despite the reduction in stomach size, Lopez says that the cravings for food are still there.

“You just have to realize it’s bad for you. One of the favorite sayings at our Scott & White support group is that the surgery is on your stomach, not your head,” said Lopez.

Lopez has tried to completely avoid sugars since his surgery. In the days and weeks immediately following the surgery people are normally intolerant of sugars and it is dangerous for them to consume them. However, as time goes by, many people’s systems adapt to allow them to tolerate sugar.

“I don’t want to find out that I can tolerate sugar,” said Lopez. “So, I just avoid it. I never want to forget where I’ve come from.”

Asked if he ever has any regrets about his decision to have the surgery, Lopez admits, “Occasionally, I can’t say none… On special family occasions like Thanksgiving. I miss my pecan pies. I make some really good pecan pies … but I’d do the surgery again tomorrow if I had the decision to make over again.”

“People probably see me coming out of fastfood places around here and wonder what I’m doing. But most of these places around here see me come in and they have what they call the “Ramon plate.” They know exactly what to fix for my special plate and my smaller size portions.”

One of the reasons Lopez decided to have the surgery when he did was that he learned that his health insurance was about to stop covering it, something he still doesn’t understand.

“The gastric bypass, including removing my gallbladder cost about $55,000. One major heart attack will cost at least $100,000,” said Lopez. “I just don’t understand the insurance companies. Most insurance companies have stopped covering the operation.”

Lopez said to be a candidate for the operation; the hospital normally requires a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or above or otherwise someone having special health problems because of their weight. A BMI of 40 normally equates to being about 100 pounds over weight. Lopez said that when he decided to consider the operation his BMI was 70.8. He has dropped his BMI now to 35-34. To not be considered over weight, the BMI has to be below 25, but Lopez said, “I’ve never been so happy to be obese in my life.”

Lopez gives a lot of credit to other people for his success. He especially thanks Yvonne McCarthy, whom he met on line at obesityhelp.com and Rachael Hewell who was his “angel” at Scott & White, but is also a member of the support group at obesityhelp.com.

“Of course Rita and my family have been there for me and helped me in all kinds of ways,” said Lopez. “And thanks to Holly and Della May who let me walk at True Value Hardware when the weather kept me from exercising outside. And Kasey Kunkel kept me going with chiropractic help when I suffered a pinched nerve.”

Lopez initially learned about the procedure at obesityhelp.com. At the time he was teaching at Evant High School. He had already begun a sixth month diet prior to the scheduled surgery date, which eventually helped him lose 55 pounds, allowing him to have surgery laproscopically, rather than having a nine inch incision.

But as the time for the surgery grew nearer, Lopez began to have second thoughts. One day he was talking to his class about it. One of the students pulled up obesityhelp.com on the internet. Yvonne McCarthy’s name came up as someone to contact for information regarding the surgery or support.

The students urged Ramon to e-mail her. He agreed that he would and that if she contacted him back within 24 hours he would proceed with the surgery. Within minutes the computer beeped, indicating McCarthy was on line with Ramon.

Lopez said the decision was made then and there to proceed.

“I couldn’t break my word to the kids,” said Lopez.

But the internet connection also began a special friendship and an important support link that has helped Lopez through his ordeal. Lopez said that other friends that he has made through the internet site who have helped him include Kirk Thompson and Bo McCoy.

“I know how much these people have helped me,” said Lopez, “and it’s my commitment now to offer the same kind of help and support to anyone needing it.”

Lopez says that anyone that wants to talk to him about the procedure is welcome to do so.

“Stop me when you see me on the street or contact me on the internet at [email protected],” said Lopez.

At a recent seminar at Scott & White for people who are considering the surgery, Lopez was in attendance to offer support. He was helping the seminar leader set up a slide presentation as the meeting was about to start.

The seminar leader pulled up a slide showing Lopez prior to the operation. He had Lopez to remain standing as he started his presentation telling the group that the man on the projector and Ramon were the same person. Ramon was given a standing ovation.

