well, as most WLS stories go, for as long as i can remember i've been overweight. i remember when i was probably around 8th grade being in a size 12. that wasn't huge and uncontrollable but i had some things going against me. one was that my mother was going to school around that time and was gone most of the time leaving my dad to feed us. you can say that he didn't do that great a job at it. i remember in the afternoons just going into the kitchen and making 2 mayo sandwiches to eat. i could snarf those down all the time. i steadily gained weight till i was probably up to a 14/16 by mid high school. when i was 16 i went on a diet (it was some sort of program like weight watchers). i lost enough weight to get back into a 12. i soon got tired of that diet tho because you ate the same things every day. then that summer i got a job working at mcdonald's. it was the first time i had money of my own to spend. i ended up stopping otw to school and back every day to get a soda and candy bar. plus i was eating at work.

when i was 20 i got pregnant with my son. at that time i weighed 180lbs. 4 yrs later when i had my daughter i was up to 230lbs. it just steadily keeps going up. i've tried many diets on my own because i've never been able to afford the programs you have to pay for. the one i did when i was 16 my grandpa paid for. i seem to always fluctuate up and down and really make no progress.

About Me
Bakersville, NC
Aug 22, 2007
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