Update 2/10/10! Wow it's been forever since I have been on this site. My life after weight loss surgery has been good. I weigh about 150 lbs and wear a size 6 or 8 depending on the cut. This year will be 7 years ago that I had my surgery and I am proud to say I have maintained. The biggest piece of advice I can give is that you still have to focus in on your eating everyday. I have loaded a few recent pictures that show how I look now. Alot of people ask me how I maintain and all I can say is I still eat little portions, I still look at sugar content on everything I eat, and I am active. I can't say I exercise every day but I am always out doing something. If you have any questions, please message me, I would be more than happy to chat with you. Take care and good luch wherever you are in your journey!

I have my initial consult with Dr. Skogerson scheduled for June 5, 2003. It seems like such a long time away! I have been researching this procedure for over 4months now and I am certain it is right for me. I have been over weight my whole life, so a couple more months can't hurt, right? I will post more information as I find out more. Wish me luck with insurance, so far so good. They approved me to go out of network for the consult and my PCP is all for it-YEA!!!!

Update...3/17/03- The surgeons office called and scheduled my consult for this morning. What a relief to not wait until June. The Dr. was very candid in his presentation and I felt very comfortable with him. Now all the pre-testing is being scheduled. I have another appointment on April 28th for a follow up. Hopefully I will have all the clearances from the pre-tests so a surgery date can be scheduled. They say it probably won't be until September. It seems like a long time away, but I know it will go quickly ( I hope )!!

4/25/03-SO much has happened. I had my phsyciatric evaluation and my first appointment with the nutritionist 2 weeks ago. I scheduled the cardiologist and pulmonologist, but my insurance wouldn't approve their visits because they were out of network. I decided to pay for these 2 appointments because I wasn't about to let this go. In the meantime, the Doctor's office submitted the request to my insurance this past Monday. I got a call on Thursday that I was approved!!!! I can't believe it!! I still have to finish a couple of pre-op appointments, but the hardest part is over. The insurance company approved the request the 1st time, no problems at all.

They say I may not have the surgery until October or November. It seems like such a long time away. I hope it goes fast and that they move my date up. I am so ready for this to happen. I will be on the other side before the end of the year. I can't wait!!!!

I GOT A DATE!!! It is September 8, 2003!! Whoo Hoo!! I am SOOOO excited. The surgeons office re-worked their schedule so my date is sooner than they anticipated. I am so thankful this is going through and is going to happen. I will definitely see a new, smaller me before the end of 2003.YEA!!

7/10/03- I have a new date!!! I got a call yesterday from the doctor's office and my new date is August 12th!! That is only 32 days away. I am so excited and so ready for this to happen. I have alot to prepare for. The countdown is on!

8/1/03- I had all of my pre-op appointments today. Everything went really well. Only 12 days to go, I can't believe it!!! I am so excited, and anxious, but not afraid at all. I went to the store to buy all of my post op stuff the last few days. I made sure I got my vitamins, calcium, post-op diet food and liquids, and much more.... It is so exciting to be this close. I just have to get through next week, and I will be on the other side before I know it.

Thanks to all of you for your messages and kind thoughts. I REALLY appreciate it. It's so nice to be able to talk to people who can really relate... and I know each and everyone of us on this sight knows what I am talking about.

I'll update more after my surgery.. Take care and best wishes to you all.

