1 yr today

Jul 19, 2012

It has been a hard but exciting ride. I'm down 180 lb's never to be seen again, thank's to my wife who has been my "ROCK" Dr. Sudan and all his staff are the greatest! I  my DS!!!


Nov 06, 2011

Three months out and 94 pounds gone.....wow I love my DS!          


Aug 18, 2011

Thanks to you that sent the words of encouragement!!!  I really needed it.  Things are some better.  Trying to eat every 3-4 hours w/concentration on the protein.  Looking forward to better days ahead!



Aug 13, 2011

Sorry it's been so long, haven't been feeling that great.  Actually, I have felt like crap!  Haven't cared about talking to anyone, seeing anyone, don't care about the phone, the internet, etc....Is this normal?  Has anyone else been through this?  Also looking to find some DS folks close by.  Would like to find a support group close by if possible.  I do not recall reading any of this stuff on the site before my surgery...All I saw was how happy folks are and how much weight they have lost.....I'm really having second thoughts as to why I have done this....hoping things will get better very soon.  I have lost 55 lbs since pre-op, just not feeling it right now.  Wife says she can see it though.  Please let me know of any support groups around Goldsboro, Smithfield, Wilson, North Carolinda areas....thanks!


Jul 29, 2011

Hi everyone!  Chip was d/c'd from Durham Regional yesterday (7/28/11) at 5p.  He's doing pretty good.  Still has one of his incisions that tends to bleed, but not as bad as it was while at the hospital.  His kidneys are getting better, but not back to normal just yet.  He has a couple of hurdles to jump, but overall, he's doing well.  Goes to the Wt Loss Clinic Monday for more labs and then to see the kidney doc.  They had to give him so much fluid (15 liters/40+lbs) that he did not lose any additional wt while at the hospital, but as of this am, he is back to where he was just before surgery.  We know he's not supposed to worry about the scales, but he really wanted to see what was going on.   Well, hope all is well w/you and maybe he'll feel like getting on here before too long.

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes! 
1 comment

Update 7/26/11

Jul 26, 2011

Well, Michelle here again.  Chip is still in the hospital.  Moved out of ICU Sat night and doing much better.  He is dealing w/a few ongoing issues w/the main one at this point being his kidneys.  Evidently, w/the bleeding and low blood pressure, his kidneys were "injured"....creatnine level has finally plateaued, now if it will just start going down.  He is free of everything but drainage tube and the IV in his arm.  Most meds are by mouth now.  He is having some problem w/nausea.  Just thinking about it makes it rough on him.  He is already finding some things he can tolerate and some not.  Hopefully, will be going home soon.    He hasn't felt like getting on the pc, but he will see all of your messages when he does.  Thanks for all the prayers, words of encouragement and get well wishes.   
1 comment


Jul 22, 2011

This is Michelle here again.  Chip has been in ICU d/t complications...ended up having to go back in OR d/t liver been torn during surgery and bleeding.  His blood pressure dropped and they had to give him lots of fluid.  He came out of 2nd surgery fine, on the vent d/t swelling in his throat.  Stayed sedated until early Thurs am.  He has been through a lot, but lots of prayers have been spoken on his behalf.  He's resting now and hopefully will leave ICU tomorrow (Sat). Also issues w/kidneys, but docs are thinking this should resolve itself.  They did call in a nephrologists to watch over this though. 


Jul 18, 2011

This is Chip's wife, Michelle....he is in surgery now w/Dr. Sudan.  Had an update that he's doing fine and they have been in there about an hour now. 
1 comment

5 Day's!!

Jul 14, 2011

Wow, five days until my surgery. Getting nervous  but excited also, I am on a liquid diet and have lost 10 pounds in 2 days.

See ya' later

I love my wife and daughter!   

This is not my thing but i'll try

Jun 29, 2011

I am not a typist so forgive my typing, I have been big all of my life, I have married the best woman on earth and she has giving me a beautiful 4 year old daughter which is one of the biggest reasons for having the surgery.

I take 4 shots (insulin) and 7 pills a day.  I hope to be able to go outside and play with her soon.

To God be the glory!


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 11, 2011
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