6 week check in! Down 36lbs since surgery, 56 all together!

Dec 26, 2012

Hello OHers! It's been 6 weeks or so since surgeryy for me. Wow really that long? Well I'm happy to say I'm doing awesome! I had some personal things going on in my life that distracted me for a little while and kind of threw me off my game so to speak. I was still doing what I was suppose to be doing surgery wise, just wasn't on here or any support pages much, and wasn't fully tracking my foods. Now I'm on top of it all and I think I'm doing well!

I strive to get 600-800 calories a day- I'm usually on the higher end of that. I honestly felt I can eat a lot, but I know it's not much compared to what a normal person eats. I just get scared that there's something wrong lol but I am eating very small amounts. My meals are protein and then veggies. So on a typical day I would have 1 egg with a little cheese for breakfast. Lunch a peice of deli turkey rolled with cheese and maybe some hummus. A snack of a cheese stick or turkey jerkey stick and dinner baked fish and some broccoli. That's a typical day for me. I still am drinking my protein shakes but not every day. Trying to get protein in from real food, but some days its just way easier with a shake in the morning.

As for weight loss, I've lost 56lbs total- 36 post op. I'm super happy with this! Though this last week I went from 323- my lowest, and then two days later was 325 again. Know it was just water weight but YIKES that killed me. I had some very salty stuff the day before and know it was obviously caused by that (and TOM) so hoping to get back down. I've dubbed Wednesday's my official weigh in days, but didn't weigh this week because of Christmas. Didn't want to torture myself lol.

My pants are falling off though! I'm on my smallest belt loop yay! All in all I feel amazing! I haven't had this much energy in about 5 years. I'm walking SO much more, able to actually MOVE. Before surgery and being over 380lbs I couldn't walk to the corner store. Now I'm walking blocks, up train steps, walking around the city keeping up with my smaller friends. Its great! I do still get winded so I can't wait to get to a weight where I'm not out of breath when walking. For me it was about 285 when that happened and I can't wait to get there again!!

So I'm very happy with my progress so far. I'm going to post some 1 month progress pics soon for anyone who wants to see (If anyone even reads this haha) I'm taking progress pictures every month in the same outfit (well same pants, couldn't find the same shirt for the 1 month pic haha) but I can already see a difference! The pants are a lot loser then they were before yay!

So until my 2 month update (which will be January 14th) tootles! Oh and January 7th is my birthday so I would LOVE to be able to get out of the 320's by then- fingers crossed!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 21, 2005
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