Thanksgiving 2010

Nov 22, 2010


I did not realize that it has been this long since I last posted.  IT has been a busy summer this year.  Changing work hours, installed a shed, worked on pool deck bought a Burgman 650 scooter and robin got a Harley, just a busy summer doing things and enjoying life that we could not have done before the surgery. 

IT is hard to believe it has been 3 years already.  The good news is we are still enjoying life the bad news is creapage has snuck into our life.  I am up to 223 lbs that is 32 over my lowest weight and 24 more then what I want.  A lot of that is my fault of eating junk.  Things that I know I should not eat and snacking.  Plus not exercising.  We are starting to go back to the gym after thanksgiving the Train Yard Gym near our house is having a $10.00 a month sale so we will joining there. The problem with the old gym was 20 min each way and with my new suck work hours it was not conducive for me to go there and still do what is needed in my life. 

The weight loss clinic called and wants to blow up some pictures we put in the weight loss book so now it is even more important to get back to our goal weight.  I have not seen them yet.  It is very easy to get back into old habits and please watch out for them.  It sneaks up slowly and then you are 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25+ over like me.  I have some friends who had the surgery and are losing the battle to keep the weight off; this is one battle I am not going to lose. 

I am on facebook so you can look me up there David Dougherty

It's the New Year, Twenty Ten,

Jan 17, 2010

Hi all, i know it has been months since i have been on here.  I am doing OK.  My weight has jumped up to 214, you say that's not bad but once you lose it once it is hard to keep it off. I know with the holidays me eating and especially my snacking habits when to he!!..  AS always my screwed up work schedule dose not help matters. I am working Thur to Monday with Tue and Wed off. the week days i am working 11:00 - 7:30 pm and what really sucks is SAT and SUN 2:00-10:30pm.  plus i have off 2 days a week and my wife has 3 days off a week but we do not have one day off together.  I hope everyone is doing great, we are looking toward going on a cruse this year along with finishing the pool deck.  Take care all.

22 Months out and 50th Birthday

Sep 21, 2009

I am doing ok. I have creeped back up to a high of 206.4 and I am woking my way back down to the 200 mark.
We have been doing ok. it was hard watching what we ate at the shore on vacation, You know Boardwalk food.  And i just celebrated my 50th birthday.  Yippieee to me. here is a link to the party pictures

it's been a long time

Jun 16, 2009

Sorry everyone, again it has been a long time since I have posted here. I am doing well. I am hanging at 200 lbs +/- 5lbs. robin is at 147 +/- 3lbs. We have been so enjoying our new lease on life putting lots of miles ion the scooter and walking so much more. We went to inner harbor for a wedding and walked all day. Last time we were there was pre-op and all we did was look for places to sit and rest. We so much enjoy our new life and get so much more done and it takes so much less effort.  Check out my face book site at www.facebook/eztravler that is the best way to get a hold of me.  

I have not been here for awhile

Apr 20, 2009

well lets see here. I have not been on here for awhile, Sorry about that folks. 
Not much has been going on here. I have been working on different shifts at work. I am back on daylight. 12:30 to 9pm with Sata nd Sunday off. I will be on this shift for 2 weeks, maybe more.
I have been eating fine. I am keeping my weight on track.  I have been going to the gym 3 times a week and started tanning.
I have the scooters up and running and we put about 100+ miles on them this past weekend.

that's about all.  take care.


work, work work

Mar 23, 2009

Once again i am on a new schedule for the next 2 weeks i am working 1pm to 9:30pm Monday thru Friday.

