A setback

Jun 10, 2010

As you may have noticed, I haven't been on in quite a while. I've been down and discouraged. I won't be having surgery in July afterall. I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis last month and was started on sulfasalizine. Immediately I had an allergic reaction to it. So then my rheumatologist started me on Plaquenil. I took it for two and a half weeks, getting worse every day, but I wouldn't give up, as long as it kept me off the NSAIDS.  Then one day, I began to notice dark red bruising all over my body. The next day my face and airway began to swell rapidly causing me to be unable to breathe. I called an ambulance and was rushed to a nearby hospital, where I spent the next 5 days. After that allergic reaction, I had to go back on the NSAIDS. Therefore my gastric bypass was cancelled as I am no longer a candidate.  I DO NOT want to have lap band surgery.  My surgeon has recommended the gastric sleeve now, but Medicare does not cover it yet.  So my plans are on hold.

I saw my rheumatologist Monday, and he recommended I start Enbrel injections.  I took my first today. I've got my fingers crossed!  Has anyone else out there had Medicare pay for the gastric sleeve?

Paranormal activity?

Apr 30, 2010

I saw my surgeon last on the 19th and my lap RNY is scheduled for July 6th. Medicare requires that I lose 20 lbs before surgery. Well, today I get on the scale for the first time in 11 days and saw a number 10 lbs below where I was on the 19th. I think, hmmm, it must be off balance.  So I re-balance it and just for good measure move it to a different  spot in the bathroom, you know, in case the floor wasn't level where I had it.  I get back on and see the same number.  So them I think, the whole bathroom must be on a tilt, so I move the scale once again out the the foyer of my livingroom where again its just tile, no carpet.  Mind you, I'm totally naked. I get back on the scale and I see the exact same number!!!  Thinking the world must be off course, I go get the tape measure and take all the usual measurements.  My waist alone has gone down 3/4 of an inch.  In fact, the only measurement that did not go down is my forearm.  All I have done in the past 11 days is reduce my portions.  I'm just getting over a really bad flare of my RA, so I have not even exercised as much as I normally do.  Is the world off course, or have I just witnessed a miracle??? Dawn P.

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A Surgery Date!

Apr 19, 2010

I saw Dr. Nelson yesterday in Moore.  My friend Connie went with me.  With her to talk to along the way, the two hour drive seemed to fly by.  When we got to Moore, ahead of schedule I might add, I had a few butterflies in my stomach.  More excitement than nervousness though.  Then my GPS took me to a residential area and said "arriving at destination at a small gray house!  I was thinking, "Okie dokey, if Dr. Nelson works out of her home, I may need to revisit my decision to use her!" lol
So I programmed my GPS again.  I start driving, and several minutes later, I end up at the same house!  Long story short, my GPS was just wiggin' out or something, because I called the office and they guided me in. I arrived 15 minutes after my appointment time, and was mortified to do so, but they were great about it.

Dr. Nelson's office was beautiful, her staff was great, and I really liked her.  She listened attentively to all my questions and answered everyone of them.  After my appointment with her, I was taken to see my case worker, who made me my three dietician appointments, one appointment with the psych doc, one with a physical therapist, one for my surgical consult, and my pre=op appointment.  Then I got my surgery date of July 6th.

Medicare requires a 20 lb weight loss before surgery, so I have three months to do that, which should be plenty of time.  I"m starting to feel like its beoming very real now.  The thought that I have a chance to finally get this weight off and keep it off is joyous, yet a little overwhelming too.  I'm about to get a "do over" in a way.  I've wanted to lose weight for so long, yet always became so discouraged at how slow it came off and my inability to keep it off.  What a gift I'm going to receive!  Three months seems like its so far away, and yet I know time will fly by.  It always does!
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My second consultation

Apr 08, 2010

I'm really looking forward to the 19th of this month.  It will be my second consultation with Dr. Nelson.  I'm very ready to get this show on the road!  I haven't shared my decision to have WLS with too many people yet, just a couple friends and my close family.  So far, they are all supportive!  I'm very grateful for that.

And so it begins.....

Mar 29, 2010

I became a member here a couple of weeks ago, but this is my first blog.  I have read so many books, articles, blogs, forums, etc. that my head is swimming!  I've always been one of those "research" people that wants to know EVERYTHING there is to know about something I'm interested in.  Having WLS of any kind is such a big step, I just want to make sure I am armed with all the knowledge I can get, because knowledge is power.  Reading as much as I have can be a little overwhelming. You have your posts from people that have had tremendous success.  You have posts from people who have had a lot of complications.
There are a couple from people who say they wish they'd never had the surgery. And I read one about a woman who died.  See what I mean?  Overwhelming!!!

I'm taking it all in, weighing the good and the bad.  Ultimately, I have to make the best decision for me.  I know that I don't want to live like this anymore.  I used to be able to lose weight so easily, but I always put it back on effortlessly.  Over the past year or so, I can't seem to lose anything, and that is worrisome, because I have to lose 20 lbs before surgery.  I have to think positively!  I can do this!!!

About Me
Tulsa, OK
Surgery Date
Mar 14, 2010
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 5