8/28/03 Hi there everybody. Well I am now 16 days post op and have lost 21 lbs. That's the good news. Unfortunately, I was not one of the lucky ones that had no complications. By day 2 in the hospital I started having severe back pain. The nurses kept saying it was the way I laid on the table. I didn't think so. That night I couln't sleep at all no matter what pain medication they gave me, I was in such severe pain. They tried everything, but nothing seemed to work. The next day my surgeon came in and was ready to release me home. I told him of the pain and he had them give me a shot of valium in my back thinking I needed to relax the mucsles in my back. After that this horrible nurses assistant said I needed to walk around the hall way. I say she was horrible because she was very rude and non-caring. As I walked, I told her I needed to go back, I was in too much pain and she said NO! I walked a little further then fainted into a wall. 2 other nurses came and helped me into a wheelchair. They took me back to my room where I passed out for about 1/2 hour. When I woke up, I was panicked. I couldn't breath. The pain in my back had spread to by stomach and arms. It was unbearable. They called my surgeon right in. He called for a catscan and told me not to worry, he would figure out what was wrong. Before the catscan could be done that had to put in what is called a PICKLINE, which is another form of an IV that goes in your arm and travels up to your neck through an artery. That was very painful also. They did more blood work and found out that I became anemic, so I had to have 2 pints of blood transfused in through this new IV. Still no pain meds were working. I finally got the catscan several hours later and they determined that my "old" stomach was inflating like an innertube rather than deflating liked it is supposed to. Then they had to put in a gastric tube ( its a lot larger that the regular JP tube you get after surgery). Unfortunately, I had to be awake for this procedure and it hurt so bad. I could feel them puncture my stomach and run the tube through my body. I literaly thought I was going to die from the pain. I spent the next 8 days in the hospital with 2 tubes and an IV hooked up to me. I could only swallow ice chips. I had to have breathing treatments because my lungs were not working properly. The hospital stay was very long and as you all know, you never get any rest there. They wake you up alot. I finally got to go home on the 8th day, but the 2 tubes were still in me along with the IV. It was plugged off, but the DR. wanted to keep it in just in case I had more complications. When I got home I was able to start the stage 1 diet which consisted of chicken broth, jello, and water. I followed that for the next 6 days, when I went back to see the DR. He sent me over to the hospital for more tests on my stomach to make sure everything was draining okay. Turns out the Gastric tube they put in was able to be removed along with the IV, but not the JP tube, I still have a small leak. I was able to go to stage 2 diet which consists of more soft foods. I am still on that and waiting to see the Dr. next Wednesday. Hopefully the last tube will come out and I can move to stage 3 diet. It has been a very long road to recovery and I think I am on my way. I went to my support group meeting last night and shared my story. We all think complications can't happen to us, but they do. This was a very unusual one, but I got through it. The weight is coming off now. Last week I don't think I could of said it was all worth it, but I am getting there now. I share this with anyone who wants to listen, because I certainly didn't think complications would happen to me and I think we all need to hear both sides, good and bad. Take care, and I'll post more next week.

9/18/03 Hey there everybody! I know it's been along time since I posted, but I wanted to wait awhile until I felt a little better. I am now 5 weeks post op and down almost 40 pounds, YIPEE!! I just got the JP tube out yesterday, and all I can say is OUCH! I have been feeling really good the past week and a half, but today is not such a good day. I think all the pain from the tube being removed has really made me feel sick. I have moved to the stage 4 diet, so I am eating pretty much anything I want, it's just a lot smaller portions. I have even had chicken, and it went down fine. I sure am careful on my choices, especially sugar content. I haven't dumped yet, and I don't want to. Crab legs are my favorite right now, they are so yummy! It is very hard to get all the protein in, along with all the water. I haven't been perfect, but I am getting alot down.

Well, I better go, take care everyone.

10/5/03- Hey there!! I think I am finally out of the woods. Had a few more complications after the last tube came out. I had 2 more C scans and some antibiotics. The pain now is pretty much gone. THANK GOD!!! I am down to 216lbs. which is total loss of 49 lbs. YEA!! My BMI is now under the surgery qualifying mark. I have had a bit of a slow down. There was a period of 2 1/2 weeks where I didn't lose a single pound. Talk about frustrating. I think it had to do with all the problems I had. But now, it seems to be coming off pretty regularly. I can now eat regular food. I can't believe in 7 more days it will already have been 2 months since my surgery. It is true about the food, if you can get through the 1st 8 weeks, it is much better after. I am making better choices since this is the time to stop old habits. I can tell you it is hard. One of things I miss most is taking a big bite of something you really like and tasting the flavor as you swallow. Now I have to take a very small bite and chew forever, then swallow. Doing this makes you lose that feeling of satisfaction, I hope that makes sense. The other thing that is taking some getting used to is not drinking and eating at the same time. It feels weird, like its not natural. Also, everyone on this site talks about not getting enough protein. It is hard. I just recently found some protein bars at Walmart called Carb Solutions. They are low in sugar and high in protein. I think they taste good because they come in different flavors. I am hoping they help me lift my protein intake.

I also started my exercise program. I am walking 2 miles a day. It really does make you feel better. Well I better go for now, take care, and if anyone has questions, just e-mail me.

10-26-03- Hey there, things are going really great for me now. All the complications seem to be gone. I don't have to see the Dr. til February, yea!! I am down 60 lbs. now and it feels great. I sometimes wish it were faster, but I know it is going fast. My clothes keep getting bigger and baggier on me. I have alot of people comment on how different I am looking. I can eat just about anything, I never get sick. I learned to limit my portions so that horrible feeling you get when you eat to much hasn't happened in a long time. It so weird, I read labels in everything! I watch the sugar grams more than anything. I have not ever dumped, and I don't want to. This surgery is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I am so glad I did it. I just keep thinking about next summer and how healthy and skinny I will be. Take care, and I will post again next month.

