life hands you lemons..sometimes you just have to suck on them

Sep 03, 2008

The past 9 days have been a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs. Randy went in for a simple laparoscopic procedure to fix his reflux.  He was supposed to stay one night at the hospital.

Then the rug was pulled out from under us...his procedure was converted to an open surgery.  So that changed things to a 3 night stay.  However by the second day his breathing was very labored and very sick.  He had pneumonia. It got bad fast and he ended up in ICU for three nights.  I was so scared. He ended up in the hospital for 8 nights. 

We brought Randy home last night.  He still doesn't feel well yet but is glad to be home and on the mend.  I could have never handled the hospital stay as well if I had not lost 80 lbs.  Yep, I am up to 80 lbs lost now.  I was able to walk all over the place and sit in those uncomfortable chairs with no problems.  I even pushed him around in a wheel chair on his last day.

So, now I am happy and thankful for Randy being home and for losing 80 lbs!!  I guess those lemons didn't have too many calories!

never make 3 big life goals at the same time!

Aug 18, 2008

I've always been a list maker.  I love striking things off the "to do" list.  It gives me some sick sense of control I suppose.  Well this year I made some life goals.  I don't call them New Year's resolutions because those are often forgotten.  No this is different.  My boss introduced me to an exercise called a "painted picture".

So here is what you do.  You write a paragraph in each of your major life areas (social, physical, finances, spiritual, career, family, etc) describing the area of life as you wish it was.  Sorta prophetic I guess.   So I did this only I also wrote a realistic picture of where I percieved myself to be at the time I wrote it.  Well....this little thing was powerful.  I saw how much my weight was connected to several goals of mine and this pretty much pushed me over the edge to WLS.

The problem with all of this is that I didn't just stop with the goal to lose weight.  NOOOOO I had to over do it just like I do with everything and choose THREE things I wanted to change about my life immediately.  There are many more trust me but three that I will focus on right now and boy are they doosies. 

1.  Weight - okay the obvious thing here and I had my WLS on July 2nd so that one is slowly being marked off the list although I know that even with my new tool I will battle this demon the rest of my life.  Thank God for the sleeve though to help me stay the course. (cost of $11,000)

2.  Finish up becoming debt free - We began in December 2006 seriously paying off all debt and so far we have paid off $85K in debt.  We should have been debt free by now but alas my goal #1 and goal #3 got in the way of how much we should pay off.

3.  Get my MBA -  I really want to be the CEO of my organization one day.  That means in this day and age I need a masters in business to be taken seriously...or at least that is what I thought I needed since my image was lacking...fat people are all lazy, right?  Of course by the time I finish in Aug 09 with this $28K MBA I should have a different image! 

Okay so why am I writing all this to cyber world.  I dunno. I guess it helps me focus on what I am trying to accomplish and also so warn anyone who is trying to tackle three things at once to just focus on one because this is about to kill me!! LOL!!  I think my goals will all be fun things when I am done with these three buggers.

6 weeks out and 25 lbs lost (70 lbs total)

Aug 16, 2008

I had my 6 week check up yesterday.  I had not weighed in 4 weeks and well, had been comparing myself to others and thought I would have lost like 40 lbs.  I was stunned when I had only lost 11 lbs in the past 4 weeks.  But, overall my total is 70 lbs. I can only remember one time that I hit 70 lbs. 

While I might be losing slower than hoped for, I am seeing all kinds of NSVs.  And, this time I can't fall off the wagon very easily anyway.  I am thrilled with my decision despite wishing I had lost more.

Just to keep track for myself:

Week 1: 8lbs
Week 2: 7lbs
Week 6: 11lbs

5 weeks out and.... I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!

Aug 06, 2008

It's official.  I love my sleeve.  No regrets.  Yes I would do it again in a heart beat!

I have no idea how much I have lost as I am waiting until my Aug 15th follow up. However, the NSV (non scale victories) are occurring constantly.  I love the way I feel, the energy I have, the way my life is not revolving around food all the time, and the compliments are icing on the cake...ooops did I say cake?!

It amazes me how I feel full just afer a 1/4 a cup of meat.  I can't wait to see how much I have lost.  However, even if I turn out to be a slow loser, I don't care, this was still the best path for me. 

I wore heels today!!!  Low heels but heels!!!!  None of my clothes fit and I am changing sizes so fast.  I started out as a 5X (32/34) and now I am wearing size 26 and even some 24s.   I LOVE MY SLEEVE!! 

Now my sister is trying to get approved for the surgery.  I hope and pray that everything goes as well for her as it has for me.  I want nothing more than for her to have the success I am.  It is so freaking awesome!! 

