Hello everyone,
My name is Donna, I am from eastern Ky. As most of you visting this site, I have been overweight for most of my life. I have struggled with my weight since the birth of my second son, whom is now 27 . I had tried most diets out there, and yes I did lose weight, but sadly to say it comes back and brings more pounds along with it. I am now a grandmother of 5 with one on the way. This is exciting, but also sad at times, because I am unable to do the things I would so dearly love to do with my grandbabies, such as play outdoors etc...I am so looking forward to this journey...I have read so many good things about people who have taken this road ahead of me, and I wish with all my heart that I can and will be one of those people whom others will be inspired by as I have...My sister Leatha has inspired me more than any other person, she has done great with her gastric bypass, and is so so beautiful...she is my hero and her husband Ed, for all the support and love they have given me. I am so looking forward to this...I will be having my sugery in June 2009...So if anyone out their needs a friend to talk to let me know...I would love to make friends whom are also getting ready for this life changing event....I can't wait to get to the point in my life where I am losing weight and I know each pound lost will be lost for good...can't wait to throw away all my BIG FAT clothes....but most of all, I can't wait to wake up without my big akward sleep mask and not have to give myself a shot...I will wake up with a huge smile on my face and thank God, for this second chance at living my life with my family whom I so dearly love....now I will be able to not only take care of myself, but my sweet mommy and my two handsome sons whom I am so very proud of.....and of coarse my grandbabies.....Now thats my story and I'm sticking to it.....thanks for taking time to read my page....

, Donna Sue Lewis :-)

About Me
Nov 13, 2008
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