Joan M. 18 years, 2 months ago

Denice, I just finished reading your profile and I was so blessed and encouraged. I too love Jesus and am thrilled to be a child of God. I am wondering why not posts since Dec. 2004? I pray you are doing well and that your husband is finished w/seminary and you are just busy serving the Lord at a new Pastorate. If you read this please check out my profile under Joan M (Lexington, SC). May Christ richly bless you with all He has which is ALL. In Christ's never ending love and grace, Joan McDonagh

Joan M. 18 years, 2 months ago

Denice, I just finished reading your profile and I was so blessed and encouraged. I too love Jesus and am thrilled to be a child of God. I am wondering why not posts since Dec. 2004? I pray you are doing well and that your husband is finished w/seminary and you are just busy serving the Lord at a new Pastorate. If you read this please check out my profile under Joan M (Lexington, SC). May Christ richly bless you with all He has which is ALL. In Christ's never ending love and grace, Joan McDonagh

doodlebug 19 years, 5 months ago

Great photo of you and Tim on your profile!!!

Denice476 19 years, 6 months ago

12/02/04 Yikes it's been almost two months since I last updated my page. Life is great what can I say. This surgery is one of the best decisions I have EVER made. I can now start believing that I'm never going back to that old me. I'm starting to feel comfortable in my new skin (and there is LOTS of it). Tim is doing remarkably well. I hate men they just stop looking at food and loose weight! He has lost probably close to 140 pounds since May! GRRR We are all so very proud of him. He seems to be doing better to and getting into the groove of this new way of life. Life has been busy on our end, Tim continues to attend seminary and is now working at Best Buy in the Appliance section. He really seems to love it. My work has taken me overseas and back several times but glad to me at home again. I am now finally in the NORMAL range and actually just a hint below. Size 6 petite fit and not just one cloth maker but multiple. You know in the beginning I told myself it was that clothes designer, because I couldn't believe I was actually in a 6. I've even gotten a 4 on. Now that's a designer thing still! I look in the mirror and sometimes cry because I just can not believe what a wonderful and miraculous gift this has been. I get angry with myself sometimes that I didn't do it sooner and then am grateful that I had the ability to do it now. For the past 6 months or so I've been dealing with some neurological difficulties in my foot and knee. I do have some damage according the Dr. this maybe from surgery but probably not. It could be from vitamin deficiencies but probably not. When I went to see the neurologist he said to me you know this surgery has some trade offs, there are pluses and minuses. I said if the one minus I get is that me foot is wobbly and numbs sometimes I'll take that minus any day over the list of illnesses before. This is been such a great ride! I'm so proud to know all of you on this board and site. What a gift all of you are to me. Thank you for your ongoing friendship and support. And if you know me, I never say goodbye without thanking the ONE who made it all possible, Jesus. Thanks bud! Denice 330-133 (-197 gone forever!) 07/14/03 Dr. Chuck Svendsen Methodist

doodlebug 19 years, 7 months ago

Denice, I am so happy you have had such a wonderful WLS journey. Thanks for being there for me. God bless you.

Denice476 19 years, 8 months ago

10/05/04 Okay I've been bad and haven't post. You know when the weight loss slows down the updates do to. In the past few months I've been riding the scale up and down either way about 3 pounds. Today I was 139 but tomorrow I'll probably be back at 141. Here's the fun part IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME. No seriously it doesn't. I'm just so pleased and thankful for where I am at that it doesn't get me going nuts. It would have prior to surgery. I would start getting nervous that I was gaining weight -- OH my goodness. But it doesn't anymore. Not sure why but my hunch is I know that I'm never going back, I can do this with this tool. All other tools didn't work very well but this will I'm sure. And I've made my mind up not go back. So overall I've lost 191 if you count today! I had set my first goal at 150 and when I past that, well everything else has been just icing on the cake (so to speak). This site is such a blessing. I'm so encourage everyday by each and everyone on this site. You are all my inspiration. I can't end my monthly update without thanking the one who has guided me through this wonderful journey - Jesus! Thanks Friend for being there with me every step of the way. Denice 330-139 -191 07-13-03 Dr. Chuck Svendsen Park Nicollet/Methodist

