May 27, 2009

It's almost here just two more weeks, and I'm so excited I just wish it would hurry up already. I'm sure when it gets here I'll be saying oh how I miss my steak and potato's, but that's OK I'll be HEALTHY again and I can't wait. I went threw my closet the other day and found outfits that I bought to wear this summer with the tags still attached so I put them all on Ebay already and there all selling it's amazing. I don't want to look at them anymore what's the point of wearing them once and then getting rid of them. I've had some bad news this week yesterday I talked to my surgeon's nurse and she asked me if I'd paid the facility's fee and the anesthesia fee yet that if it wasn't paid the day of surgery they'd reschedule I told her I wasn't aware of there being other fees besides the surgeons up front fee that I have to pay at pre-op June 4Th and she said you better call them and find out. So I did and I've got to come up with $1900.00 by June 8Th that's less than two weeks away. After having a mild panic attack I called them back and talked them down to $1000 and set up payments for the rest. It would've been nice if they would have told me this when I pre-registered on May 12, but noooooooo. I'm resourceful I'm sure I'll figure something out, but having another stressor added to me two weeks away isn't nice. Not to mention I'm losing my job June 2ND and we just found out my dog has sinus cancer. I'm a world of emotions right now, but I'm trying to do what everyone I know says( Put yourself first for once) but I feel extremely selfish about it. My baby's in my avatar with me, please everyone pray for me, I need all the support I can get. I'm a complete mess.

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Surgery Date
May 06, 2009
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