Lopez says it is a wonderful feeling to be used as an example and he wants to be there for anybody who needs his support, but again warned that it is not an easy way out.

“If it had not been that I believed it was going to save my life, I sure as hell would not have done it,” said Lopez.

But Lopez is enjoying life now in ways he never had before. One of his most cherished desires prior to the surgery was to be able to play baseball with his nephews. Now he does.

“But it’s the little things I can do now,” continued Lopez. “If my shoe comes untied in public now, it’s not a big deal because I can bend over and tie it.”

But Lopez still has vivid memories.

“Racial slurs won’t be tolerated in a public place, but it’s alright to laugh at a fat person,” said Lopez. “The prejudice towards obese people in our society is outrageous.”

Lopez can admit now that he suffered emotionally from his size through the years, but it was something he never outwardly showed.

“I was just the jocular fat guy to everybody,” said Lopez.

For Lopez, being the funny guy was a mechanism to help him cope. That doesn’t mean that the loss of weight also meant the loss of Lopez’s sense of humor, but now Lopez’s robust and infectious laughter is more genuine. It is not hard to tell that Ramon is now truly enjoying his life.

In the last year, Lopez has sacrificed a lot to get to where he is now and he is committed to continue on the sometimes-difficult path to ensure him a healthy and fuller life.

Ramon may jokingly say that he is only half the man he used to be, but in the eyes of many who know him, he is probably a bigger man than he has ever been. 


Pic that was featured on the Front page of my local paper along with the above story..


I also gave a quote that didn't make it in the paper but I told him that a lot of the pounds that I lost belong to other people that have help support me.. Because of you I am where I am today.. Thank you and God bless you all..



One Year Update

Jul 11, 2005

Hey there.. First of all let me start off by saying that I give thanks to the Lord above for allowing me to have this life-saving surgery.. Now with that done I have to say that this past year has been one long strange trip.. I have gone from weighing almost one quarter of a ton to 223 pounds.. A weight I haven’t seen since I was in the sixth grade..

Like with any thing worth having, this has been a tough road to hoe.. But by all means I have not done it all alone.. I have been blessed by several life long friends along the way.. My thoughts go back to an old Beatles song “A little help from my friends..” There are so many of you that have had a part in my loss.. I have to start off with Yvonne.. I do believe that this lady is an angel on Earth, well at least she was to me.. If you all don’t know the story I will tell it again.. I was in my third month of my six month diet period and ready to give up.. Well the kids wanted to get on the computers but I told them the only way they could get on would be to look for profiles of people that had lost at least 150 pounds.. Well one of them happened to find Yvonne’s profile where she said she would answer questions about WLS. Well, unbeknownst to Ms. McCarthy I sent her an email with the stipulation that if she answered my email within 24 hours I would have the surgery and if not I was going to back out.. I informed the kids of this and as a group they told me I was out of my mind allowing a stranger to decide one of the most important decisions of my life but I had faith in her to look after me.. But in all honesty I was looking for an easy out.. Well as fate would have it she was at her computer that afternoon and I got a reply in less than 10 minutes.. That was truly an email that changed my life. So now I tell her on the good days that I thank her for the surgery but on the bad ones I blame her for it.. Yvonne, if I ever have a baby girl you can bet she will be named after an angel on Earth..

Another special person is my angel Rachel.. We had been trying to meet for a couple of months after she volunteered to be my angel but we never could get a date set so she suggested that we meet at the OH convention in Arlington.. Well this was another great decision because I met so many great people there.. Bo, Crow, Grace, Linda, Cheryl and so many more.. That was the beginning of many great friendships.. I can not say enough about the wonderful people of Obesity Help.. I am just so lucky to have found this website.. Mija, you mean the world to me and my love for you will be eternal..

