7 Months Today....

Oct 12, 2012

Good Morning, Good Morning......
How is everyone doing? So its been about a month since my last blog.Last month was a very hard month for me because i was fighting so hard to hit my 100pds loss and every time that i got close the scale would go right back taking me away from being close to my goal.I know that I'm going to get to my goals but being so close and having the scale mess with me can really trip you out.Like I've said before I've started weighing myself daily but have cut down to only two days away a week (Monday & Thursday) However i only logged my weight once a week here and log twice a week on MFP.So since i last weighted on Thursday it has shown that I've officially lost a 100pds ,I was beyond excited and i did it before my 7Th month anniversary,I couldn't be any happier.Although that I'm happy with my progress I've bee wondering if maybe i choose the right surgery,I guess you could say that I've been looking at people who had RNY and comparing my journey to there which i know is the worst thing that i could possibly do.I guess that part of me just wants the weight to come off faster.Then i have to give myself a dose of reality,When have i ever been able to lose that much weight.I remember when i was doing weight watchers it took about six months to lose 25 pds.So I've triple that amount in the same time,Like most people on this journey i think that I've hit my hump where I'm doubting the process but i know that i just have to keep putting in the work and i will see the results.Everyone around me keeps telling that they see the changes in my body and i can too.I mean i went from wearing a 32/34 in pants to wearing a 28 that has gotten too big and i just bought some 24s and they are a little bit snug but they pull up all the way and i can fit into them.I also went from wearing a 4x top to now being able to fit into a 2x..So I'm making huge progress i just have to try harder not to focus so much on the numbers on the scale.I told myself when i started this process that i didn't care about the number on the scale as long as i could fit into an 18.

I've said it from the start of my journey,That i never wanted to be SKINNY,That i only wanted to be a smaller version of myself and by the looks of things I'm going to get there its just going to take me time and that's what i have to keep repeating to myself...."this is going to take time" and i think that I'm finally starting to understand those words and see that this is NOT a race.That i can compare my journey to anyone else.That i need to put on blinders and just focus on me and everything that i need to do to get to the next stage of my journey.I have my next appointment with my surgeon,nutritionist and pcp next month and before i go to them i want to be in the 330s.I know that's seems like a big goal but i want to push myself to make it ,Even if i don't make it.I just want to get close to it.I know that i can and will do it.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 06, 2009
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