Hoping to put an end to the cycle

Nov 09, 2010

I started "dieting" in 3rd grade. Food has always been my greatest friend and my greatest enemy. I have lost hundreds of pounds and never learned how to maintain a weight loss. I have been a Weight Watcher on and off many times since I was in the 6th grade. too. That was another battle that I would really be successful with and then gain it all back, plus some. I finally gave up and accepted that I was meant to be fat. Then I would look in the mirror and think "this is not me". Now that I have gotten older my health has become more of a consideration. I don't want to have weight related medical problems. I want  to be healthy, have energy and enjoy life! I am so excited, and scared, to pursue VGS. I trust my surgeon and do believe that I am in good hands. I look forward to the changes I'll see in me next year! There are so many things I want to be able to do. I am so happy that Chris S. introduced me to this site! She has been a positive influence and I am grateful that I met her.

About Me
Villas, NJ
Sep 18, 2010
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