Just over 7 months

Mar 09, 2009

Well, I'm just over 7 months out now.  I am down well over 100 pounds and still losing.  I am still happy that I did this even though I do still have some sick days now and then.  Not nearly as many as when I was on medication for diabetes though so it's still a plus in that direction.  I haven't had to take any medications that I was on before surgery.  The hubby is starting to get a little antsy b/c he is wanting to lose weight too.  The whole family eats less b/c I eat less and the whole family exercises more b/c I exercise more.  I already feel SO MUCH better!!  I remember when I first started this that I told the doc that I would be happy if I just got down to 250 and I was so wrong.  250 still just felt so overweight to me.  I'm well below that now but still glad that I'm losing.  I can really see a difference in my relationships with people now, especially people who were smaller than me and now are bigger than me.  I have friends and family that flat out refuse to say anything about me losing weight, positive or negative.  They don't even acknowledge that they KNOW about the surgery.  There is NO WAY that they don't notice and it's people that knew I had surgery anyway.  I don't know if they are jealous or just pissed b/c the "fat girl" of the bunch isn't the "fat girl" of the bunch anymore.  I'm so glad that my mom and sister had this done also b/c I would feel much more alone if I didn't have them to champion me and truly understand the process.  My husband has been so supportive and I'm so thankful for that. 

OMG, I am so excited!!

Jan 12, 2009

My sister gave me a couple of pair of size 18 jeans and I never thought they would fit...but I came home and tried them on and THEY DO!!!  This is so AWESOME to me!!!


Nov 16, 2008

Saturday I tried on some jeans that I had a LONG time ago, like years.  I don't even know why I had kept them.  They fit and I wore them out but then I realized why I don't like jeans!!  They are just not comfortable to me.  Maybe that will change when I don't have any belly but for now, I will stick to my elastic and dress clothes...lol  My tummy is going down every day though so I'm pretty stoked about that.

3 months

Oct 21, 2008

3 months, 75 pounds (wished it was 90 but dr. said I was doing great).  None of my clothes are the right size anymore.  I can pull them down without unbuttoning...lol.  I think a couple more weeks and I will really have to look into getting some new clothes.  I'm feeling much better and can eat without getting sick all the time.  Was sick for about 6 weeks solid and couldn't do anything at all.  I was majorly wishing I hadn't had this surgery at the time.  I don't feel that way anymore now that I can eat my grapes and citrus.  Glad to be up moving and taking my walks as normal now.  I laugh when I try something on that wouldn't fit me since forever ago and now it's already too big.  Don't know what size I am now as I have just been wearing my too big clothes.  I have always liked my clothes big anyway so it hasn't been much of an issue until now.  Am I the only person with this surgery that doesn't tolerate chicken so well after the fact?  I have zero trouble with red meat but chicken about kills me.  What's up with that?

About 5 1/2 weeks out....

Aug 26, 2008

Well, I've lost 50 pounds now.  My clothes are getting very loose.  My rings are sliding off and I still dry heave horrendously.  I'm glad when the weight comes off but so far, I've been mostly miserable from these dry heaves.  I have a very hard time getting enough water down b/c sometimes even it makes me sick to my stomach.  I certainly can't eat as much as I should but I'm just not going to worry about it so much and pray that it goes away like the doc said it would. 

Have a great day!

One Month

Aug 15, 2008

It's been a whole month now and I'm feeling more normal.  I still have dry heaves but nothing like it was that one week.  I got moved to the "soft foods" stage at my visit and the official weight lost from date of surgery is 40 pounds.  I was kind of hoping it would be a little more but that seems to be average for one month out so no worries.  I've got to quit weighing myself every day because it really annoys me when I don't weigh any less than the day before and we all know there is one week a month that this will happen!!! LOL. 
Cute story:  When I was at the doctor, I asked to make sure I could go back on my birth control pills.  He instantly said "yes, and stay active."  I knew what he meant but apparently he thought he had goofed and turned shades of red while trying to explain that it is certainly okay to be "sexually active" but he was talking about not being sedentary to lower the risk of blood clots.  It was so funny to me b/c I didn't realize that doctors could get embarassed about something to do with the body. 

