
Continuing the journey

Jan 28, 2009

It's been a wild month.  I've had to have an excisional biopsy done and just before I found out about that, I had gotten knocked down by one of my horses and injured my right shoulder.  Well, evidently I did a good job on that, will be going in to have my right shoulder scoped, scraped and a torn tendon repaired, along with the rotator cuff and another one I can't remember the name of.   ARRRRGH!  What a pain.......literally.

As for the weight loss surgery journey, that continues.  I went to the smeinar and based on info gotten there, beleive I'll go for the lap band if the surgeoun concurs.  I've completed attending the support group, this surgeon requires that you attend at least once before the surgery and once after, though I'm certain I will attend a lot more once I'm post op.  I've gotten the mounds of paperwork completed, confirmed that my insurance will cover medically necessary WLS and need only to drop off my medical release and support letter to the doctor's office.  The last contribution from em is the letter that stases what I expect from WLS and why I want it for me.  I have my thoughts all outlined, just need to finish getting them organized and then down on paper.  I'll get that done this weekend before I go in for my shoulder surgery, so that while I recuperate from that, I can then start the process at the Weight Loss Surgeon's office.  I'll be ready to do the initial consultation with the office coordinator and she will then get the ball rolling for me to hop through the various hoops of testing and insurance required documentation.  I'm still hopeful that I'll be able to get my surgery done and be recuperated before we start getting the really great weather for riding. 

The lengthy recuperation I think is going to be my shoulder.  The doctor has said that depending on what he finds, I may have my arm basically tied to my side for 6 weeks and then will have to start a lenghty rehab program.  Not real encouraging when he says that I'll be grateful I went ahead and had the surgery done A YEAR from now.  Up til then, I gather things will be kind of painful.  Ah well, this too shall pass.

One step at a time and one foot in front of the other will get the journey done.

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The Perfect Way To Celebrate Christmas!

Dec 26, 2008

Every Christmas Eve I go out to the barn sometime around midnight.  There's an old belief that at that time the animals can talk to you.  Every year, I go out to see if they still can, and they do!  Not in words maybe, but in nickers, sighs and my favorite of all....blowing on my neck.  My horses all love attention and when I go out late at night, they're all so relaxed and sleepy and I just pet and stroke and inhale that lovely horsey smell.  One horse loves to have me hold her head and pet her face.  Another loves to lip my chin and another wants to just smell me all over.  He's the one who nuzzles my neck and exhales on it.  By the time I've paid attention to all 12 horses, I am so relaxed and at peace with everything it's amazing.  And somehow, no matter how cold it is outside, in the barn it's always JUST right and I go back in the house warm and thoroughly snuggled. 

Christmas Day is always lovely and spent with family and friends and by the time it's over, I'm sooo ready for more horsey time.  So on the day after Christmas, weather permitting, I go for a trail ride.  Yesterday was so incredibly perfect, temps in the 70's for cryin out loud.  I left So. Cal. 4 years ago and never thought to have another Christmas that warm!  My horse, Marq My Words, and I went out to Lake Carl Blackwell for his first ever trail ride.  What a HOOT!  I retired my old trail buddy last year at 29 years old and Marq is only 6 and very very green.  It's been so long since I roade a green horse that I'd forgotten just how much fun it is. 

Everything is a HORSEEATINGBOOGER to a green horse.  We got out of the trailer and his eyes were huge and he was inhaling all the new smells so hard he was snorting..  I got him all tacked up and ready and led him over to a picnic table so I could get on.  Marq isn't real big, but I'm real short and at my current weight, I don't like to try to mount from the ground, I think it's hard on their backs.  WELL that table tried to eat him, or at least that's what he thought.  After a few minutes I was up on him and we started in the direction of the trail head.  Oh m'gosh, that parking lot was DANGEROUS!  We zigged and we zagged past all of those terrifying cars and trailers, to the point I was starting to think our whole outing was going to be spent in the parking lot at LCB.  Finally, Marq decided it was all good and we crossed the road to the trail head where he found, HORSE EATING COLORED RIBBONS blowing in the wind.  Oh wow!  He spooked and dropped so low I thought his belly was going to scrape the gravel.  Then we stopped dead and froze.  Then we spun around and tried to go back to the SAFETY of the parking area.  "Scuse me?  When did that parking area become a refuge?  Again, I thought we'd be spending the afternoon trying to get past those trail markers.  He saw another horse after about 10 mins of all this and then got brave.  Those flags were NO PROBLEM.   Been there, done that.  I could hear him thinking, "I wasn't scared, nope, not me.  I was just playing.  OHMYGOD what is THAT?"  We were approaching another horse eating trail marker in a particularly dangerous shade of yellow.  We stopped dead in our tracks again.  Then we went sideways, then backwards into the grass and bushes and tried to take my head off on a low branch....Finally we looked at it with the RIGHT eye and it wasn't spooky at all.......Gotta love the way horses brains are wired. 

Well, long story shortened slightly, what took me 10 mins on my old horse took 3 hours with the youngster!  It was a glorious, warm, sunny day, and the breeze was just right and we had a GREAT time.  No real issues, Marq got brave after initially spooking at everything and at the end was just dying to know what was around the NEXT corner.  So at that point, we quit on a good note and walked back to the trail head and came home.  Marq got out of the trailer with his tail flagging and pranced all the way back to the pasture.  He was IMPORTANT!  He got to go on an ADVENTURE!  He ran out and told his pasture buddies all about it.  I super enjoyed taking my 'new" horse out for a ride and can't wait until next week when we can do it again!  

Marq My Words, the little horse that can


Let me introduce myself

Dec 20, 2008

I'm new to this blog stuff and to this site.  I've been mad about horses since I was a child and grew up riding and showing and just being a barn brat.  Life without horses just doesn't seem like it would be a whole lot of fun, so I made sure I couldn't be bored and got a group of them.   

I'm not much good at conversations that don't involve horses, I actually don't have any friends or even acquantainces that aren't heavily involved in horses. 

Losing weight has become a major concern of mine as I've gotten progressively less able to enjoy my horses as much as I'd like.  It's gotten hard for me to get on and off of them, well, not so much the off.....  Since I'm only 5'2" and very short legged, that makes ALL horses quite tall to me. 

At this point I'm in the "hoping to have the surgery" category and learning all I can about the procedure.

Enjoy my photo album and tell me about you and your interests.

Oh, and because my user name is so long, most people on the net just call me DC. 



About Me
Stillwater, OK
Dec 20, 2008
Member Since

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Latest Blog 3
