Christmas 2010

Jan 03, 2011

Well, I went back to my home in Mississippi for Christmas.  It was so funny seeing everyone's expression on my weight.  They all were so suprise and so proud of me.  My sister put aside some of her clothes and wanted me to try them on.  To my suprise I could wear her clothes.  That was one of my major goals from when I started this whole process.  I was so happy.  My aunt again just hugged me and said how proud she was of me.  When I went to my in-laws house my step father-in-law looked at me at first and then said he didn't even recognize me.  He kept staring at me and saying where is my real daughter-in-law.  He just could not believe the big difference.  I went to a game with my sister, something I have not done in years because I was so embarrass to go out in public back home, and people thought I was her.  Her students kept speaking to me and then their faces dropped when they notice her walking around the corner.  One of them said he just knew that I was her and said is there 2 of them.  LOL.  I felt so good.  I got a lot of clothing from my sister.  We tried on my braids maid dress for my sister's wedding and the dress just fell to the ground.  It is way too big.  The good thing is it is too big and not too small.  I also went to try on shoes and my shoe size has gone down again too.  I had gotten down to an 8 1/2 and now I am in a 8 shoe and maybe a 7 1/2 

Anyway, this was a great christmas.  I hope I continue to lose this weight.  I will post pictures sometime later today.


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