Getting Anxious

Sep 12, 2009

I have about a week left until I start the fast.   Thursday is the endoscopy.  It's all happening so fast now and I'm getting anxious.  I'm nervous but I want this so bad.  I am praying the endoscopy goes well and I can get prepared for the filter to be placed and then for the big day.... The day before I will allow one full body picture to be taken.
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Sep 05, 2009

Please, please tell me you do get used to these chewable vitamins???  I can't stand them!  I take them, of course, but... I have had every sample "flavor" imaginable and I can already tell this will be a struggle to force myself to take every day
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Aug 31, 2009

October 6th!!!!  I can't wait and I'm so very very excited right now!  I will write more later, but right now.... I'm just enjoying celebrating!

Waiting Game

Aug 26, 2009

Yesterday I went for the doppler study on my legs to make sure I had no clots and an ultrasound to see if my gall bladder had to come out.  Both went well and my gall bladder may not be removed.  I am just waiting to hear on my tentative surgery date :)  I have my optifast all ready to go and have started taking my vitamins.   I just have to do my pre-op blood work and reschedule the arterial blood gas test I missed.  Other than that, though, I think I'm pretty much all set to go.
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Cleared for surgery!

Aug 20, 2009

I was so nervous going in because I needed to at the least maintain my weight... BUT I DID IT!  The rest of the session today was serious discussion about the risks and complications from the surgery.  At the end of it all, I signed the consent forms :)  If Dr. Barba wasn't on vacation, I would have my date but I have to wait until he gets back to get my date.  I am so very excited!


Apr 28, 2009

Whoo hoooo!  Can you tell I'm excited?  I should get pulmo clearance Friday and the psych eval is Monday.

Dealing with Insurance...

Apr 22, 2009

I have to say that this time around appointments are moving along a lot more quickly but at the same time, dealing with my insurance company has been an utterly frustrating experience.  I have Evercare MP, a medicare replacement plan for people with chronic illnesses (diabetes, asthma/COPD).  I constantly find that doctors aren't using this plan and the last blow was that my hospital isn't a contracted provider!  Mind you, it is a Center of Excellence and my surgeon (who only operates at this hospital) is a contracted provider!  Also, this is not some small local hospital, it is a major hospital in a medium city.  I have found a work-around.  When I called to switch plans to one that covered my hospital, they told me that if my PCP calls for a referal and authorization for my surgeon, once that is approved, then the related procedures will be covered.  Once again, I did get the case note reference number in case I run into problems later and relayed that number to my PCP and my surgeon.  Once again, a hurdle overcome, but it did take two more full days of back and forth phone calls to accomplish this.

Almost There

Apr 21, 2009

I am almost done with all my pre-surgical appointments and I can't wait to get my date!  I've been thinking a lot about what life will be like after surgery.  I am so thankful to have a great support network and I know that I will be able to meet the challenges that lie ahead.  I spent a lot of time this past week completing my Along the Weigh journal.  I do think that it was necessary to work on it but at the same time, I think it focuses a lot on the negatives, though.  I'm just to the chapter that deals with expectations and the timing is good with most of my pre-op stuff done.  I want to call around this week to various gyms in the area to get a feel for which one, if any, will work for me.  I am hoping I can find one where the staff will be truly supportive.  I don't mind going during odd hours to avoid the perfect bodies for a while, but the staff still needs to make me feel comfortable.  Speaking of being comfortable, I have a great support system and I am so very thankful to them.  Without them, I know I wouldn't be here right now finally moving forward with my goal of having WLS.

My supporters:  My sons- especially Erik.  Needless to say, they are my inspiration but also, I know they will be there for me when I have my surgery.

My best friend Tobi.  She has taken me to my appointments and is even planning on working on a menu with Erik and cooking for him for the first couple of weeks post-op so I don't have to cook meals I can't eat!!  

My sister Beth.  She has always been there to help me through my various illnesses and hospitalizations.  I know she will be there helping with things around the house while I heal!

On my way... again!

Mar 20, 2009

I was going to do wls several years ago.  My surgeon at the time required that we lose 25 pounds prior to final approval for surgery and no matter how I tried, I couldn't do it.  Now, they no longer require the pre-op weight loss so I'm going for it.  I am excited!!!

About Me
New Britain, CT
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2009
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