Okay now I have to talk about the people that have been through the process with me.. Holly, I can not say enough about her.. I know that I would not be where I am today had it not been for my dominatrix making me show up at six in the morning.. Rita and the rest of my family thanks for putting up with my grouchy ass.. I know that I couldn’t have been fun to be around knowing how much of a baby I am when it comes to pain.. Thanks to all the people that have lent their support to me.. None of this would have been possible without you all..

Along the way I have lost a few people that have meant a lot to me.. Della, just so you know I am still getting my fat ass up and walking.. LOL.. If you all don’t know Della is Holly’s mom who allowed me to walk in her business when it was too hot to walk outside.. Grandma and Grandpa.. I miss and love you all so much.. I will never forget what my gramps said to my grandmother as I wheeled her in to see him the day he died.. She was telling him that it was me bringing her in and he said “ yo se, el se mira bien” I know he looks good..” Here was a man with cancer eating up his body and literally with one of his last breaths he mentioned how good I was looking.. I have a wall in my room that is a “cross” wall and the only things on there that aren’t crosses are pieces of a work shirt from my grandfather and an apron of my grandmothers.. As long as I am alive I hope to make them proud of me.. I guess the one thing that bothers me is that my older brother Danny never got to witness me losing the weight.. I miss him so much.. I know that one day I will see him again in heaven and then we can make up for lost time by doing all the things I couldn’t do with him because my weight prevented it.. Bro, when I get there I will be playing first base so we can complete the double plays together.. I love you man and the kids are doing great..

Wow, that was tough to write.. But I must move on.. I need to discuss all the wonderful people here from Obesity Help.. I have never met a better group of people.. I won’t even begin to try and name them all but you all know just how much I love you.. The people here are simply AMAZING.. E, Shawn, Peg Leg, P, Lil Kim, Charlene, Gina, Adasha, WLS Deb, Cheryl, Barbara, Jeans, Jenn, Brenda, Therisa, Nancy, and many others okay I know I have missed someone and I am sorry but I have had so many people touch my life on here that it would be impossible to thank all of you.. There are the men too although we are out numbered by the great women on this site.. Bo, Crow, Mike and Christian.. They have each taught me some important lessons in life.. I have learned to take the good with the bad on this site and that is one of life’s lessons that we must learn..

Wow this is getting out of hand so I must wrap it up.. Just remember the rules to this crazy thing called WLS.. Get your protein in, Drink your water, get your exercise and take your Vitamins.. Also seek out a support group..

I can not say thank you enough for the past year it has been great and I know that the coming years will only be better because of the skills of Dr. Richard Symmonds.. I am sorry to take up all your time and if you have read this all the way through you are a true friend.. LOL And I knew I loved you for a reason.. Along the way if I have helped anyone I have succeeded in one of my main reasons for being on this site.. Please email me if you ever have any questions, it may take me a while to answer but I will..



Still doing great almost a year out..

Jun 16, 2005

Well I am a little over 11 months out and feeling great.. My losing has slowed down but the inches are leaving.. I am down 26 sizes in my pants and 7sizes in my shirts.. I have gone from a 68 inch waist to a 42 and from an 8x shirt to an XL.. I honestly believe that if you would have told me that I would be wearing this size just under a year later I would have told you that you were out of your damn mind.. But hey I am living proof that it can happen.. I actually sat here and cried the other night as I looked at the pics and the results of this surgery over the last year.. I have so many people to thank but it would be impossible to list them all.. But you know who you are..

Well I am a little over 11 months out and feeling great.. My losing has slowed down but the inches are leaving.. I am down 26 sizes in my pants and 7sizes in my shirts.. I have gone from a 68 inch waist to a 42 and from an 8x shirt to an XL.. I honestly believe that if you would have told me that I would be wearing this size just under a year later I would have told you that you were out of your damn mind.. But hey I am living proof that it can happen.. I actually sat here and cried the other night as I looked at the pics and the results of this surgery over the last year.. I have so many people to thank but it would be impossible to list them all.. But you know who you are..
Well I am a little over 11 months out and feeling great.. My losing has slowed down but the inches are leaving.. I am down 26 sizes in my pants and 7sizes in my shirts.. I have gone from a 68 inch waist to a 42 and from an 8x shirt to an XL.. I honestly believe that if you would have told me that I would be wearing this size just under a year later I would have told you that you were out of your damn mind.. But hey I am living proof that it can happen.. I actually sat here and cried the other night as I looked at the pics and the results of this surgery over the last year.. I have so many people to thank but it would be impossible to list them all.. But you know who you are..

