Two Months From Surgery

Aug 03, 2009

I made it through the hardest part.  I'm so excited to feel basically normal again!  I've lost 51 lbs forever!!  I'm in the 240s now and I just can't believe it!!!  It's been such a wild ride so far. I still eat too fast and too big of bites but I'm trying... otherwise everything is great!!

My sleeve rocks!!!!!!!!

Day 8

Jun 10, 2009

Okay... so last week was kind of a blur but I do remember being miserable on clear liquids.  The sleeve is great because I am not hungry at all but not getting to chew and eat tasty foods is killing me!!  Fortunately I have a great support system (friends, family and this board!) who remind me that this is just a short period out of time to endure to resolve a lifelong weight problem.  So I'm trying positive thoughts today!!  I can do this!!!  Shake shake shake! LOL

I really can't wait until I meet the nutrionist for the first time next week.  Am so eager to learn about what foods I can start eating!

I had my mourning period and I definitely had my day of "regret" but that has passed and now I'm excited to be on a road toa healthier me!!

Surgery - June 2, 2009

Jun 10, 2009

Surgery day finally came for me. It seems like I waited forever!  Unfortunately I had to wait longer... in the hospital.  I got there at 11am and had to wait until 2pm for my surgery.  My best friend was with me and we talked and talked and laughed and laughed but those were the longest hours... I was starving!!

Woke up from surgery and talked to my son and husband and friends a bit but I was so groggy so I just went to sleep.  The nurses were so nice and it was a good night.  I got up around 1am and walked the halls. And then I did that aound 6am.  Had my leak test... got discharged and was home by around noon I think. 

I love my surgeon, Dr. St. Laurent.  He's great.  Dee, the bariatric nurse - also great!  Hospital experience was fine!

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 08, 2009
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