Nov 04, 2007


For any one thats reading this I'm down 151 pounds. I never lost this much weight before. So I am very proud of myself.  I feel like a brand new woman and  I am enjoying each and every day. My children are really happy with the new me and this summer has been a wonderful time for our family.  Until next time..........

March 17, 2007

I'm letting everyone know that it's been 5 months since I'v had my surgery and I'm down 100 lbs. I walk as much as I can and I'm also going to Water Aerobics twice a week.  That will soon change to 4 times a week.  I love water aerobics.  Hope everyone is enjoying this Journey as much as I am......Until next time........


Well I went to see Dr. Goodman today and I'm down a total of 77 lbs.  My goal was 80lbs by 4 months so I have 4 day to loose 3 lbs.  Thank god I had no complaints for the doctor and everything is going well.  My clothes are starting to really show my weight lost and its really time to buy new bras lol.  Until next time.......

December 19, 2006

Happy Holidays
On dec.17 was two months since I had my surgery
, and life is grand.  Everyday is better than the next. I'v been back to work for one month now and I think it's the best thing to keep this body moving.  I'v been able to do thing that I haven't done in months.  Walking without pain in my back is first on the list. I'v been able to walk longer distance also.  I feel wonderful and love to challenge myself just to see if I'm able.  
I went to see Dr. Goodman yesterday and I have losted 50 lbs in 2 months and am very proud of myself. This tool has made it very easy to stick to the diet.  I really wish I had did this years ago. But things happen in their own time. I have a long ways to go but I can see the forest for the trees now. Until next time.........

November 27,2006

I went to see Dr.Goodman today and I losted another 6 lbs. So thats 37lbs. in 6 weeks that makes me smile.  I cant see the difference but I can certainly feel the difference.  I can walk further without my back hurting.  My knees still hurt but I think I have permanent damage.  Maybe as I loose the weight the knees will get better but I'm thankful for the relief of back pain.  Bye the way I'm going back to work too.  I'm ready,  I feel like I'm wasting time at home.  Until next time........

November 13, 2006

Went to the doctor office today and I'm down another 11 lbs.  That's a total of 31 lbs. in 4 weeks.  Its a beautiful thing.  Life is GRAND.  Until next time..........

October 31,2006 Two week check up

Well I went to get my staples out yesterday.  What a relief.  I losted 20 lbs.!!!! I knew I losted some but 20 is amazing.  I now can move on to pureed food. Talking about happy.  Three acomplishments in just one doctors visit,  It was a wonderful day.  Until next time.........

October 21,2006 Thank God I'm Home and Well

GOD IS SO GOOD!!!! My Surgery was a success,  and no complacations.  Pain? Yes!!!But even with the pain the nurses said I was doing well.  I made sure to walk, had a hard time with getting my ounces of fluids in on the first few days but then when they took me off the I.V.  I was able to drink my fluids better.  Dr. Goodman did a wonderful job.  I think he used extra care with me because of his pass expericences. I have Faith in God, so all was good.  I'm home trying to figure out how to get 48 oz. of fluid in. Not an easy task,  but I'm giving it my all.  I want to thank everyone for their BLESSINGS.  My family was so afraid but stood by my side the whole time.  I love them so much.  Well time to get back to drinking.  Until then.............

Oct. 16,2006

Well tomorrow I will be on the loosing side.  I'm sitting here thinking about all the changes that my life will consist of, and how my life will be so much better. I know they say you should do this for yourself but I'm doing this surgery for a longer life with my children.  I WISH my mother lived longer. I just want to be able to enjoy my children and they enjoy having me around. I dont want them to have to take care of me because of my weight. After today my Journey to Living a Long Healthy Life Begains.  GOD BE WITH ME.........see you on the loosing side.  Until then...........

About Me
bronx, NY
Surgery Date
Nov 10, 2005
Member Since

Friends 67

Latest Blog 19
March 17, 2007
December 19, 2006
November 27,2006
November 13, 2006
October 31,2006 Two week check up
October 21,2006 Thank God I'm Home and Well
Oct. 16,2006
