Moving Forward

Dec 07, 2009

Life post-op has certainly been different.  Hubby says we're experiencing huge savings because I'm not at Starbucks anymore or McDonalds or any other place requiring money to eat.  I am doing very well post-op.  Lost 7 lbs of fluid & 15 actual lbs since I've gotten home 2 weeks ago.  I am still very swollen and tender so it's hard to see any weight loss, but the scale doesn't lie (anymore:-) ).
Recovery has been a mental challenge.  My brain sees food and says I'm hungry, but I know I'm not.  My sense of smell is incredible keen right now.I see Dr. Looser & Jackie tomorrow for my 2wk follow up.  We'll see what they say...
All in all, I am so happy about my decision.  I cant wait for my muscles to heal so I can start really working out again.


About Me
Dover, NH
Jun 25, 2007
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 9
Finally getting started - Again!!!
