LOSE IT app and the "struggle"

Aug 05, 2012

Let me say that I have lost over 130 lbs since my highest weight.  I am thankful for that. But, about a year and a half later, it is easier to eat and i have actually gained about 20 lbs back.  I am still able to fit into a size 14, but I am very disappointed with the changes.  I am not sure if age has anything to do with it, but I see the need to count calories again and to hit the gym on a regular basis.  The gym keeps my body healthy but it is now my insurance in case I go over my calories in a day.  I was restricting to 1400, but that seem like even too much and i am not getting in my 64 oz. of water a day.  I guess knowing what I need to change is half the battle.  So battle of the bulge starts again today.  On top of that, it didn't help that I have been off all summer and found the joy of baking all over again. 

It is amazing how much work it now takes to lose those 20lbs.   When I was heavier, and I would diet, it was nothing to take off 15-20 lbs.  now it takes a little more effort.  I know where my flaws are, it is going to take some will power,  I now see that the tool is just that....a tool.  If you don't use it as such, the weight will come back on.  I still feel restriction, but the food issues are in my mind.  The food choices that I make is all about me.  So, I am working, starting today, to drink that water  and keep track of my calories!!!! 

On a quick note, a nice program that I have started using is LOSE IT.  It is an app that you can download onto your smart phone that helps to keep track of calories and exercise.  You can even track how much water you drink.  Exercise calories spent will allow you to increase your daily food intake...  It also has a scan function where you can scan the upc lable with your camera and it will find the food and display the calories.  Another nice feature is it allows you to adjust portion size to ensure that you get the correct calories.  If you are struggling, make sure that you track everything.  Lying to a piece of paper or a journal doesn't actually change how much you have eaten (yes, i tried that already..hee hee).  Be honest about how much you eat everyday and then the changes can begin.

Good luck to everyone on this journey.   Don't get discouraged by the setbacks, they may happen.  If it has happened to you, don't give up...this surgery was painful and worth the changes that you have already been able to make.  Jump back on and actively engage in your life!  Be patient and start moving toward that goal again! 
Wish me luck!

Where I'm At

Aug 13, 2011

Ok...this is just ridiculous!   LOL   I have definitely lost inches, but that scale refuses to move.  I know i need to kick up the exercise which i plan on doing starting next week....kinda fell off the bandwagon, but i have found the strength to climb back up....lol  
So currently, i am 189 lbs, and my goal was 170 which will be just fine for me...I'm not sure what size i will be if i get to that weight, but i am in a size 10-12 now.  I can wear a regular large top and most of my pants and skirts are between a 10/11 junior and 12 depending on what store i go to.  I really can't complain.  Considering that i just went through my closet and gave away some clothes that were size 30-32.   It almost makes me cry when I look back on old photos.  I was so miserable on the inside and it hurts to look at myself hurting my body that way.  I wish i would have done this sooner....i truly do~
The journey is not easy, i make food choice mistakes, i get discouraged, but i know that i will NEVER go back to where i was before and i know that I have the ability to make major changes in my life....
That is priceless


Can the meter move any slower???

Jun 29, 2011

Well, I have become a gym hog.  I am there at least 3 days a week and I now take tennis lessons every thursday.  Cardio plus strength seem to be working much better for me and while i am not losing as fast, I can tell that my muscles are getting more toned and my body dimensions are much nicer.  Still need to lose upper body weight so that is why i have started some light lifting for strength.  I need to honestly lose about 30 more pounds in order to be at chart weight and 20 to be at my original goal.  I wear a size 12-14 now and my junior 15's are too big.  Never in a million years did I think i would say that.  I am soooooo thankful.   I really don't want to get super skinny.  I think i would look like a crack addict if i got down to an 8/10...I would either look like that or Star Jones (no offense, but her head now doesn't really fit her body - but i am pround of her for her success!).....anywho, i better quit before i get in more trouble...hee hee
OK  ABOUT THE NECK SKIN.   It is still there!   The cardio seems to be helping it a lot, but it is still an issue and one that i will probably have a problem with until it is gone - which may be never without surgery.  I am going to give it some time...Sometimes that is all you need.  Skin seems to be a major issue period.  I have a lot of skin on my stomach and in my back area as well as my inner thighs.  I wouldn't be caught dead without a cover up at the beach or without a cute skirt bottom with a bathing suit.  My arms seem to be getting a little better.  I guess that is why they say you need to give your body some time to adjust.  It is just the "in-between" times that can drive you nuts!
As far as eating...I can def. eat more, but still not much.  My diet consists of protein shakes or eggs in the morning,  a salad or meat and veggie for lunch, and a meat and veggie for supper.  I have recently incorporated some brown rice, but I still don't eat bread - no buns, biscuits, toast, or rice.  I know that is my trigger food, so I avoid it.  I do graham cracker, cheese, crystal light, and light fruit smooties for snacks. 
My fruit smoothies consist of ice (which i love, but need to avoid because I am anemic!), some crystal light, some type of no sugar added fruit, equal and some 0 calorie clear soda - just to give it some zing.  I put it in my magic bullet and have my snack ready to go.  Tastes better than an icee and has only the calories from the fruit that I use - which can be from 30-80 calories.  
Overall, things are going well.  I am officially 4 months out.  It seems longer, but I am still a newbie at this.  I am thankful for my sleeve.  Hope and pray that others are doing well on their journey!  I updated my pic so that you can see where I am at now.  Good luck everyone!