I am by no means the perfect WLS specimen because I cheat, I don’t work out everyday but the days that I do I work my tail off.. I ride a bike anywhere from 10 to 18 miles a day.. I have a goal of riding 100 miles a week before the end of the year.. The most I have gotten so far is 63.. But compared to a year ago that is a hell of a lot more.. LOL wait it is 63 more miles than I rode last year..

I have met some wonderful people through this crazy journey but I wouldn’t trade any of them for anything.. If I haven’t remained as close to them like before they have each taught me something.. I have learned in life that everyone you meet will have an impact on your life and vice versa .. That is the reason I try and be nice to everyone I come in contact with.. You never know who is watching and what they might be thinking of you.. I had a great moment the other day , I was at Wally world and I was gathering carts that were around where I had parked and a lady told me thank you.. She said that it is people like me that make the world a better place.. And hell I was just moving carts.. She went on to tell me that she could tell just by looking at me that I was a good person that was very happy.. When I explained to her that I wasn’t always happy because I weighed so much she started crying.. She was a “normal”-sized lady but she just couldn’t believe my story and my pictures.. I can’t believe that I carried on a 25 minute conversation about me to a total stranger.. No, wait I can because we were talking about my favorite subject, ME.. LOL.. I not conceited.. I am just convinced.. J/K

Along the line of good things I went to a concert this past weekend and just had a great time.. I took my cousin and a couple of his friends to the concert and I decided to stand near the stage.. Now you have to picture this.. I am 37 and standing with a bunch of kids.. I say kids but they were probably anywhere from 19 to 27.. But I stood for 2 ½ hours dancing and having a great time.. A couple of time different women would grab me and dance with me.. I even met a couple of girls that thought that I lived up to the “chick magnet” shirt that I had on.. We talked in between bands and had a good time until I found out how old they were one was 19 and the other 24.. I told the 19 year old how old I was and she said “hey you and my dad would be good friends because he is 40.. That was priceless.. But she still gave me her number without me having to ask..

I am so lucky to have had this operation and I wished insurance companies would get smart and start paying for these without having to fight them.. Why can’t they see the amount of money they save will greatly outweigh what they will pay out in the long run..

Thanks for checking out my profile.. Please check out the pics on the www part of the profile..

Also if you have yahoo messenger and would like to chat I am stonecold903 Email me if you would like but please be patient with me because I suck at answering email.. LOL.. 



-200+ Pounds..

May 07, 2005


Okay.. How come all my updates start off with me apologizing for not updating more often?? Well once again I call a “MY BAD” on the lack of updating..

Well many of you on the TMB know what all has been going on in my life but not all of you are on the TMB so here goes.. First and foremost I need to mention that on Jan. 28th my grandmother went to join my gramps and they are finally together again.. I miss them so much but I know that they were both happy to see the changes I had made in my life through WLS.. They commented how much I had changed before they passed.. Ama and Apa I will forever love you..

As for the loss I am happy to announce that I am down a total of 233 pounds which puts my weight at 231.. That means I weigh less than half what I did to start out.. I never thought I would be anywhere near this weight.. In all honesty when I elected to have WLS I figured I would get down to about 300 or 275 but now 200 is a possibility damn that is scary.. LOL.. I am down from 464 pounds to 231 pounds of raw steel and sex appeal.. Man, it is so good to be able to talk trash and laugh about it.. I am far from the raw steel and sex appeal part but I am at 231 pounds.. Can I get a hell Yeah?