Anyway, just giving an update if anyone is reading....

19 Days later

Aug 02, 2008

I don't know what the deal is but this thing is taking out a lot of my spaces so my post looks funny...Sorry

OMG.  For the last week and a half, I have been sooooo sick.  On Thursday of the second week, I got very nauseated and couldn't eat or drink anything.  On Saturday night, I dry heaved all night.  By Sunday morning, I was calling the doc and got a lovely trip to the ER for xrays, a CAT scan and blood work to make sure nothing was wrong.  Fortunately, I was only dehydrated and they fixed that up with tons of fluids.  My doctor told me that some people get this a couple of weeks after surgery and that it would probably last a week or so.  So, I still couldn't really eat and finally today (after eating on it for 4 days now), I will finish up a 4 oz. cup of applesauce.  I can drink more though so I haven't gotten dehydrated again.  I'm still dry heaving and I mean BAD!!  I hope no one EVER has to go through this!!.  I realized why my mom is always freezing her drinks!!  It's takes so dang long to get a bottle of water down that it's hot by the time you are a 1/4 through it. 

I've dry heaved so much that my back and stomach and neck muscles are all hurting.  Hopefully this will be over soon!  I'm down 33 pounds so that's okay I guess for less than 3 weeks.

One Week Out!

Jul 21, 2008

Well, today is one week since surgery.  I feel pretty good.  I was a little sleepy those first few days but I'm guessing it was from the anesthesia.  It is amazing to me how little food I have to eat to be full.  I am disappointed that I can't have Subway right now.  I don't really know why but I like a little bit of meat and a lot of veggies so we eat Subway often.  Such is life.  Love cottage cheese but tired of it.  Love refried beans but tired of it.  Love yogurt and NOT tired of it yet. 

I am having trouble getting all the 3 meals and 3 snacks in that you are supposed to eat and a little trouble drinking all the water but I think that will get better now that I'm completely over the anesthesia. 

I lost 15 lbs. this week.  Yay!!

Surgery is done!!

Jul 16, 2008

I just got home from the hospital today.  My surgery was on Monday and everything has gone fabulously!!  I was about at the end of my rope because of my insurance denying the surgery a 2nd time but I called and let them know that I had met the requirements they requested and sent them my food log and while I was actually in the doctor's office for my pre-op appt, the insurance guy called and told me it was approved and wished me good luck!!  I haven't really had much of the gas pains that everyone talks about.  I am amazed that I have eaten so little and not felt hungry at all.  My husband and son are being very supportive so that's a good thing.  Today, they were like trying not to eat in front of me and then I said that I needed to eat something and they were both like, "Thank goodness cause I'm starving."  I had to let them know that it's perfectly fine for them to eat normal food in front of me.....  I actually enjoy smelling the "other" food that I can't eat and knowing that I will be satisfied with a bite or two when I can eat it again. 

As far as the surgery, I didn't have ANY pain afterwards and did not use my pain pump at all until my nurse told me that it would help with the catheter pain.  Then I used it generously until my cath came out.  No problems walking or getting up and down and I haven't had any trouble eating so far. 

I do get hiccups kind of often but hiccup two or three times and that's it.

LOL to my sis:  I am not nearly as annoyed with the two of you now...lol

Surgery Date!

Jun 18, 2008

Well, I have a date for surgery so we will see how it goes.  July 14 is the day as of right now.  My mom has lost about 100 pounds and now my sister is down 67 pounds!  I am so happy for them but it is annoying to be seriously trying to lose weight with dieting and I lost a whopping 20 pounds and have probably gained it all back.  I was really nervous and worried about all the things that could go wrong but now I'm just excited and ready to get it over with and move on.  My husband and son are very supportive so I think all of this will work out just fine.

About Me
Surgery Date
May 28, 2008
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3 months
About 5 1/2 weeks out....
One Month
19 Days later
One Week Out!
Surgery is done!!
Surgery Date!