Slow Slower Slowest LOL

Jun 01, 2011

Ok this weight loss trip is no joke.  I am such a slow loser!  I finally lost over 40 lbs to get into the century club, but it took me 3 months!  Frustrating.  I thought the weight would just fall off, but that is not the case...slow (did i say slow - lol).  I am thankful to be in the 100's but i was hoping to be down farther by now.  Granted, when I started this journey, I weighed 275 and my highest was over 300, but you know how it is when you want something.  I am hoping to hit my personal goal weight of 170 by August and be at the "chart goal" by September.  I am currently between a size 12 and 14 so i figure that another 20 lbs will put me between a 10 and 12.  My ultimate goal would be an 8/10, but i honestly can say that I am overjoyed with just getting to where i am at.  I just know that I can do more and more is what i want. (smile)
I still struggle with exercise, but i definitely see more definition when I do, soooo....no more excuses!
The skin thing - i am just going to have to deal with it.  Some of it has started to smooth out and i guess as i lose it will just take time to adjust.  I want my loose double chin gone though...Do they tuck that???? - hee hee
Anyway, good luck to all those on the journey.  It is so worth all the persistence!!!!

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10 weeks post-op

May 09, 2011

Wow...how time flies.  I am still losing but at a much slower rate.  I have got to kick up the exercise.  I just wish i was officially under 200.  The one thing that I can say is that I know i have lost weight and that my body is changing.  It is just hard for my mind to catch up.   When i go past a mirror or a window, it is sometimes hard to realize that it is me.  I still see myself as a "big" girl but the reflections tell me different...which is hard for me to get through my head.
I am officially in a size 14.  I was able to go to Wal-Mart (trying not to spend too much on clothes until I reach my goal weight and size) and just grab a 14 off the rack and take it home.  I was actually thinking that I would need to lose some weight before i got into them, but i tried them on for the heck of it and they fit.  My mind is still telling me that this is impossible, but my body is actually there.  I never dreamed that i would be here...so now i am trying to mentally catch up.  I know it may sound strange and I'm not sure really how to describe it.  When I went into Macy's I saw a dress hanging up that was a 14 and decided to just try it on and it fit...  I cried.   I am not even sure how to describe the feeling. The one thing that I truly feel that I was not prepared for was the change in self perception and the confidence of who I am now.  So confusing at times.

It has been a little difficult for my son as well and I know that I need to get both of us in counseling.  He is still dealing with the fact that his dad and I are no longer together and that things will never be the same, but he is also dealing with my weight loss.  He actually told me that he misses the big mom....which actually made me kind of sad...   He is confused when he sees men looking at me and tells me that i am way too skinny (farthest from the truth - lol)  but in his eyes it is just more change and I think he is trying to take it all in.  In actuality, it is hard for ME to take it all in.

Anywho....i am rambling because it is 1:23 in the morning...and my sleep pattern is off for some reason - too many things that I am thinking about....for no reason! 
Hope that everyone that is embarking on this journey is encouraged.  Stick to your decision and make it work for you.  So many are praying for an opportunity like this and i am beyond grateful for the chance i have been given to change my life!

Quick Update

May 02, 2011

OK, please forgive me.  I have been neglecting to chart my progress.  Funny how before the surgery, i needed to express myself more often because it was therapeutic to get it out....  now.... I just take it as it comes.

Let me start with the disclaimer.  I have not been exercising.  I know - that is terrible.  I am on my feet most of the day with my job and by the time i get home, i am exhausted.  I have got to do better! I will do better! (smile) 
I am still losing and should hit the century mark this week (9 weeks post op down 36 lbs. - which is about 4 lbs a week - i will take it!)   I am watching what I eat and avoiding carbs.  I have had a few and they make me feel real sluggish, so i just avoid them because i know they spike my blood sugar too much.  I know i am still anemic.  I take the iron, but i am so cold all the time....plus i have been eating a lot of ice and i know i need to get that under control....anywho

I am so thankful for this opportunity.  Despite the loose skin it is so worth it.  Speaking about loose skin, it is EVERYWHERE...LOL  Thighs - terrible, Tummy - oh my....  Breasts....loosing weight and not perky...hummmm even my old double chin has loose skin -which i HATE!!!!!   I'm not sure what i will want to fix first (lol)
The overall feeling though is one of health.  My body feels so different.  I can stand for long periods of time, I can walk around and not be tired or jog up the steps.  My blood pressure is wonderful, my menstral cycle is regular and MUCH lighter, and my sugar levels are great.  Is it worth the loose skin? MOST DEFINITELY!  

