
Nov 21, 2008

Well, I haven't updated in a while. I'm down 65 lbs. and feel better than I have in years. I have now cut my blood pressure meds in half, and I can now wear a 1X in shirts (vs. 3X), and I'm in a size 18 (vs. 24). I would love to get into a size 12. That would be so awesome. 77 more pounds to my goal weight!!!! I'm takin' it one day at a time..........


Aug 03, 2008

Well, I'm doing fine with my weight loss. It is going slower  lately, but I'm going to kick up the protein again and see if that helps, plus I'm starting to lose my hair. That's a sure sign I'm not getting enought protein I guess. I'm down to 268 now. One word of advice for everyone.........Colace or Miralax. They are your friends. 

And the saga continues......

Jul 23, 2008

Well, I'm down about 41 pounds (I've somehow gained two pounds in the last couple of days????) since I began.......33 of those since surgery on May 8. I've had two fills and seem to be doing pretty well. I can eat chicken just fine and I know there a lot of people who can't. As a matter of fact, my diet really revolves around the KFC chicken strip meal minus the biscuit. I do well with dipping the chicken in ranch. Maybe the "lubrication" is helping the chicken go down well. I'm a little discouraged about the 2 pound weight gain. I just started really exercising this week, and now I gain weight. That kinda messes with my head, but I am going to continue with the treadmill.

I think I have finally taken control of the constipation evil that has been lurking inside me (literally). I have been taking Miralax for the last week and had a normal BM yesterday. Now that the Miralax got things workin' I'm going to take Colace daily and see how it goes. Since I have a small hole in my heart all I can think about is dying on the toilet while straining to have a BM (bearing down makes the hole open up and a clot can go straight to your brain). I know.......a little OCD, but I do not want to be found in that position when death knocks at my door (I guess it would be the back door in a situation like that : ).

Anyway, I am doing well. I have finally realized this is not a diet.....it's a way of life! I'm thankful each day for how much better I feel!

A pain in the butt.......

Jun 30, 2008

Yes, I'm talking about the fantastic, utterly wonderful world of constipation . I'm so tired of this. What's a gal to do?????? May the force be with me.

Having a "filled" life.......

Jun 22, 2008

Well, I had my fill about a week ago, and I think things are going okay, but I'm not sure what all of this is supposed to feel like. I don't really feel full when I eat, but I know to only eat about a cup of food so that's where I stop. I do miss the full feeling though, but I'm not sure if you ever really get that when you are filled correctly or not. I had a couple of "stuck" moments, and that alone is enough to keep you from wanting to eat. Hmmmmm, maybe that's how the Lap Band works???    You are in so much pain you just don't want to eat, kinda like shock treatment! I haven't thrown up or had this "sliming" thing I hear about.....THANK THE GOOD LORD ABOVE. I guess I will wait and see what my doctor thinks next month when I go back. I really think I need filled more, but if I am still losing weight I don't know if he will fill me. I think I'm losing weight right now more because I'm eating very little, not because of the adjustment. We'll see......I can say I feel SO much better just losing the little bit of weight that I have. It's amazing!

I've been adjusted!!!

Jun 16, 2008

I had my first fill today. It was not bad at all! The actual procedure took less than 5 minutes. He numbed me with some lidocaine, and then filled me to a 3. I'll be on liquids until tomorrow, then look out, here I come!!! 

First fill on Monday!!!

Jun 11, 2008

Well, my first fill will be Monday the 16th. I'm super excited!! I am anxious to see what difference it will make in my hunger. I'm already eating small meals, but I do get hungry after a couple of hours. I wish this fat would just melt off, but at least my weight is slowly going down and I haven't had any gain so far. People are starting to notice that I'm losing some weight, and it feels good. I'm just happy to be able to wipe my rear without doing calisthenics, ya know??? Sorry, too much information.......  

Water retention......

Jun 03, 2008

I'm starting to have water retention issues again since I've introduced more "normal", but soft, foods. I stopped taking my water pill immediately after surgery and had no trouble up until now. I sure don't want to weigh right now! There's no telling how much water weight I have going on. I wonder if I will have to start taking the water pill again, or will it dehydrate me???? The saga continues...............Life does get better with every pound I lose.

Life's a "crap" shoot.......

Jun 01, 2008

Well, life continues! I'm not sure how much weight I have lost lately. I'm scared to weigh with all the dang constipation I've had. Never have I had this problem my whole life! I bet I'm hangin' on to at least a good 3 lbs!!!   Oh the agony!!!!


May 21, 2008

Well, today was my post-surgery visit with Dr. Gornichec. I have a hematoma at my port site, so I have to make sure it's good and healed before getting my first fill on June 16 (mark your calendars folks!). I am doing well. I had "mushies" tonight. I have been craving grits (and I've never even ate them before so it doesn't make much sense). They were scrumptious!!!!     
I bought a small hand blender so it's experiment time! I am super excited to try some new things. 

My plan next is to get  walking on the treadmill at the community center. That's going to be the hard part for me. I have never gotten those lovely endorphins I always hear about. Maybe that will change! 

Well, peace out home fries! 10-4 good buddies, over and out. (I'm such a nerd) 

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 21
And the saga continues......
A pain in the butt.......
Having a "filled" life.......
I've been adjusted!!!
First fill on Monday!!!
Water retention......
Life's a "crap" shoot.......
