I am unsure which pictures of myself I dislike more: the pictures of me as a teenager or ones of me since.  I started puberty a bit on the chubby side, thinned out a lot.  And then with my first pregancy, ballooned.  I have since yo-yo'd in the last 17 years that it is ridiculous.  I have shot up to 242 and gotten back down to 150.  In high school, I was 90-110 max.  At 4 ft 11in, every pound shows.  And shows.  
Three years ago I was happy to have gotten down to 175.  I met a new man, and thought things were going the right way.  While everything else in my life seemed to be heading for happiness, my weight always seemed to hold me back.  I can't play as much with my kids as I would like.  I don't take pictures if I can help it.  And if I do, I usually bury them in the house somewhere.  Never to be seen again.
Now I am heading down a new path... moved to a new state almost 2 years ago, headed down a much better road in life.  I am really more scared of the surgery than I was of moving, taking my relationship to the next level, or starting law school.  But I know it's what I want.  I was by my mom's side when she had it done, and I know that she is much happier. I want to be happier.  I want to live to see my grandkids come into existence (somewhere a little further in the future tho, please ;) ) I would love to hold my great grandkids.  

I want to live. 