So, here is the news.  I am 31 lbs from my original goal weight, and 50 lbs from what the chart says I should be.   I honestly think i will make it past my personal goal weight by August.  I am excited about all the new possibilities and the opportunity to be a better me!
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4 days from 1 month post-op

Mar 20, 2011

Wow.   Just wanted to say that life is changing.  I have had ups and downs and my emotions have been all over the place....no kidding!  I went back to work last week, and my kids said i looked "thin" .  There is no way that a 200+ pound woman can look thin, but i am much smaller than they remember so i guess maybe i do in their perspective. I still find it hard to look in the mirror and realize that i am not where i used to be.  I still go into the plus size stores...and am finding it a little harder to find the right size.  And don't let anyone tell you that this journey is not expensive.  I am constantly buying clothes and i refuse to go overboard because i know i will not be in any size for too long.  My job is professional so i never know whether to buy cheap and accessorize, or buy normal and pray that i will be able to wear it for more than a month! 
I find myself looking at my reflection and not even realizing who i am.  It is exciting, and emotional all at the same time. 
I am 4 days from 1 month post-op.  I have to honestly thank God for allowing me to be healthy after my surgery and to come through it and healing rather quickly. 
I am eating regular food now YUMMY!  I had my first bite of shrimp and scallops...well actually one shrimp and one scallop - minus the breading...lol  oh well, it tasted great!
I am finding it very easy to drink liquids such as water, v-8 splash diet, sobe water, any flavored low calorie water actually.  And i really don't have to sip. I have no desire for soda and have had one cup of coffee with protein (my own latte...lol) and i have had some iced tea with splenda or equal.   I can drink about 4-6oz. fairly quickly, but can't push it beyond that. 
The milk issues is another story.  I have tried skim, soy and almond milk.  Skim and soy are ok, but I still have difficulty with them at times. I love the tast of almond milk, but it has no protein in it, so....what is a girl to do.  I have even diluted them with water and my protein shake and it still takes me 30-40 mins. to get it down...oh well.  Hopefully the cheese will make up for it...lol  When i first started trying egg beaters, i think i did 1/4 cup with a slice of cheese and got half of it down before it felt like someone was stabbing me in my spine.  Enough...i have started to recognize the warning signs.  My stomach will give me the "almost full" message with a nagging feeling.  I know not to go past that point.  My best friends have been broccoli and cheese, rotisserie chicken (about 1-2 oz at the most), soups and green beans.  I need more variety, but that is going down well.  I guess I will eventually venture out and try more foods....but it is a little frustrating to try something only to have to throw it away because you will never eat it all in time or you just can't get it down. 
The drinking and eating timing thing is so hard.   I won't lie.  It is crazy having to decide whether it is more important to eat or to drink....  I am still working that one out...  Oh well, still thankful and still grateful that I was given this opportunity. 

OK, let us begin...

Mar 03, 2011

Well, I am one week post op and I have lost 11 lbs.  12 as of today.  I had my follow up and the doc said that all was going well.  I have to be on the heprin for another week.  I can honestly say that I do not like giving myself shots and I dread it every time, but I can also say that I am thankful that my doctor insists on his patients using it.  No one wants to risk a blood clot.

I am currently weigh 225 lbs.  I cannot honestly remember when i was last at that weight.  In high school i was always between 240 and 260, so this is new territory for me.  I am just so thankful to God for the opportunity to change my life for the better.  I am excited about my future and look forward to being a healthier me.

Wishing everyone that begins this journey the best of luck.  It is well worth it, and I only regret not doing it sooner.

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2-24 Surgery and Post-Op

Feb 25, 2011

This is a repost from my VGS discussion post:Hey all, I am home and trying to rest (the key word - trying)  I think I sleep in spurts now. 

Anyway, I arrived at the hospital at 5 a.m.on February 24.  I was taken to a room and weighed.  Then they took me to another room for prep.  During this time, the nurse started my IV and gave me some instructions on how to administer the heprin and had me administer my first dose.  I will not lie, that first one was painful and scarry, but they do get better!   I also signed power of attorney papers (a little nerve wracking!!!!) and talked to my friend that was there with me.  I met with the 2 antheseologists, the two surgical nurses, and my doctor.  At around 7,  they wheeled me to surgery and told my friend where the surgical waiting room was at. 

