Thinking back --- Weight has always been an issue. Struggling to lose weight only to gain it back. After getting married - weight gain. Birth of first child - weight gain. Birth of second child - more weight gain. Turning 30 caused me to reflect on the quality of life. Sadly, I knew I was on a downward spiral. I had my family to live for. I sought help for VCU Obesity Center. I researched the available surgical options and decided that Lapband was the best option for me.



Post op: Looking back I ask myself "would I do it again?" Without hesitation, I can say with confidence - YES!!! I have lost 51.5 pounds and gotten off of my insulin. I am able to move with much more ease. I thank God for my band each and every day. I pray that he will continue to guide me in my daily discussions and that I will be obedient to Him. 

Well it is 2008 and at this point I have lost a total of 79 pounds.   Yes, I would have never lost this much weight on my own; however, I feel like I should have lost more by now.  I recently received a wonderful comment from my uncle about how great I looked.  This was very rewarding to me.  My goal for 2008 is to lose 56 pounds.  Doing this is put me at 200 pounds and a weight lost of 135 pounds.  I am doing this by exercising more.  I have joined the lapband 1000 hours of exercise for the month of January challenge.  I am committed to doing this by getting on the treadmill as soon as I get home each night.  I am worth 30-40 minutes a night for my health.  I am also going to achieve my goal by increasing my water intake to 48 or more oz per day.  This is a great feat for me because I currently drink less then 20 a day.  I know this is not healthy; however, I just have a problem getting it in.  No MORE EXCUSES!!! DRINK, DRINK, DRINK!!!!!  I will also write myself reminders to DRINK throughout the day.  I will also visit OH at least once a week for motivation.  This encouragement is vital to my sucess.
When i want that chocolate, cookie, or chip I am going to log onto OH and grab a cup of water.  Updates - Soon to come!

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 22, 2005
Member Since

Friends 25

Latest Blog 1
On the Way to a healthier 2008