My work is changing again. Ughhhhh

Mar 19, 2009

Well here I go again,  my work schedule has changed for about the next three weeks,  that's my best guess.   I have been working the jockey job since November 2007. Yes it has been that long. I was doing the 2:00 pm to 10:30 pm jockey job most of that time and it was not to bad. It gave me my mornings at home to get stuff done but if I procrastinated I did not get much accomplished in the 6 hours I had from about 7am till 1pm. One bad thing is that I was working evenings so it cut out a lot of things in my life that I really did not miss till the last couple of weeks when I was working 10:00 pm to 6:30am. Yes I was up all night and had to go into work Sunday evening at 10pm so I had to end my weekend at 5pm on Sunday to get some rest before I went to work. The good part was that I had from the time I got up about noon to 1:30 till 9:00 pm at night to work around the house, go out in the evening like a normal person, go roller skating, meet up with the scooter club. I had about 9 hours in the afternoon and evening to have a life. It was nice while it lasted. For the next three weeks or so I will be working 1:00 pm to 9:30 pm so there goes my evenings, my Tuesday nigh skating, the scooter club rides etc... I am not sure what run I will get next.  I will keep moving from run to run till I get the run that no one else wants. That will be my run. On the other hand, and this is in my mind, there is talk of cutting 4 drivers at the Post office and giving that work to contractors. If so I will be one of them. I am not sure yet how that would all plan out but I am not looking forward to the unknown...  Isn’t life grand?

16 months post-op

Mar 16, 2009

I am now 16 months post-op and feeling great.  I have said this before and I will say it again. I wish I would have done this years before. It has changed my life in so many ways. I think back to all that I could not or was limited in doing with my kids because of my weight.  If you are thinking of having the surgery DO it for YOURSELF and your FAMILY.  I have not hand many problems, as most people I have over eaten, eaten to fast, or not chewed enough and has paid the price for that.  I have been holding around 202 lbs but would like to get back down to the 190's.  I am sure as spring and summer come around my weight will drop.  If I can answer any questions about the surgery please ask.  I want to help others gain the freedom that I have through my weight loss.  It is hard sometimes to take the time to sit and update this site because there are so many new doors open and sitting in front of the computer is not big on my list.
I wish all my OH friends new and old the best.
David D

March update

Mar 10, 2009

WOW people I have not updated since Feb. bad me.   

Last night we went to support group which is put on by The Weight Loss Clinic in Harrisburg. It was a different evening. They had a fellow weight loss client speak on her progress with her weight loss. She had to do the 6 month medical diet as a lot of folks had to do and she has lost 60 some pounds doing it. She was an excellent speaker as far as being entertaining but her message was not one that the weight Loss clinic would have supported. She told of her cheating on her diet and it was ok to cheat as long as she corrected for it. She said snacking is ok with limits which I do agree but she was way overboard compared to what the doctors would advise a bypass or lap band patient.  I am sure Jess, and Dr Weiger had a meeting of minds today. LOL. I don’t know what is so hard to get good quality speakers at the support group instead of having former patients do the speaking. I can remember they had a recovery nurse, plastic surgeon, mental health person, a nutritionist, (not Jess) plus other who gave us some good in-site to what to expect our new lives to be like.    

Kid update>> My daughter Cinda is finally went to the baby doctor on Friday. Let’s see here she is pregnant in December and finally goes to the doctor in March, KIDS!! The baby is healthy and she is due 8/3/09  

On the work front I am on a new shift at work I work from 10:00pm to 6:30am starting Sunday night at 10:00pm. I will have weekends off from Friday morning at 6:30am till I go back in to work Sunday night at 10:30pm.  I come home in the morning and sleep till about noon so I get about 5 hours of sleep then and can nap for about an hour at work. I do not like this new shift. It is up for bid now to any of the other drivers by seniority and I will know Monday if anyone else bid it or not.  If no one bids it then I get to keep it.   If someone bids it then I will get their job for about 3 weeks till there run is bid. If no one bids it then I get it. If some one bids their run then I get their job for three weeks and it continues till no one except me the bottom man bids on the run so the bottom line is that I get what no one else wants. The other thing is that there is rumor of them taking away 4 driver jobs and me being on the bottom I would be one of the drivers who will get cut. It is just rumor so far but it is on my mind.
1 comment

Roller Skating

Feb 16, 2009

Last night I went roller skating and wow did I have a good time. It was so great being so light on my feet. When I went roller skating Pre-op I was luck to make it 4 or 5 times around the rink before I would have to sit and rest. Last night it was 2 ½ hours of non-stop skating delight. It was so cool to be able to do things on sakes that I have not been able to do for 15 to 20 some years.  The only thing I need to do is work on my leg strength, I don’t have the leg strength to raze and lower myself on one leg. That will come in time. “Yea Time at the gym doing leg presses”.   I am excited at what I could do. Now I need to get my act back in gear and get back down to 190 lbs. 

About Me
Enola, PA
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2007
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