I was taken into surgery, where they transferred me onto the operating table.  I was strapped to the table with both arms out and they put the oxygen on.  Af first, I panicked because the mask was putting pressure back into my lungs and I was resisting, but the only thing I remember was taking two breaths and then being told that it was time to wake up, so OBVIOUSLY, they did their job well (LOL).

When I first woke up, I just remember that I was in pain and I kept telling the nurse that my stomach was burning and she kept reassuring me that they would get me some pain medicine soon and was rubbing my shoulder.  I don't remember much after that, but I do remember them giving me some pain medication in my IV and asking if that gave me relief.  They kept doing this until I was completely pain free...giving me medicine in small increments until they hit the magic combination.  This was probably more mental than actual.  I am really not sure.  I know that I kept waking up and asking for more medicine and they quote unquote were giving me more .  They finally told me that they could only give me one more dose and for some reason that last one seemed to do the trick.  I was out of pain and sleeping well. 

I don't remember the recovery room, or them taking the tube out, but I do remember waking up in my semi-private room.  I have two things to say about that.  It is very hard to be patient with a complaining roomate when you have come through this type of surgery, but remember that they may be going through something far worse than an elective surgery.  I felt really bad about being annoyed by my roommate when I found out that her condition was terminal.  The second thing is to be nice to your nurses and nurse aids.  They are there to help and believe me, I was CONSTANTLY saying thank you and please.  They treated me so well and were so willing to help me because eventhough I was in pain, I knew that they were doing the best they could.  At times it was hard because I wanted my needs met, but they are very busy and often have A LOT of patients.  Being nice encouraged them to check on me more, spend time with me when they got to me and just hold general conversation with me while I was there.  I can honestly say that I didn't have one bad nurse  or nurse aid the whole time that I was there and I can honestly relate that to just being kind and considerate at all times. Not an easy thing to do when you are not feeling well!

After I woke up, around noon, they took me down for my leak test.  This was very hard.  Your stomach is new and raw.  I asked for medicine for nausea before I went for the test and I am so thankful that I did.  The medicine that they make you drink at first is very sweet and nasty (smile).  The second liquid was the barium and of course very chalky.  Both were hard to get down...not because it is hard to swallow, but because you feel everything going into your stomach. That is not a good feeling...and it still isn't (and I am 2 days out!).This x-ray is performed standing up which is difficult because you still feel weak and tired.  At first nothing was draining into my dueodenum (the first part of your small intestine) and that really scared me.  The helped me onto the table and helped me roll onto my side one way and then the other to see if they could encourage it to go through.  It finally did and i breathed a sigh of relief.  I was sent back to my room and i slept most of the day until my friend came to visit. 

My first day was spent taking pain medicine and just trying to get out of the bed to go to the bathroom.  That is a challenge, but try to push yourself...it will pay off in the end.  I used the support bar above my head and wore my support band (i am still wearing it) and that seemed to help.  The day after surgery, it was liquids day.  In order for me to go home, I had to drink a certain amount.  This was hard and I barely made it.  I finally gave up on the protein and just went straight for the water, broth and suger-free popsicles (which seem sooo sweet after surgery).   My surgeon finally told me that if I wanted to go home that I would have to do 10 more cups by a certain time.  It was just the challenge i needed.  I made it and was able to get home.  I live with my son, but didn't want him to see me right after surgery so I was home alone the first night.  Uneventful, but it was very hard to get anything down. 

Two pieces of advice.  Make sure that your room is set up before you leave and when you get home, have all of your things organized so that they are easy to reach and obtain.  Getting out of your bed at home is much more difficult then getting out of the hospital bed which raises up.  
The second thing is not to put your health shakes in the blender.   Just use the ball to mix them.  When you put them in the blender, a lot of air gets into it and it is very difficult to get down.
So, I wish everyone that is on their way good luck. Sorry for the long post.   If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.  I wouldn't trade nothing for my journey (smile)! 


Right Around the Corner

Feb 20, 2011

Ok, not sure how to feel.  Surgery is 3 days away.  I can hardly believe it.  The post-op diet has been hell.   No kidding.   I have cheated on more than one occassion, mostly with salsa...no dairy, nothing else.  I don't know why i was craving that, but for some reason, that was the one thing that I really wanted.  I have vowed to get it together!  I really prayed this morning that God would help me push back from the table and I truly believe He heard my prayer.  I was ok today and I was able to fight the urges and concentrate on the goal.  I am so excited to be on the other side.  Friday could not come soon enough.  I am thankful for the chance to begin my life all over again.  This time, focusing on being a healthier me. 

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Sep 24, 2010
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