1 month out!!

Jul 29, 2008

I can't believe it has been a month.  I have changed so much and I am not even talking about changes in my looks, weight, and clothing size which are all wonderful.  In addition...

*I have more energy
*I don't need a seat belt extender in my car anymore
*My knee doesn't hurt
*I can stand and walk around at work
*I'm not hot and sweating all the time
*I am cooking
*I straighten the house and do laundry more often
*I have made wonderful friends through OH
*I have HOPE!

What is wrong with me?

Jul 26, 2008

Something is really wrong with me.  I took off Friday to shop and prepare a few make ahead meals for my family that was coming to see us.  First of all.......I haven't been to Walmart by myself since last year because either my foot or knee hurt too much or just to fat and no energy.  Second.....I DON't cook!  Plus I can't even eat anything I am cooking.  I bought snacks for the kids, chips, all kinds of things.  Didn't phase me one bit.  What the heck?  Is it some kind of weird "you don't have control over me so watch me buy you and not eat you?" kind of thing?

Friday I cooked 5 (that is FIVE) fabulous meals of which I could not eat.  I was on my feet all day in the kitchen and loved it.  My family is freaked out completely.  They have had food all weekend and no need to eat out.  Randy said, "Wow I have a skinny wife that wants to cook all the time". 

I wonder if I am the only one seeing some really strange changes in my life.  Why now when I can't eat do I suddenly love to cook and prepare food?  Am I living through others than can eat it? 

Tilapia! Worlds best food!!!

Jul 25, 2008

I'm in love again, this time with Tilapia.  I made this last night.  I don't remember who gets credit for the recipe.  It was posted on OH but I didn't save how did it, maybe eggface.

Parmesan Tilapia

You can use this topping on any white fish. It's so simple and good.

1/2 cup fresh grated parmesan cheese
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
1/4 teaspoon dried basil
1/8 teaspoon onion powder
2 lbs tilapia fillets
1/4 cup butter, softened
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease baking pan. In small bowl, mix together the cheese, butter, mayonnaise and lemon juice, basil, onion powder, salt and pepper. Arrange fillets in a single layer in prepared pan. Bake for 20 - 30 minutes until done and flaky.
Remove fillets from oven and cover them with the cheese mixture on top side. Place under broiler for 2 minutes or until the topping is browned. Be careful not to overcook the fish. 8 servings.

Yummy recipe from egg face!

Jul 23, 2008

I love the worldaccordingtoeggface blog.  She posts some wonderful recipes.  I found this one that works for the mushie stage.  I made it in a small single serving pot pie baking dish.  I actually ate so much and so fast that I almost got sick but the feeling went away after about 15 minutes. s-l-o-w-l-y.

Shelly's Baked Ricotta

8 oz of Ricotta Cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
1 large Egg, beaten
1 teaspoon Italian Seasoning
salt & pepper to taste
1/2 cup Marinara Sauce
1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella Cheese

Mix ricotta cheese, parmesan, beaten egg, seasonings together and place in a oven proof dish. Pour marinara on top and top with mozzarella cheese. Bake it in the oven @ 450 for about 20-25 minutes (best) or nuke it till hot and bubbly. I usually made it first in the oven and heated the leftovers in the microwave.

chicken salad!

Jul 22, 2008

I had chicken salad tonight.  Randy made it for me with just a pouch of white mean chicken (left the juice with it), 2 TBS lite mayo, 1 TBS shredded cheddar-jack cheese, salt, pepper, and MS. Dash.   He blended it a little bit in the magic bullet for me.  It was so very good.  My chef-wanna-be husband says to say that he would have added dill weed but we didn't have any.

Move over egg, there is a new love!

Jul 19, 2008

Just to be clear, I HATED refried beans before.  I even tried them on the first or second night and still...ick.  But today I was out and about and had to eat on the run.  So I went to Taco Bell and got their pintos and cheese because I knew those were basically refried beans and okay for me to eat at this stage. 

Here is the twist, I had them put some sour cream on them.  I stirred it all up with some of their mild taco sauce....oh my word!!!!  It was heaven.  This sounds weird but it was as good as eating mashed potatoes.  It was creamy and rich.  In fact, it was probably too rich as it was the highest fat content of anything I have tried.  I will do this at home but use the light sour cream and the fat free or low fat beans.

I might be starting to fall in love with my sleeve!

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 17, 2008
Member Since

Friends 111

Latest Blog 33
111 lbs lost!!
4 months out!
95 lbs lost!
85 lbs lost and size 22!