Denice476 19 years, 10 months ago

07/15/04 Okay it's been almost two months since I put anything in my journal here. Naughty me! I'm always telling everyone to write, write, write! So yesterday was my one year anniversary. Wow it's so hard to believe. I AM SO happy that I had this surgery. My life has changed so much for the better. I'm actually (starting) to have a difficult time remembering how it "felt" to be 330 pounds. My head still thinks I'm that big. I still find myself thinking oh. I can't do that or I won't fit into that. Then I remember YES YOU WILL!! Last week we were at our family lake home and I was able to go out with my 15-year-old daughter and ride the go-carts. These mind you, where not powered by engines, but by legs. I haven't had that much fun in years! We laughed so hard going around the course. I had my 1 year check up yesterday with the my nurse Barb (who is just simply the best). According to their records I'm down 162 pounds and have lost 22 inches from my waste and 22 inches from my hips. Wow that's almost two feet around!! Now I have a different amount, I have an additional 14 pounds or so that there records don't show. So this morning on my scale I was 149 that in total for me is 181 pounds gone. That's more than one person! As I mentioned, we were on vacation at my husbands parents lake home. In one our closet my mother in law had her full-length mink. Now mind you, my Mother in law is a size 10 or so. So for fun I tried it on. IT FIT! I really thought for a minute it wouldn't, just because it is hard to comprehend some days. So I walked out to the living room with it on. I thought my mother-in-law was going to start crying. She was so excited; she thought she should give it to me. I said no, BUT I might want to borrow it sometime. Gee what a feeling that was. In the midst of all this fun, there is also lost. We all lost Paula, AKA Momma Angel. I can't express how emotionally upset I was when I learned that she had gone home to be with the Lord. She was the first person to post on my page and she was my support pre-opt and post opt. There will never be anyone like her again. It was because of her kindness and love that I knew I needed to give back to others as she had given to me. So thank you Paula I know that Jesus' shining face is upon you and you heard well done my faithful servant. I think my daughter is getting better with the weight loss. At first it was a change for her. Especially when I was in her closet looking for clothes. Yippee. She has cute clothes I bought most of them for her! Tim is doing great. He has lost probably 80 pounds since May 7. I hate men! Why can they loose so fast? No seriously, I'm very proud and excited for him. You can already see a huge change in him! I saw my dietician last month and she said I didn't have to come back anymore, "you are doing well, call if you need me." Then she said, you know we need to start thinking about if you begin to loose too much. I said LOOSE TOO MUCH! NO way. You know after being 200 pounds over weight, loosing too much just doesn't compute in my head. How could I loose too much? So after I stopped laughing, she said seriously, you shouldn't go below 120. Yeah right, like if I'm going to get there! Well maybe.....I will. I continue to be surprised everyday how this surgery has changed my life. Okay so the weight loss is slowing down. Since my last post I only lost 12 pounds. Then I think ONLY!! Are you nuts, that a lot? Sometimes I struggled for months to loose even 5 pounds. But compared to 30 a month -- well I'm happy I don't have to loose that much anymore! It is so fun to run into people who haven't seen me in awhile. I had a family wedding in May and some of my relatives who hadn't seen me in over a year didn't know me. They came up saying... gee we didn't recognize you! You look great. Today, I was at an association meeting where most people hadn't seen me for a year or so, many of them looked right past me, until I said HI! Then it was OH MY GOD, you look great. My first thing out of mouth is I HAD SURGERY!! I want people to know that the surgery was instrumental in my success. Yes I worked hard but without it I would not be here today. So, life is good. I feel great. I wouldn't change anything. I have a wonderful supportive family and of course have all my AMOS friends. I couldn't do it without you. And I can't leave without thanking and giving praise to Jesus for all HE has done for me. Thank you Lord for your faithfullness. Here's to the next year... let's see what it will bring. Denice 330/149 -181 07-14-03 Dr. Svendsen Park Nicollet/Methodist Hospital

Denice476 20 years, 1 month ago

04/10/04 Just dawned on me that I should do my monthly update. This is my 9th month since surgery. I am down another 17 pounds since last month! I had a week of very quick loss this month. It was really fun. I have been noticing the inches coming off more than my weight going down. So to date I've lost 157 pounds. That just floors me. I feel so blessed to have had this surgery and to have had minimal side effects. My husband is also on the road to his surgery date. We just found out that it's delayed a week. We were a little bummed but all works out for the best. We leave it in Jesus' hands. He does a much better job with it then us. I'm getting excited that soon Tim will be able to start doing more. He has terrible asthma and breathing problems that movement is VERY difficult for him. So I can't wait to see him up and moving and doing things he loves to do. Overall, things are going great. My body, is feeling so much better I just wish my mind would catch up to my body. In my head I'm still big. This is SO funny to me. Going into a store to buy clothes I will go to the largest sizes and then realize I'm not that big anymore. Shopping in the regular sizes, or looking through shirts in the larges is such foreign to me. BUT I'm getting use to it. Thanks to Lori!! I feel so blessed that I have such wonderful WLS friends on this site. The Minnesota Message Board rocks! Yes, we practice Minnesota nice! Recently, we had a luncheon where we all met and discussed our lives. If you missed it WE WILL DO IT AGAIN. Probably sometime in July! Keep watching the message boards for more information. Again, thank you to everyone. This site has been such a huge support for me during my journey. All my WLS friends -- thank you I'm blessed beyond for knowing you! 330-173 -157 pounds gone forever 07/14/03 Dr. Chuck Svendsen (Park Nicollet/Methodist)

