
Dec 25, 2006

Merry Christmas to all! For me it's a Thank God it's over kind of feeling. My sister's husband (I can't even call him my BIL) who is such a jack ass (nicest thing I could come up with) came for Christmas dinner. He almost never shows up for family things anymore to everyones delight but for some reason, he came yesterday. I think only to graze at the table all day. Throughly ruined everyone's Christmas. But as the saying goes, we lived to tell about it. Christmas eve we had the BIG family party. All the aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. That was very fun. We had 48 people for dinner and games etc. My uncle who is a pastor told the christmas story as all the little ones sat and listened and then everyone lit a candle and we turned off all the lights and sang some carols. Such a neat moment totally away from the presents, food, and noise that is a big Family Christmas get together. Here is a pic of that.

Then we did a White Elephant gift exchange which was so funny. Some of the gifts (if you can call them that! ) had a lot of thought in them, (trying to be the most outragous!) But it was good to see everyone again that you only see at Christmas and catch up on their lives. I will post a picture I took from last year and then the same pose from this year to show the difference a year makes. Last year at Christmas was a size 22 and 2x top, this year size 10 pants and med. top. (and Brandon pointed out the top was almost too big this year.) To whoever may be reading this, thanks for checking in with me!



Dec 19, 2006

Just wanted to put this in here. This is my hero!!!  Me and Dr. Kim at Christmas party.



Dec 16, 2006

Well, it seems that another month has passed and just thought I would update here. Have not lost a single pound this month. Actually have gained a couple then lost back down, but never below the 186. Does this bug me? yeah, I guess a little. I love life right now though. I feel so normal, so much a part of normal society that I have not felt like in years. Tonight my son and I went to  Holiday in the Park at Six Flags over Texas. I just wanted to see the park all decorated up for Christmas and it was, but not like I thought. BUT......I did ride a roller coaster for the first time in forever. Actually I would have been fine just sitting in the seat and fitting!!  but I went ahead and rode it. June of 05 as I was waiting for my surgery, I made a list of things I wanted to be able to do once I lost my weight and one of the things I put on the list was "fit into the seat of any ride at an amusement park." Tonight as we were standing there waiting for our car to come up, I turned to my son who was going to ride with me, and I said, "Do you think I'll fit, will we both fit into a car together?" He just laughed and said, I don't think it will be a problem at all Mom,  you are so much smaller than last time you tried this.  When we got in and the bar came down and it didn't even touch me, I honestly almost cried.  So, no, I didn't lose any additional weight this month, but I had some great wow moments like this and look forward to even more. Am I done losing weight, well not if I can help it. But I do think I need to find my focus again. With the exercise most suredly. I have totally gotten away from this and it's just a matter of being lazy, no other excuse. And I used to drink my protein shake everyday and have gotten away from that too, and when I don't I never get in enough protein. But that cold shake just freezes me when the weather is cooler. I have tried putting some protein powder in my coffee but it's not that great. I did read that someone uses the slim fast vanilla shakes as coffee creamer, so I am going to give that a try. Well, that's about it for December. Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!! And 2007 is going to be my year!


Nov 18, 2006

Well today is 16 months since surgery  so I thought I would post a new picture trail thingy I made today. Thanks for reading!

Cool Slideshows


Nov 16, 2006

Well Two days to my offical 16 months since surgery day. Things are moving a little, have lost a couple of more pounds but better still bought some new clothes this weekend and fit nicely in size 10 pants and jeans!  Below is a picture of me in my new pants and med. top. I have lost 202 now, 16 pesky pounds till goal. That may take months but I love how I feel and this is the smallest I have been in my memory since maybe grade school!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Nov 01, 2006

Happy Halloween.  Just a short post to say that I met my mini goal of losing 200lbs! Weighed in today at 188 which is a total loss of 200 lbs! Did I say that already? I just can't believe that it finally happened, and I can't imagine ever having that weight back on my body. Honestly I don't know how I lived through that. Well, God is good, now only 18 more pounds to go to make it to goal!! I am just so thankful I am still losing.


Oct 30, 2006

I forgot to mention in my last post that the reason I had my appointment  with my pcp was that my blood pressure had gone up. I had high blood pressure before surgery and then it went down as I was losing and I got off my meds. Then the last couple of appointments with my surgeon he told me I needed to see my PCP about this. So when I went, it was 150/90. So, she  put me back on meds and I got them filled this weekend. I took my first one Sunday about 11am. (with my food--like the label said) No problems, till about 6pm . I got really dizzy and lightheaded and thought I was going to faint. I took my blood pressure and it was 90/55. Way too low! So I took it easy for the rest of the night and checked it every two hours and it stayed in that range and this morning at 7:30am, it was 85/50. So I ate some mixed nuts (salty) and about 2 potato chips, and waited about 2 hours and had a cup of coffee (caffeine) -all things that raise you blood pressure-- and then took it again and it was 118/75. So I guess it is stable now, but I am not taking that stuff again. I am going to check it again through out the day and should it really go up, I will take maybe a half of one, but until my PCP gets back in town, I am not going to take a whole one again. I was really scared!


Oct 27, 2006

Had my appointment with my PCP yesterday. She didn't think my iron level was anything to be concerned about,  will re-check it again in Jan. and see if it stays stable or drops.  Funny thing though, this was my actual first appointment with my PCP since surgery. I know, that's not good, but I have kept all my appointments with my surgeon and have not been sick or anything, so this was the first time she has seen me since I was 388 lbs! She was so excited, and took me around the office and kept asking everyone if they "remembered Debbie Matthews" and then saying well here is half of her. The other half has flown the coop. I was kind of embarassed but proud. She did say one thing that upset me a bit, one of the PA's asked how I did it , and my doctor said, "well, she cheated, she had surgery." That just sparked a flame and I quickly let her know that I didn't  CHEAT at all, but that this was a very difficult thing and life long challenge. She quickly apoligized and said, "oh no, that is not what I meant at all." So I let it go,  she did look at my skin rashes and made notes on my chart and said we will document them every visit and felt I would have no problem getting my TT covered by insurance. Woo hoo!  Her husband is also a plastic surgeon, so she knows the ins and outs of getting insurance to pay for this. We'll see. I want to lose some more so I'm in no hurry for now. I also need to be at my job a little longer so I can get the time off. Well, that's it for now.


Oct 21, 2006

Ok, don't know what is going on here, but I will take it! Weighed this morning and now at 189! I don't even know why I got on the scales two days in a row, just did and was a happy girl!
The weather here is so great now, about a high of 75 and low of 50. I worked in the yard for a good while getting it ready for fall, and winter. Then washed the car, it was just too pretty to be inside today.


Oct 20, 2006

After a couple of weeks of no weight loss, I weighed this morning and was pleasantly surprised to now be at 190 for a total loss of 198lbs! Not too shabby. 20 pounds to go. Yes, I can get there.

About Me
Fort Worth, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 14, 2004
Member Since

Friends 62

Latest Blog 61
The adventure of Plastic Surgery
6-8-07 I will always remember
