Hello All.
My name is Diana. I am a 37 year old mother of one 8 yr old energetic boy and one "Angel" above.
I began my weight-loss journey in August of 2005. I opted for the Lap-Band. I lived for 11 months on liquids, pudding , jello, soup and protein shakes. I never found the right fill for me and if I attempted to eat anything besides the above, I PB'd (if anyone that do sent know what that is, It is a process where the food do sent go down and what comes up is a very nasty slimy pile of YUCK) At the time I didn't care. I lost 88 lbs and I was keeping up with my 12 and  year old, active little boys.
In July of 2006 my eldest son died unexpectedly at summer camp. I was devastated (still am) , everyone was trying to feed me. I couldn't eat, I was getting sick and eventually went and had all my fluid removed from my band. I immediately gained back 20lbs. I was eating bread and drinking soda. It became my coping drug of choice. I tried a couple of times to get fills and back to the liquids I went. I was miserable.
In Jan 2011, I had reached 283 and now probably more like 295.(I haven't weighed my self in 2 months. I quit smoking and have had a little extra weight due to increased appetite.) I had, had enough. I had lost my son, had been absent in emotion and couldn't keep up with my now 8 year old. I just didn't care anymore, that is until I looked in the mirror and saw what had happened. So in Jan I went back to my doctor's office, spilled my guts, cried and came to the conclusion I needed to finish the journey I had begun long ago. But the right journey this time. LIFETIME change. So I immediately quit smoking (didn't last time)and began the process all over again to switch my method to VSG. I want to eat right , not just drink right. :)

I remember the last time I saw my son alive. We were taking a walk and he went to pick up his younger brother because he was getting tired. I scooped him up instead and he laughed, He said ' "Wow mom your getting better, you can carry "T" again." funny thing was he was right. And the younger weighed exactly what I had lost at the time. I remembered thinking I never wanted to be heavy again.

That memory until not to long ago seemed so distant. But I want to get my life on track and be the active parent for my living son. Being heavy is such a hindrance as I reflect on that memory.  Which is why I decided to seek out all of you. I want to be held accountable and to help and be helped by others, through this forum.

So Thank you all for letting me be apart of this group and hope to get to know all of you.
So off to begin a new adventure and to start new memories, in which I am to ready to make.
In memory of my son Corey....And to new memories with my son Tony.

Diana's 2nd chance

About Me
Norfolk, VA
Surgery Date
Jun 10, 2011
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 3