Denice476 20 years, 3 months ago

Okay I haven't posted for a while so I thought I do an update. Well the weight loss is starting to slow down. But I don't care because I'm still loosing. I do have loooong periods where I don't have any weight loss at all but for some reason that's not bothering me either. I know that I'm sooo much more healthier than before and I just feel better. So many things are happening on the home front. My husband has just decided to have the surgery. Now how exciting is that. He is actually schedule for 4/30/04 with our family surgeon (like that?) Dr. Chuck Svendsen. Who I believe is just simply the best. When someone helps to change your life so radically as he has, you have to admire that! I'm very proud of my husband for moving ahead with the surgery. In the beginning he was totally against the surgery. I think by watching me and others he has come to the conclusion that the surgery is great. Recently, I've had more opportunities to work with people who are thinking about the surgery. Now you all know that I have a strong faith so I believe this is God bringing people to me, so I can spread the blessings that has been given to me. Several people from my church, work and just friends have had questions. I love talking about how the surgery has changed my life. How couldn't I be? As many of you know one of our local WLS AMOS friends, Hanna Gjerde, recently had surgery but is now dealing with some severe complications. Praise God that she is stable and is improving everyday. Hanna has been a very special person in my life and she is on of those wonderful people I've been able to share my love of this surgery with. Hanna is one of the most courageous young women I've met in a long time. If I was her mom (and mind you I'm old enough to be!) I'd be so blessed to call her daughter. I get the privilege to call her friend. Hanna we are all pulling for ya!! Keep up the good work and get back on line WE MISS YA. I just love shrinking into smaller sizes. That is so COOL. At work my nickname is The Amazing shrinking woman. But gosh it can get a little expensive. Nice thing about it -- smaller sizes are cheaper. That use to bother me when I was large. Now I think it's great. I'm now down to 190 as of this morning. That brings the total to 140 pounds. My goodness that's a whole person. That is more than I should weigh in total!! If I was to stop loosing tomorrow I think I would be okay. Because I feel so much better. I can't believe it I can walk up several flights of stairs and not have a burning sensation in my legs for several days and not able to move. That in itself is a huge blessing. Anyways I think I can stop now. I'm so proud of all the wonderful people on this site. It has been such a wonderful support and inspiration for me. It's so great to read about people who are going through what you are going through. It's so reassuring to have others reassure you! And as always, I thank Jesus for making all of this possible. All glory and honor is HIS.

Denice476 20 years, 4 months ago

02/02/04 It's hard to believe another whole month has gone by and now it's been 6 1/2 months since my surgery. I must say that I'm beginning to understand that things don't necessarily get easier as time goes on. I'm feeling so much better, but my iron is down so I have to make an extra effort on keeping that up. Iron is that one thing I seem to miss because it causes such havoc in my system. But I'm going to try different types hopefully this will help with the side effects. I'm down another 14 pounds since last month. I seem to be right at 15 pounds a month now. That just fine with me. However, last month I had a good two weeks were the scale never moved. But it didn't bother me. Why? I think it's because I don't feel I'm depriving myself of anything. I'm not starving all the time which use to lead to a feeling of depression. Most importantly, I believe it's because I've made my mind up that this is the last time I'm doing anything to loose weight. And finally, I have a great cheerleader on my side, God! He's there all the time cheering me on. It's so fun now to be able to help those who are just deciding about WLS. I remember all the worries and concerns and now know what a life releasing miracle the surgery can be. I tell everyone I can about it. I was at Lane Bryant this weekend, someone had given me a gift certificate for Christmas. I was trying on some tops. I actually had to go and get a 14/16 AND IT FIT. Can you believe that? Sometimes when I'm trying on clothes in the stores I stand in the changing room and just cry as I put on sizes I haven't been able to wear in years! Now I'm buying size 18 pants coming from a size 32 pant 18 seemed so far away. Some of you might have seen a new name on the boards, Tim McMahon. If you’re wondering this is my husband. He is scheduled for surgery on April 30 with Dr. Svendsen at Methodist. I'm so excited for him. Watching him struggle everyday with breathing is difficult and frustrating. So there will be two losers in our home! Again, all thanks to Jesus who has helped each of us through this journey. This site is so great and supportive. I enjoy reading and responding to everyone. Thanks ObesityHelp for being there and supporting all of us. Denice 330-200 -130 (can you believe it?) 07/14/03
About Me
Plymouth, MN
Surgery Date
Nov 24, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Day of Surgery 7/14/03 330
Tim and I at the 2004 OSSGMN Gala

Friends 5
