I'm a 52 year old married mother of 2 beautiful adopted daughters.  I've been yo-yo dieting as long as I can remember.  Every diet under the sun.  12 years ago, I started an extreme exercise (running 5-6 miles a day and weights) while watching what i ate.  Got to 149 from 210 and felt and looked great.  Shortly thereafter my DH and I started the adoption process, which proved to be a difficult albeit a successful journey.  During that stressful time I injured my back (bye-bye running) and slowly put the 60 pounds plus another 10 back on over the course of 12 years.  Last spring i spent over $1000 on Nutri-system,  Went from my all time high of 230 to 200, then came summer fun, fall and winter.  In January when I tried once again to restart I decided at the age of 52 I was done.  Done with the daily struggle.  My older sister has VSG a year before and lost about 70 lbs. She begged me to go for it...and I did.  I had just had enough.  I don't want to spend the rest of my adult life on a diet.  \\

Self-pay I went to Mexico and never looked back!

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 07, 2011
Member Since

Friends 7
