Home and doing well

Aug 09, 2009

Well, I made it through surgery and the first week very well.  I did have an issue with foamies and getting fluids in right after surgery, but got sick to my stomach and everything was fine.  I'm having a problem getting all my protein and water in.  I'm trying to constantly keep a bottle of water with me.  I'm just not used to drinking so much so that is a new habit I will quickly have to form.  Today I'm going to start my exercise.  I'm going to go to the gym and either walk on the treadmill or workout on the Nu Step which is basically the elliptical sitting down.  I need to make an appointment with the exercise physiologist to come up with a good toning workout as well otherwise the bat-wings will be flapping high and mighty before I know it!!!

So far, I'm so pleased with the my rny.  I believe I have made the right choice for me.  I'm excited for all the experiences and opportunities that lie ahead.  I look forward to building a stronger relationship with my husband as we get our bodies fit and eat healthier.  And I most look forward to food not ruling my life anymore. 

I know the road ahead is difficult and that I will be faced with many challenges, but I feel that I'm strong and have the strength within myself to conquer the bumps, mountains and curves ahead! 


About Me
San Angelo, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 22, 2009
Member Since

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