Let me tell you all that getting down to this weight was by no means easy.. I had to work my ass off, literally.. I started out walking, lifting weights etc.. I am on this big biking kick now.. I love being out on my bike where people can see me.. I had a lady tell me that I had inspired her to start riding a bike because she knew me when I was bigger and she thought it was cool to see how well I have been doing.. I am still doing some weight training.. That is the one area in my journey that I would like to improve on.. I talked to a doctor and he has researched the effects of exercise on WLS patients and he told me that 30 % of the weight you lose is muscle and that needs to be replaced.. He also stated that every five pounds of muscle that you put on displaces 26 pounds of fat over a years time so his suggestion is EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE.. I have tried taking this to heart.. I started out slowly on my bike about a month and a half ago but I had been riding about six miles a day but today I hit the 10 mile mark.. I wanted to hit that mark by the end of the month so I think I will get it done.. I have always heard that women like big calves so that is what I am working on.. Anything for the ladies.. LOL.. No, for the reals.. Please keep up your exercise and take the vitamins and calcium..

Also check into a support group.. Statistics prove that people that actively participate in support groups are more successful in the WLS journeys . I am blessed that I have a very supportive group that meets twice a month.. I just switched from the new post ops (0-9 months) to the “old-timers” group and it has been a tough switch because in the other group I thought of me as a success and now I see all the old timers that have maintained and I realized that I have a long way to go to be where they are now.. But that is what keeps me on that bike wanting to be as successful as some of the ladies in my group..

Also I want to encourage all men to post and seek help from other men that you see on this site.. I was lucky to have met Bo and Crow at the OH convention in May and they have helped me with some problems.. I am willing to help anyone that writes me.. It may take me a few days to respond but I will try and get to emailing you.. This goes for women too I will try to answer whoever writes..

Also if you know of anyone that can use your old clothes please share with others.. I know that the clothes thing has been one of the hardest thing about the surgery.. Luckily for me I am able to buy clothes at Walmart. LOL.. That is another thing about having so few men on OH it is hard to exchange clothes with others so do your part and help others.. I know I sound like I am on my soap box but I am just speaking about some of the experiences I have had..

Also I have found that there is nothing wrong with getting some help with the depression issue.. I know a lot of people that have gone to see a doctor about the problem and I only wished I had gone sooner.. I found out that as much as I would like to think that I am a super human, I am not and I am merely a human.. LOL.. (what a let down) Also, don’t try to be the savior of the world sometimes you need “me” time.. Wow I am just a book of knowledge, huh??

I have started posting a “grateful” post about things that I am grateful that day whether they be big or small.. Heck sometimes all we have to be grateful for are small things so we better be glad that we have small things at least.. So feel free to add your post to the post.. On one of those posts I referred to a song by Tupac Shakur where he talks about a rose growing through the concrete.. Most people would say look at that scraggly, ugly rose growing through the concrete and totally ignore the perseverance of that tough rose that just pushed it’s way through the toughness of concrete and is struggling daily to survive in an environment is totally against nature’s will.. I sometimes feel like that rose struggling to get by in a world made for “normal” people not us.. So remember that us roses need tender loving care to survive..

Well I think I have wasted enough of your time and if you read this far I am surprised.. LOL.. But feel free to email me and may God Bless you no matter where you are in this journey we call WLS..

Get your water in, take your vitamins and calcium and EXERCISE!! ! ! ! !



About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 03, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Me at my heaviest..
Four weeks after a Lower Body Lift.. Wearing a MEDIUM shirt..

Friends 616

Latest Blog 33
An update FINALLY.. Some good info..
August update..
Speech from Austin OH Event.. THANKS OH..
Video Blogs from the OH convention in Irvine
Irvine post FINALLY.. LOL
Plastic check up and other great news..
New Tattoo
Post plastics post..
Emotional Rollercoaster