11/21/03- I did it!!! I am officially under 200 lbs. I weighed in this morning at 195. YEA!!! I have now lost 70 lbs. forever! Life is wonderful. I can feel myself shrinking and it is incredible. I am eating like a normal person (smaller amounts ofcourse)and it is wonderful. Next week is my birthday, and I think this "tool" we use is the best present I could have given myself. Although I went through some really hard times, I would do it again in a minute because now I know what its like on the other side. I can just imagine what it will be like when I hit my goal. Only 65 lbs more to go. Take care, and I'll post again next month.

1/1/04 Happy New Year!!! What a great year it has been. I am down 85 lbs. and weighing in at 180 lbs. I actually wore size 16 Calvin Klein jeans for New Years last night. It feels wonderful! I am slowing down on the weight loss, but I think 85 lbs. in 4 months in pretty darn good. The inches still seem to be coming off faster than the pounds, so that is okay with me. I am working out 4 times a week for the most part and can eat pretty much anything I want. I still am careful to make better choices, but I have a had a bite of desserts here and there. The great part is, I take 1 or 2 bites, and I am satisfied. I don't feel deprived at all.

I hope everything is going well for the rest of you. I will post again next month.

2/12/04- Hi there, sorry I am a little late posting this month, but I can't believe it, I hit the century club this week. That's right I am officially down 101 lbs as of today. It is also my 6 month anniversary for my WLS. What a difference in how I feel. It is wonderful. I have really gotten into an exercise routine. I do 2-3 miles almost everyday and then I do a 10 minute toning tape. I feel so energetic all the time. It has really helped with the shaping of my body. People say I am the incredible shrinking woman! I am still very careful with what I eat, which is pretty much anything I want. I had a awful experience with Triscuits a couple of weeks ago. If I eat 1 or 2 I am okay, but this day I ate 5-6 and boy did they swell in my little tummy, yuk! What a terrible feeling.

Take care everyone, I wish you all well!!

2/29/04- Well I have only lost 3 more lbs. since my last post, but that's okay. I know it will be slower now. I did my measurements this morning, I try to do them once a month. I have lost a total of 102 inches around my body! That is incredible! I have lost just about the same in inches and pounds. No complaints here. I sent some "after" pictures this week, hopefully they will be updated soon. Everyone keeps telling me how small I look, it just doesn't seem real. I have bought some new clothes. It has become a must since everything is getting to big. I love to go shopping, before I hated it. It is so great to go to a regular size clothes rack and actually find your size. In some of my work clothes (suits mostly) I am in a size 10 or 12 depending on the cut. My goal is to get to a size 6, so I think it will happen. I am currently at 165 lbs. so I have only 30 more until goal. I can't remember the last time I only needed to lose 30 lbs.

Have a great month!

3/17/04- Happy St. Patrick's day!! Gosh, the weight loss has really slowed down. I have lost 3 more lbs., but I feel like I have been on a huge plateau. I know I am still looking smaller, but I sure do wish that scale would move. Everything is pretty much the same as last month. I am shopping alot these days and I just love it. I went to Macy's a couple of weeks ago and just tried on everything. Even though I only bought a couple of things, it was so fun just to try things on and they fit!! I bought a new swimsuit, a size 10!!! I never ever thought the words "this looks pretty good on me" would ever come out of my mouth. I know that I am not model material or anything, but it feels so great to actually wear a swimsuit in a "regular" size and not feel like the fattest person on the planet. I have 3 huge vacations coming up. In April I am going to Toronto, In May my husband and I are going on a 7 day Western Carribean cruise, and in July we are headed to Cozumel for a wedding. I am so excited to know I will be able to do whatever I want and this weight thing won't hold me back. I know I have said it before, THIS SURGERY WAS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME!!

Have a great month!

5/12/04- I can't beleive I did not post last month. I am so excited to be down a total of 114 lbs!! My current weight is 156, I still have a little ways to go, but I feel awesome! I just got back from my trips to Toronto and the Carribean. The cruise was so fun. I wore my swimsuit everyday and didn't feel fat the whole time, it was great. We got all dressed up for the formal nights and took alot of pictures, I almost felt like a model. I hope I can scan them or something to post on this site. I was afraid I was gaining weight on the cruise, lets face it, there is alot of eating and drinking. I made some good choices, but also made some bad ones as well. I even drank alcohol, which I reallty hadn't done yet. I was careful because it definitely hits you alot harder and faster with a little tummy. But the good news, I didn't gain anything. I was so excited when I got home. We walked everywhere and took the stairs rather than the elevator the whole time. I think that helped. Today is my 9 month anniversary of my surgery. I can remember thinking back when I was doing all the research on this site, what it would be like to be 9 months out and healthier. Now I know. I get compliments everyday and I just love it. Well thats all for me this month. I hope you all are doing well....My thoughts are with you!

