Let the fun begin

Dec 10, 2012



I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life.  I started thinking about the surgery a while back, but mainly kept everything to myself.  I told my wife a few months ago about what I would like to do, and it took a ton of courage just to bring it up.  I'm sure I'm not alone here, but I swear sometimes it easy to think these problems don't exist if we don't talk about them.  But who am I kidding, if I don't acknowledge I'm fat will people not realize it by looking at me? I wish, but that's not the case.


I started looking for a surgeon in my local area, but I realized that wasn't going to work out.  I am scheduled to go to my second initial appointment now, but with Dr. Bruce in Cary NC.  I know someone that had their surgery with him, and from their accounts, he sounds like he could be really good.  I have my concerns, but I'm more excited about being a "normal" weight person again.  Been so long ago I don't know what it would be like.  Thinking I can start buying clothes easy at stores again will be awesome.  In my avatar pic, I am standing in front of Notre Dame, and when we were in Paris the only thing I think I could have worn was the comforter of our bed at the hotel.  That place is not for large people that's for sure.  I look forward to when I am a much smaller version of myself and I can go back to some of these places and really be able to enjoy myself while being there.  Granted I was tired from the walking but the only think I couldn't handle over there were the steps.  


I don't know how often I will be able to update, but I will try as time permits.  I am currently very busy between 2 little wonderful girls, a very supportive wife, and a full time job plus going back to get my MBA.  Hopefully I can get through everything with RNY and be on my way to being a loser.


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