6 weeks Post Op

Mar 25, 2010

Well I am 6 weeks out from surgery and down about 29 lbs.  I can tell in last few weeks that the weight is gone.  I guess I am finally paying attention to myself.  I heard early out from people that they could tell in my face that I have lost weight.  Up until recently I have been able to feel it more in my clothes as they are fitting much better.  My energy level has picked up some and I can actually run up two flights of stair and not be out of breathe.  Before I would have had to stop at the bottom of second flight just to take a breathe and that was walking up them.  I have a great group of people that I work with who are constantly asking me if I am drinking my water, which has helped me.  I can now drink about 54oz in a day...I am working to the 64oz or more now water now.  That has been hard ...I have become very acquainted with many bathrooms now that I am drinking so much water. LOL!   I have noticed too that before my surgery I had to have flavor in my water in order to drink it. Now I prefer slightly chilled to room temp. water and I drink it with no problems.  That truly amazes me.  I try not to bring too much attention to myself about my weight loss outside the WLS community.  I am trying to be humble about it and don't want it going to my head. BUT sometimes my confidence in the way I look and feel just get in the way and I want to tell everyone ...Guess what I did that has changed my life for the better!  I find myself looking at other overweight people now and wonder if they have any idea what they are doing to their body.  I want them to know how much better that I feel.  Then the double edge sword comes out.  I am addicted to my bathroom scale...it calls me all the time.  Deborah come step on me and see if you have gained or lost a pound...Deborah come on you know you want to stand on me.  What the hell...why has this consumed me?!  I feel really good and throw my fist in the air and bring it down to my side when I lose a pound.  Then I am scratching my head wondering what did I eat yesterday that caused me to gain that pound.  It is such a horrible jedi mind trick....yes....I said jedi mind trick!   I find that I worry all the time is this all the weight that I will lose?!  Wondering what I am doing that is causing my stall.   I guess at times I think that I took a magic pill and I would wake up and poof it is gone.  Oh..if it only worked that way.  I grabbed my butt for some reason last night and noticed that it is a little saggy in places.  Then I started to think of all the butt exercises that I need to start doing to tighten up as much as I can.  Which brings me to the next phase that I am trying to work on....getting in more exercise.  That Is the worst trying to find time for myself to do that.  When the days are nice I do take a 3.5 mile power walk and I feel great.  Before having my RNY I would have to chew gum because my mouth would get so dry during the walk.  Now I drink so much water that it doesn't bother me anymore. I have a very athletic active daughter who will be 17 in July. She is currently playing softball and I will not miss her games. So that keeps me from working out by the time we get home from the games it will be 9 or 10pm.  Since I get up between 4:30 and 5:00am to get ready for work at 6:30 I normally go to bed as soon as we get home.  My other new goal is trying to find time for me to take care of me.  That will be hard until softball season for the school is over...I say that because she plays travel softball too! The schedule is more relaxed then.  I see it posted on the forums all the time ...Newbees asking what surgery did you have and would you do it again?    Knowing what I know now...I like many of you that are further out..I wished I had done this earlier.  I am looking forward to what my future has to hold and ready to embrace it all!

Who am I?

Mar 18, 2010

As I have started my weight loss journey I have made many new friends. One thing that I know that we all have in common is the fact that we had enough of being “FAT”. Whether it was a doctor’s diagnosis or someone saying something to you that woke you up enough to say ok it is time to do something…and saying I’m tired of being this way.   We can all agree that we have the best procedure for weight loss because that is what has worked for us. There are so many opinions out there as to what vitamins that you can or should be taking. Those saying don’t take this because these will not work since you had this procedure.  Your doctor has paid thousands of dollars to learn how to do that job. They have suggested you do something that someone else is not doing since their doctor has suggested they do the opposite. You have paid your doctor for his expertise listen to them and what they have suggested for you. You are not everyone else and everybody reacts differently to prescriptions and vitamins. Your body will tell you what you can and cannot do just listen to it.

So….Why can we not just focus on the issue at hand? We are all in the same boat and that is losing weight, changing food habits and being healthy.  I think some have lost focus of the journey and are too busy playing doctor because this worked for them. The best knowledge that anyone person can have is to read up on all the procedures and consult your bariatric doctor and obtain as much knowledge as possible. Don’t leave anything out… consider all risk that are involved to make a decision that is best for you. 