July 9, 2004

My updated photos are now posted! What a difference almost a year makes. I feel incredible! I cannot believe I am in a size 8, which is already getting too big. This is the best thing I have ever done!!

July 11, 2004- Tomorrow will be my 11 month anniversary, time goes by so fast these days. I currently weigh 145 lbs, which is a total loss of 125 lbs. I only have 10 more lbs to go to hit my ultimate goal of 135 lbs. I finally feel like a totally normal person. I eat like a normal person, dress like a normal person, and feel like a normal person. I know that sounds strange, but that is all I ever wanted when I started this journey. I have definitely learned to make better choices, but it is really nice not to have to be on a diet ALL THE TIME!! When I do snack, it is usually on protein bars or beef jerkey. I love it! But if I want to eat a meal that isn't exactly the most healthy, I do it. That all for this month. I am heading out of town tomorrow night for my trip to Cozumel, Mexico. I can't wait!! Take care and I'll post next month.

8/18/04- Well, I finally hit my anniversary. Its been more than one year ago that I had my surgery, and it has went by so fast. I currently weigh 140 lbs, so only 5 more to go until goal. I want to hit 135 lbs. just to say I did, but I think I will level out around 140 lbs. The loose skin around my tummy probably weighs atleast 5 lbs anyway.... My trip to Mexico was a blast. Beaches, sun, etc. It was awesome. I just had a girls night out a couple of weeks ago and we went to this club and danced. It was so much fun. I was flirted with the whole night, I was always the fat girl that was really "nice" but no one every really flirted with me. What an incredible feeling. You certainly do get treated differently when your thin. I think I will always have that fat girl in my head just a little so I remember what it was like. I think its great to get noticed, but a little part of me still gets mad at how overweight people are treated. I am exactly the same person I was before, even my personality, but I am treated so differently as a thin person. Who knows... I am just so much happier and healthier these days. I would do it all over again in a split second! Have a great month.

October 19, 2004-

Wow, how time flies by....I can't believe I didn't post last month. I finally reached my goal weight. I currently weigh 134.5 pounds and wear a size 4!! Can you believe it, a size 4. Not in my wildest dreams could I ever have imagined I would be in a size 4. I have never felt better in my whole life. I am still eating the protein bars, drinking water etc. I can't say I always follow the rules, but for the most part I do. This was a gift and I never want to feel like I felt when I was heavy. I come back to this site a few times a month to stay informed and read the Q & A's, usually there are questions there I have myself. Good luck to anyone out there having this surgery. I know it's a long journey, but well worth it. It does get better. Even eafter everything I went through, it was so worth it. Have a great month!

January 7, 2005
I can't believe I haven't updated in so long. The holidays were crazy with Christmas party's, shopping, etc. I had a great Christmas! I got a new diamond ring, the Past, Present, Future ring. 1 carat, it's beautiful! My husband got a new Mustang, the one that looks like the old 67 model. We were getting it anyway, so why not call it a Cristmas present? Anyway, we got everything we wished for and so did the kids. I didn't gain any weight over the holidays, I am down to an all time low of 131 lbs. That is a total loss of 139 lbs. WOW! I am holding steady at a size 4 for the most part. I can fit into some 2's. Can you beleive it, size 2!! I will post some pictures from the Christmas party's soon. I have been slacking off on my work outs lately, so I started the new year with a strict plan and intend to follow it. I just hit 17 months post-op so I know it gets harder to keep the weight off now. I will not gain it back, I refuse! Have a great month!

March 15, 2005

Wow, how time flies these days. I am so sorry I haven't posted. Life gets busy. I am happy to report that I am 20 months post op and holding steady. My weight fluctuates between 130 lbs- 134 lbs. I had one week where I got up to 136 lbs. and I panicked. Can you imagine, panicking at 136 lbs. But it was the first time since surgery I had actually gained weight. It scared me so bad. I refuse to gain weight. These days you hear so many stories of weight gain and the ridicule that goes along with it. I will not be a statistic. I love shopping. I am mostly in the junior section, small tops and size 3 or 5 on the bottom. I love wearing the "cool" clothes out there. I definately can eat like a normal person now. They say the honeymoon stage ends at 2 years and I am coming close. But I do make sure to watch what I eat and work out. I still can't eat a whole lot at meals, maybe 4 or 5 ounces, but I get hungrier alot faster in between meals and I like to snack. The good news is I snack on things like cheese or fruit. Occasionally its a cookie, but isn't that realistic? I didn't go through all of this to be on a strict diet for the rest of my life. I am finally a "normal" person and I am so thankful. I am sending in new pictures. They should update soon. Have a great month!

