kylakae 21 years, 9 months ago

Deb, 19lbs in two weeks is great for a lightweight like us! You're doing awesome, don't worry about it!

Valerie B. 21 years, 11 months ago

Glad to hear you are home already. Now it's on to your new life! Happy Independence Day.

Karen N. 21 years, 11 months ago

Happy Anniversary!!! and happy homecoming from your pal down the hall. Make sure you're getting those dang fluids in! The more walking the less sore...

KarenLvsLife 21 years, 11 months ago

Hey Deb, it's me---Karen in Georgia! I fogot I need to post hoorays and blessings to your site. I have no doubt you will be "vibrantly healthy and radiantly beautiful" after the surgery! May lovely little angels be sitting on your shoulders thru the whole thing---pulling you over to our sider---the home of the "LOSERS"...LOL! God bless you and your family with a speedy recovery.

Ruth R. 22 years ago

6/7/02 Deb! Congratulations on your surgery date. It is SO close. Good luck. I'll be praying for you.

Jacqueline A. 22 years ago

Deb, congratulations and best wishes on your upcoming surgery date. May you have a wonderful new healthier life and may all your hopes and dreams for the future come true....Hugs, Jackie

MommaAngel 22 years ago

HI DEB I just want you to know that I am praying that you will have a quick and smooth recovery to the losing side. LORD BLESS

rhondan 22 years ago

Deb,Best wishes on your surgery and a very speedy recovery, hugs to you

kylakae 22 years ago

Deb, congratulations on your upcoming surgery. May peace and love surround you on your journey and carry you along safely. Remember to drink your water, take your vitamins, walk daily and most importantly, be gentle with yourself along the way. Lastly, don't forget to stop by occasionally and update your profile. As you know, our profiles provide a lifeline to others embarking on this journey. You never know who you might inspire!

deb F. 22 years ago

17 may 02 this a.m.'s news has made my whole weekend. I have surgery planned for 2 July 02. 4 Jul is our wed. anniversary! i've always had the 'independance', i guess. two folks have already shared their congrats with me, and i just joined! once i decided to have this surgery done, i was amazed to learn of friends who have freinds that have had the same procedure. i'm have the pouch surgery in warren mi and michael wood md is going to be the surgeon. have heard many many, only great things about him and his skills. went for my psych exam on monday, 13 may, i knew the doc was gonna ask why i thought i'd be a good candidate for the surgery. i didn't give it much thought and said 'uh-well, i have a lot of willpower' --- 'wait', i said, then thought, NOT having willpower got me here..... obese i mean... i'm a pisces, 45 yrs, 240 lbs 5' 4". been over 200 lbs for over 10 years, got down to, 'sigh' 160 once in 1994!!!! on phenterimine, but regained plus additional 'baggage' since then. i truly look forward to the activities i'll be able to do, like biking, walking, without being out of breath, and aching at all the leg joints from carrying a heavy load. i look forward to not using food as a means of satisfying emotional and mental instabilities, i realize, i don't have to have 4 pcs. of pizza, less than one or a piece of it along with nutritional foods is all i need. i will learn new cooking methods and provide new meals for myself and my husband. kind of like becoming a chef in your home ya know? my mom, kinda of made a remark about going to her and my dads fav. chinese restaurant. everyne does it, the 'eyes-are-bigger-than-the-stomach' syndrome, rite? well, they ordered, didn't eat it all and brought most of it home. my mom says 'ya know debbie, i could've had just a bowl of won ton soup and an egg roll and i would've been happy' I thought to myself, there it is... rite there talking rite at me, you don't have to eat THAT much food!!!! in all honesty, i zipped out to my fav. sushi restaurant this afternoon, ate three of my fav. california rolls, wasabi and soy soy sauce, 'sigh' and i was not really that hungry... but i stuffed it down... i can't fit in any clothes anymore. that's why i am ready for this. as i drive down the road, or walk around the neighborhood (not that much!!!) i observe things more now, and realize this will all be different, everything after my surgery, 'sigh' ---- i feel like i'm taking the ride on the halbop comet! only, i'll be making a return visit, ya know what i mean.. all for now.. have a great and terrific weekend.... deb
About Me
warren, mi
May 16, 2002
Member Since