For me my big decision now is to find out who I really am. Since having my daughter 17 years ago and watching my weight climbed higher than it has ever been. I have lost focus on who I was before she came along as my priority switched to her. I started putting myself on the back burner and basically lost myself. I have always hid behind the scenes; afraid that I will be captured on someone’s camera and I may have to look at myself again.  What this journey of my life has given me, having my WLS, is a chance to find me again. I use to play softball and volleyball; I use to work out all the time; I use to ride a bike and go hiking and camping. Now it is my time …it is my time to change the word “use to” …to does!  I found out over the weekend how much that I love to dance.  I had forgotten that!  I had not been dancing in so long because I felt horrible about the way I looked. My self esteem and confidence has been improving daily! I can bend over to tie my shoe and my legs are almost straight.  I feel that I have become a better wife and mother…granted right now I am the new kid on the block but it doesn’t take much to make you feel better. Yes…. I struggle with OMG I have not lost any weight in over a week. ..Or I have gained 1 -2 lbs.   That is all part of this journey.  One of the motto’s that I stick by is “What doesn’t kill us will make us stronger”.   I am getting stronger everyday. I will also be running my first 5K in May and I am so excited about that. I have not gone running for my health in over 20 years.  I am excited to do my first of hopefully many marathons. I am looking forward to having many first…first time that I can by clothes that are not in the plus sections, the first time that I have been able to put a swimsuit on and not look like I am wearing a mu-mu, the first time I can look down my stomach and see my private area.  I am excited about life again! I am looking forward to the many ups and downs that my journey is about to take me on.
I realize this is really long but I felt like I needed to share and put it out there. Thanks for reading!

Am I On Track?!

Mar 12, 2010

The last few days I have been worried that I have not been on track with my loss.  I know that my weight didn't go on over night and will not come off overnight either.  However the fat dieter that is inside has me contsantly second guessing everything that I do and eat. I am so worried...did I get enough of protein, am I eating enough, am I eating too much!  I have a journal that I keep and I am staying within about 600-800 calories a day.  I have started drinking a protein shake just to make sure that I am getting enough protein. 

My biggest fear it that I had this surgery for nothing! That I will gain all my weight back.  I am only at 26 lbs lost and 4 away from what I could do on my own that is when it would all go down hill.  I am trying to make good choices!

I am taking all my vits every morning and at lunch, and have started walking again!  


I am one month post op today!

Mar 08, 2010

It is hard to believe that my surgery was a month ago today! I have had an interesting journey so far.  I am so much more conscience about what I eat now.  Which is great and exactly what you want!  I had a very speedy recovery.  I went back to work just 5 days after surgery.  I sit behind a desk with no lifting..I took naps during my hour lunch for the first 3 days back . Which worked out great for me!   I found out this past weekend that I am not ready for chicken BUT I am all over the beef.  My sexual drive has increased which I have had no complaints from my husband.  I have been working out and doing lots of walking. I am currently down 26 lbs.  I have started getting compliments from coworkers and family as they have noticed.  Everyone that I am in contact with that knows that I did this surgery has been 100% supportive.  I am truly blessed to have such support and have the support of the OH family too! .  I even have daily check ups with a friend to make sure that we are drinking enough water. I have found out that I am cold more often...so I just bundle up.  That is fine.  I know that for me RNY was the best choice that I could have ever made.  I am so happy with my decision and look forward to the many changes that I have ahead. 


2 Weeks Post OP

Feb 22, 2010

It has been two weeks from today since I have had my surgery.  Wow!  At times it seems like it has been longer than that.
I feel really good...by late afternoon I have noticed that I start tiring early.  I know that will change once warmer weather gets here.

I have had my moments of "OMG can you stretch your new stomach out on liquids and baby food?"  Thanks to my friend DeShanna...she told me I was being silly!   I could just drink more now.  

Now I am eating baby food and mashed potato's.  I have noticed that my weight loss has slowed down some. I have been maintaining the same weight for about 3 days.  I am just guessing that my inches my be shifting don't know.  Anxious to see more weight come off.  Will be starting a heavier work out program next week just walking more right now. 

I am nervous about trying new food.  Scared what if I don't lose any more weight.  I want to do everything that I am suppose to do. I want this weight gone for good. 

I saw people this past weekend at a softball tournament  that say they can tell in my face.  Once girl even cornered me in the bathroom and said OK what are you doing different?  I played coy and was like what do you mean?  She said how are you losing your weight.  So I said you really want to know?!  She was like yeah, so I told her that I had gastric bypass, hernia repair and gallbladder removed.  She was like Shut Up!  She said that I looked great and to keep her informed of my progress.

I am still in stretchy pants as my incisions are still irritating me.  Maybe by the weekend I can get into some jeans.

I guess over all I am doing really well.

1 comment

6 days post op

Feb 15, 2010

Let me put out my disclaimer first.  What you are about to read is based on me and no one else.  Please take heed if you are about to go through this journey of you life as everyone reacts differently listen to the good and prepare for the bad...most of all listen to you body.

