HelpMeRhonda !! 19 years, 6 months ago

Many prayers and blessings for a safe and uneventful journey. 7/10/02 OPEN RNY

Sharon Neva 19 years, 6 months ago

~~BEST WISHES ON YOUR WLS JOURNEY~~ May the world hug you today with its warmth, and love.....Pray it whispers a joyful tune in your heart.....And may the wind carry a voice that tells you there is a friend sitting in another corner of the world wishing you well!~~ If you have any questions, I have a lot of research information along with my story on my profile page.

Exoticsista 19 years, 6 months ago

11/9/04 Well I called the dr. Office to get my results from the blood work and everything was fine. My cholesterol level was borderline on the (ldl) so I need to watch my cholesterol intake. So I asked them to forward my results to the surgeon to add it to my file. Now I'm just awaiting my appt on Friday for my upper GI. Will post again after my appt. unless something else comes up before then.

Exoticsista 19 years, 6 months ago

On October 19,2004 I attended my initial meeting with Riverside surgical to start my process, many people there were dealing with the issue of their ins. company no longer covering WLS after Dec. 31st 2004. The surgeon clearly stated they were not booked as yet. The next day I received a call from them to set my consultation appt. it was scheduled and two days later it was cancelled they stated the were booked for the year, what a depressing day. I only let it get me down for a few minutes, I immediately called the next best office which was Surgical Associates of South Carolina. I had my consultation with them on Nov.3rd, I had my psy. eval. on Nov. 2nd, I saw the nutritionist on Nov.4th, had my blood drawn on Nov. 5th, My upper GI is scheduled for Nov. 12th. That is where I am at this point.I hope I still have a job after all these appts. The receptionist tried to upset me today (Nov. 8th) She called to schedule my psy eval. I told her that I already did that prior to coming to the consultation because I already had that appt. set, and they are the one that told me to keep it, now they are claiming they don't have the eval. So I politely asked her to check again because it was there on Nov. 3rd I don't understand why it wouldn't be now.So she said she would check it out and call me back. I hope they are not trying to start nothing with me, I don't have much time for any mistakes. So long for now I'll keep you posted.
About Me
Columbia, SC
Surgery Date
Nov 07, 2004
Member Since