July 19, 2005

Oh my gosh! It has been so long since I updated. I am holding steady between 135 lbs. and 137 lbs. Next month is my 2 year anniversary already. Time sure does fly by. Nothing too much new to report. I still am in a size 4, loving summer clothes. We've been on the lake alot this summer on our jet ski's. I have Lasik scheduled next month. I am so excited not to have to depend on contacts or glasses. Maybe later this year I will look into plastic surgery for my tummy, but not quite yet. Eating is pretty much the same, just like a normal person. I know it sounds boring, but it is so great to be "normal" and not have to feel guilty everyday for eating like when you are overweight. This is still the best thing that has ever happened to me! Take care!

August 12, 2005

Happy Anniversary to me! 2 years ago today my life changed forever. I can't believe how fast time goes by. I am maintaining at 135 lbs. I fluctuate a little, 5 lbs. either way but I am happy with that. I don't have a lot of new things to report. I am getting Lasik eye surgery done on 8/25/05 and I can't wait. I waited until I was 2 years post op to be sure it was safe an it is, so next week no more glasses or contacts, yea!! I am still thinking about plastic surgery. I have some extra skin, not a huge amount, but enough to make me feel self conscience, just around my tummy and upper thighs. We will see, maybe I will, maybe I won't. Everything else is wonderful. I am so healthy. I got this new excercise tape called walk and jog. I though maybe I would have a tough time doing it, but it wasn't hard at all. In fact I am going to start jogging outside in the mornings. I was always afraid to do that because I thought I would just die from being out of breath or something, just like when I was heavy, but I didn't. I am normal, I can't believe it. Take care everyone, I wish you the best of luck where ever you are in your journey!

October 26, 2005

Hey there, I hope everyone is doing great! Not too much new to report, still holding steady between 135-140 lbs. I had my 2 year follow up. All my lab work was great. I was 2 lbs different than I was 1 year ago. That means I am maintaining and I am so happy! My Lasik was awesome, I can see better than 20/20 and I am so glad I don't have to wear contacts or glasses. I have just left my job after 16+ years and I am going to be a stay at home Mom for awhile. I am so excited because it is something I have never done. We'll have to see how I do! Still considering plastic surgery. I am going to start the research and look at having it sometime at the beginning of next year. That would be awesome to have a flat stomach. I am maintaining a size 4, but that skin just makes me crazy. Have a great month, and I'll post again soon, take care!

January 10, 2006

Happy New Year! I just updated my photos. I am so happy that I am currently maintaining my weight, especially going into the dreaded 3rd year post op. I usually fluctuate between 135 and 140 lbs, which I am so ok with. I still wear a 4 or 6 depending on the cut. I haven't been so good on working out over the holidays, but that is going to change. I am still researching plastic surgery. Staying home with the kids has been awesome so far, we'll see if it stays great or if I go back to work. Only time will tell....I hope everything is going well wherever you are in your journey. Take care!

August 13, 2006

I can not believe it is my 3 year anniversary! And I can not believe how long it has been since I posted! I apologize for that as I know I like to read updates myself. Yes it has been 3 years since my life took a drastic turn and I became a post op. WOW! To answer the question everyone asks, are you maintaining and the answer is yes. I am certainly not perfect by any means, but I weighed in this morning at 143 lbs. I seem to flucuate between 140 and 145 lbs. for about 3 months now. I am still ok with that. I still wear a 4 or 6 depending on the cut, but 6's are most comfortable. As I have said in all my previous posts, I just feel like a normal person who does normal things. I eat what I want, when I want, but I do make good choices. I will try to post some updated photos soon, but nothing much has really changed. I can remember when I was going through the shrinking stage, I took pictures all the time, now I almost never do. I did end up going back to work about 3 months ago. Staying home was awesome for a while, but started to get very boring and I need that career challenge. I went to a different company doing the same line of work so I am very happy. Other than what I have said, things are pretty much the same, just living my life and being happy doing it. I wish you all the best where ever you are in your journey. I promise I will post more often, just not every month because things just don't change that much when you feel normal! :) Take care!


About Me
Reno, NV
Surgery Date
Mar 07, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
270 lbslbs
December 05, 2.5 years post op and maintaining, I love it!
138 lbs.lbs

Friends 11
