7 month check in

Mar 11, 2014

it has been 7 months since my surgery, wow how time has flown. I am down 73lbs. way over my goal, I only wanted to lose 67lbs. this sleeve will let me know when I am at goal I guess. My doctor told me I would probably lose another 10-12 lbs. i have never been that small in my adult life. I am wearing a size 6!!!! my shoes are loose on me, funny:) loving life....


10 weeks

Oct 21, 2013

It has been 10 weeks already.wow! I am down 40 lbs. I can hardly believe it. I am feeling so much better than I have in a while. I can feel my confidence returning and I even feel beautiful again. I can actually say now I am glad I did this. for a long time I wondered if I ever would with all the nausea, dizziness and fatigue. I can still barely eat 1/4-1/2 cup of food an that amazes me. life is good!


4 weeks postoperative

Sep 12, 2013

So hard to believe its been 4 weeks...I am down 21 lbs, still on purée, that sucks! I say that but I can barely eat the 2 oz of purée O not really sure what I am looking forward too, guess just ready to chew something:) still getting tired in the evening, can barely exercise because of being tired and feeling dizzy. Not sure how I am gonna go back to work feeling like this....


Day 5 post-op

Aug 17, 2013

Can hardly believe it is day 5 already...all the nerves & anxiety that I was experiencing last week are gone...I am down 8 lbs already and am hardly taking any pain meds. I can get out of bed on my own and even went to Walmart for a short trip yesterday. So glad to have the surgery behind me and ready to start this new better healthier life started.i am having hunger though like real stomach growling. Sure hope this subsides soon....



Aug 06, 2013

I am having surgery aug 13th. I am scared and excited all rolled up in one. I feel like this has taken so long to get here but yet now it is going to happen next week, actually this time next week it will be over. I am afraid of the post-op pain, I am no wimp but I have also never had anything major done before, except gall bladder and that wasnt too bad. Hey I also did natural childbirth 4 times. I've got this right? I feel like I am so unprepared. I have to go stock up on protein powder and all my clear liquid stuff...yikes! I can't wait to feel better:) here we go.....  


still waiting

Jun 17, 2013

Boy it seems like forever since my last post... I have gone thru all the required pre-op crap required by my insurance co. I had my endoscopy on Fri and low and behold esophageal erosion, WOW all my vomiting and GERD has caused some damage after all. Now they will really submit to my insurance company for approval. I am so ready to have this behind me, this heartburn stuff is for the birds....


so over this

Apr 02, 2013

March 22, 2013 I went to see my physician. For the past year my band has been possessed by the devil :) I have had 14 unfills and fills that started after a terrible stomach virus. I have been unable to tolerate one fill since, every time I get even a small adjustment I get sick and can't eat. add in a 60lb weight gain... I am now having heartburn so bad it is requiring daily nexium. My doctor has labeled me a failed band and thinks there is probably scar tissue that has formed under the band causing all my issues. He has recommended a sleeve and I have agreed. I feel so defeated, having lost 85lbs I know what it feels like to feel good and to feel good about myself. That 85lb loss was the best I have ever felt both physically and emotionally.The excess weight is such baggage in both ways. I can honestly say I cant wait to feel good again. bring on the sleeve...I am praying for a quick answer from my insurance company:)


About Me
Pinetops, NC
Surgery Date
May 10, 2010
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