SO. actually I had hernia repair, gallbladder removal and RNY at 7:00am on 2-9-10 and was home in a recliner by 10:00am on 2-10-10. Let me say the worst part was the gas for me. Laughed when husband would root me on when passing gas. Thought that was quite funny. 

As I am recovering, the day I came home and walked many times my loving hubby took time off to help me...which was appreciated.  However, I didn't care what I watched and woke occasionally to him seeing shows like. Locations that serve the largest serving for one person.  One guy actually ate a 72oz steak about 2in thick, salad, baked potato, bread and had a drink.  Then started watching the best fast food places where you can have the hottest pepper on wings and hot dog stand where people got o to be insulted and love it. Never realized how many food commercials and fitness and weight gimmicks are really out there. Wow! there are a ton.

I did have to go to the ER 4 days after surgery due to right leg calf cramps.   It felt as if I was about to have a huge charlie horse but would never completely cramp up. They did an ultrasound from groin to the bottom of my leg and ruled out blood clots.  Thank GOD!

My senses seemed to be more in tune as smells of food often make me nauseated.  Having to work harded to get my water intake.  But over all I feel great!

I started back to work today and have lost 13lbs so far. 

I am really excited about my upcoming journey but looking forward to when i can eat something that has not been jelled or liquified. Will make it easier around my house.

All in all I feel really good just sore from incisions and still have gas.  Everyday just gets better and better.  Did I tell you that I feel great! 

Yea....I'm finally a Loser!  HA!


Tomorrow is my Surgery ...WOW!

Feb 08, 2010

Clean house -  Check
Protein - Check
Vitamins - Check
Small bag for tomorrow - packing tonight
101 different emotions - Check
Starting a new healthier life -  Priceless! 

Ready or not here I come!

Now just waiting for surgery date on Feb 09,2010.

Jan 27, 2010

Tic toc...the time is counting down.   I have finished my required seminar.  Which for the record was a waste of time since they basically said  the same things to you.  I guess some poeple need to have things repeated to them several times before they get it. 

I have already taken care of my pre admission.  Which was not so bad...I have a nice bruise where blood was taken from.  Will note and make sure they don't take from that site again. 

Still trying to make sure I have all my protein shakes, broth, and Jello lined up.  Trying to be prepared as much as possible.

Working out when possible....Seems like everytime that I plan on working out that something major takes it s place therefore not leaving me any time to do what I have to.  I guess working out when I can is better that not at all.   Seriously need to make time for me otherwise this will not work.

My Words for the Day!  What the ?!  


21 days til Surgery date! Am I doing the right thing?!

Jan 18, 2010

I have 21 more days until my surgery and I'm getting scared now.  I keep thinking what if I don't wake up? What if something happens?  Nothing is ever a guarantee.  Then I get on here and see so many that have made it through everything and have a brand new life.  I get so pumped!  Then I start freaking out again and wonder am I doing the right thing?  Then my knees hurt and I see all the blown veins in my legs and then I am like Hell ya I'm doing the right thing.  I start thinking about all the cute clothes that I will be able to wear soon.  Then I am excited.  I am on my pre surgery diet and I'm freaking out about that what if I don't lose any weight before the surgery?  I am walking 2 miles a day and trying to eat right.   

What is wrong with me!? Am I going crazy?!
1 comment

Getting closer to surgery date! WooHoo!

Jan 07, 2010

Well a few things have happened since I last posted.  I made it through the holidays and gained 4 lbs.  I have recently started working out and started my presurgery diet.  It is hard to stay motivated when it is so dog gone cold!

During the Christmas Holidays I started having pain in the middle of my back.  It felt like the acid in my stomach was boiling through my throat.  I bet I was eating 10 tums at a time and drinking pepto too!  Finally I made an appointment to see Dr. Touliatos who is doing my RNY. He listened to all the symptoms I was having (which some we will just keep to myself...eww!) and ordered a sonogram of my abdomen then 48 hours later I get the call.  I have gallstones...which is not surprising as my mom and sister already had these issues. Not sure if that kind of thing is hereditary or not. 

So I am now scheduled to have my RNY first they will let my family know that I am ok. Then continue on with my gallbladder and hernia repair all in one day.

I am actually the first one on the books that morning and will have to be at the hospital at 5am. 

I have just realized I am about a month away...I am nervous, anxious, scared at times and so ready to get the show on the road.  It is amazing that you can have so many feeling about one issue that will change your life forever. Who would think that the one thing you have been preparing yourself for to already be here and you are like Oh Crap!

I know that God will take care of me and that should be all that matters ...but  I am human! 


About Me
Pell City, AL
Surgery Date
Sep 27, 2009
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